WinglessAngel17 - Afraid so! I will miss this story too!
Yorkistgirl - Hmm...I wonder too.
RichardIII1955 - Thanks!
So, we have reached the end of the story! I'm sad it's all over. I've really enjoyed writing it and getting to know my 'inner Ricardian' First of all, I want to say thanks to my lovely reviewers, RichardIII1955, Yorkistgirl and WinglessAngel17, but especially RichardIII1955, for introducing me to Richard, telling me what books to read, giving me all the right information about Richard-related stuff. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to write this. So thank you!
Finally, will Anne be reunited with Richard? And what of our modern day Rick and Annika?
Annika brought Rick home in the bloom of May. The blossom outside gently scattered petals in the breeze, and the fat white roses, which Rick had planted last spring, clustered around the garden walls. It was like they had been there, all along. Perhaps it was a good omen for what Rick had planned, whilst sitting bored to death in his hospital bed.
A week later they went to Leicester. This time, it wasn't a mad frantic dash to a conference, or sad lonely pilgrimage, but a family trip. Even Nathan and Daniel were on their best behaviour.
"Who wants an ice cream?" shouted George.
"Me!" shrieked Daisy, Warren, Nathan, and Daniel.
"Go ask Ed!" George ducked away, and pretended to be helping Rick walk along.
"I can walk by myself with the stick!" Rick protested.
"You heard Uncle Georgie, he's going to buy you all ice cream!" Ed shoved all the kids back in George's direction, who yelped and ducked down an alley. Rick just laughed, hobbling along.
"Well, where are we going?" asked Bethany.
"You know where you're going" muttered Ed, so that only she could hear "Rick has sorted the whole thing out. You and Eliza are going to stand outside the Travelodge, with your clue card, but first we need to shake off Annika. Right. Oh, look everyone! Public toilets! Who needs to go?"
"We do!" said Nathan and Daniel, playing their part well.
"Good idea" said Ellen "Otherwise the kids will nag us all day. Like they did on that disastrous camping trip" she added to Annika, who simply laughed.
When Annika emerged from the cubicle, however, all she found was Ellen sitting alone on the bench.
"Isn't everyone done yet?"
"Oh, they're all done!" said Ellen "But, the thing is, if you want to find them all again, especially, if you want to find Rick, they've got a quest for you"
"A quest?"
"Yes. Here is your clue from me" Ellen held out a piece of card with some writing on. She smiled "You have to guess the location of the next clue, to find the man you seek!"
"Oh, right. Any reason for this?" Annika accepted the card, and turned it over in her hands, reading the writing.
Ellen smiled "None particularly, but I have a feeling you'll like the prize"
Annika's heart beat. She read the card, and then hurried to the place she thought it meant to collect her next clue. The card led her all over Leicester, with one theme in common. These sites were all places to do with Richard! She went back to all the sites that she had visited a few weeks previously in her despair. Back then, they had seemed so miserable. Now, everything was beautiful. She truly felt as though there was a connection between herself and the history of the place.
"Twenty four!" shrieked Daniel.
"Daniel, what have I told you about this 'Chav-Spotting' game?" scolded Ed.
"I'm not playing 'Spot the Chav,' I'm playing 'Spot the Ricardian!'"
"Spot the what?"
"Ricardian!" exclaimed Daniel "We're counting all the people wearing boar pins!"
"Wonderful" Ed rolled his eyes.
"Hello, boys" greeted Annika "Have you got a clue for me?"
"Yes!" shrieked Nathan excitedly.
"Twenty five!" Daniel declared "Twenty five, now that Annika's here"
"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" asked Annika.
"We can't, it's a surprise!" squealed Nathan.
"Here's the clue" Daniel held it out.
"Thanks, boys!"
Both the boys hopped about excitedly.
"Now you've reached the last clue, you'll find me under Richard's statue!" she read aloud.
"Are you ready to go?" asked Ed "Everyone's ready"
Together, they walked along to the gardens where Richard's statue was. When they turned the corner, Ed motioned for Annika to go ahead.
It was the first time she had seen the statue, but it wasn't the first time she had seen a man bent down on one knee to her.
"You found me" said Rick.
"I did" Annika was smiling. She knew what he was about to say, what was about to happen, but at the same time, she didn't. The wind ruffled his short dark hair, which just about covered the poor surgery wounds. His dark eyes were filled with love.
"When I accepted a job from a history magazine, which I'd never heard of, to write about this chap here, who I'd never given two thoughts to, I never thought where it might lead me. The hours we spent chatting online were some of the happiest hours of my life. After a bad day, I could always rely on an email from you, waiting on my computer to cheer me. I always had an ally whenever I wanted to moan about something. If I was travelling somewhere, I had my phone, and being able to chat online to you there was like carrying a little friend in my pocket. You were like a little online angel. I think I loved you even then, even though I had never seen your face, never heard your voice. I loved you from afar. When I found out about how things were going wrong with Oliver, I think I felt like Richard must have done when he found out that Anne was married to a monster like Edouard.
When I met you for the first time, it might not have been the best circumstances to meet under, but I'm so glad I did it. I'm so glad I drove from Gloucester to Cardiff, and made the effort to see you. I know it was weird at first, but you were even more than I hoped for. We always talked about things we liked together, and we were always able to click, but being able to click with you in real life brought butterflies to my tummy. All the little things, like sitting with you, watching our favourite shows on the telly, going to the pub together, you massaging my back whenever it hurt, have just made me so happy. I can't imagine ever being without you.
I love you so much, darling. When I was in my coma, and I was dreaming, all I could think about was how much I wanted to get back to you. I love you, because when you love, you love with your whole heart, and to receive that is a beautiful feeling. I've never loved anyone as much. I want you to be with me forever. No one will ever hurt you, and I'll help you make all your dreams come true. I promise to be a good dad to our baby girl or boy. So" said Rick, reaching for her hand, which he kissed "Will you marry me?"
"Yes!" cried Annika "Yes, I will marry you!"
She bent down to him, knowing that he was still having difficulty standing up properly, and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed his lips, his cheeks, any part of him that she could. This was the happiest day of her life. Behind her, she heard cheering. When she glanced around, she spotted Rick's family, and her family too, watching.
"You brought them all here!"
"So I did! I wanted it to be special" explained Rick.
"It is special, this is, the happiest day of my life!"
"It's mine, too, sweetheart" he gently stroked her cheek with one hand "What date shall we set?"
"I think I already know" said Annika.
"The 12th July, silly!"
"Oh, of course" smiled Rick.
"It doesn't need to be a massive wedding" said Annika "Just our families, and a few close friends. And, I think I know where we should have it"
"Where?" asked Rick, but he knew. Annika whispered it to him, and he nodded in agreement "Yes. And then, perhaps, we should tell two very special guests where they can find one another"
"You'll want it loose" explained the dress-maker "You'll be showing much more obviously then"
"How many extra inches should I go?" asked Annika.
"How far along are you now?"
"About four months. I'll be five at the wedding. The baby is due in October"
"Well, not too much, I suppose. The dress style is quite loose as well. And you are sure this is the one you want?"
"Definitely" said Bella "It's her dream dress"
"Bwaa-waaa" crowed Angelica.
"It suits her so" added Eileen.
After she was finished deciding, Annika was back in the changing room, slipping back on her maternity dress.
"I remember the last time I came to you when you were trying on a wedding dress"
Annika turned around to face Anne.
"It was the first time we spoke" she nodded.
"You look completely different" said Anne "There is a light in your eyes. You can't stop smiling. I'm so happy for you"
"You're invited" said Annika "I'd like you to be there"
"Are you sure? You're not worried I'll scare away your guests?"
"No!" cried Annika "Rick and I...we'd love you to be there"
"I will walk at my wedding" growled Rick, as he paced slowly around the small garden at the back of his flat "I will not hobble around on that stupid stick all day. I will walk"
He completed three more turns around the garden, and then paused to sit on a bench. He turned to look at what he thought would be the empty seat beside him, and realised it was not empty anymore.
"I am sorry I could not come sooner" said Richard "But some of my people needed me, and I was loathe to leave them"
"I understand" said Rick, running a hand through his short hair. It had grown back by about a centimetre, but Rick wished it was longer, as it was before. He missed the feeling of Annika gently wrapping her fingers through it.
"You look well"
"I feel well. I feel much better. Everyday, I feel like I gain more and more strength. In fact, I think I might be able to walk properly in time for the wedding"
"The wedding?"
"Yeah" Rick laughed "I'm getting married. I plucked up the courage, and I proposed. And Annika said yes. There's a month left to go. And, speaking of which, I have something to ask you"
"Which is?"
"I want you to come" said Rick "I know you have other duties, but I think it's important that you come"
"I will be there" said Richard "Where and when is it?"
Rick told him.
12th July, Middleham Castle, 2013
The day had been warm, and now dusk was settling over Middleham Castle, and the Yorkshire moors.
The bride stood watching the sunset. It was the lull between the wedding breakfast and the after party, and she had stolen a few moments alone to watch the sight. Her golden brown hair had escaped her plait, and was gently blowing in the wind, as she fiddled with her bouquet of white roses.
"Well" said Anne, as she came to stand beside her "I guess this is goodbye"
"I guess it is" said Annika, laying her hand on her baby bump, as she felt a brief kick.
Both of the women looked sad, and then gazed out at the sunset again.
Annika was the first to speak "Did you find what you were looking for?" she asked quietly.
"Yes" said Anne, softly "And I don't know how I can ever thank you"
"It was Rick, really. It was Rick's idea. I suppose it's him you should be thanking, really"
"Richard has thanked him already" Anne dabbed at her eyes "It's funny. All those years spent searching, and we find each other here. Where it all began"
"Rick told me that he had no concept of distance and time when he was in his coma. I'm not surprised it took you so long to find one another" Annika turned to Anne "When will you leave?"
"Soon" replied Anne "I can move on now. We can all move on now. It's time to rest. When Richard finishes saying goodbye to Rick, we'll all move on. I never thought I'd finally see this day. How can I ever thank you?"
"You were a comfort to me when I was unhappy, and isolated from anyone who could have helped" replied Annika "I don't need any kind of thank you. You have given me enough already"
"You know" said Anne, looking back over at Middleham Castle "I don't think I'd seen my home look so merry for over five hundred years. It almost looks like it did the first time Richard and I danced together, and the night he told me he loved me"
"I'm glad that it has brought us both joy and memories that we can share, and that I have been able to remind you of the happier times in your life"
There was some laughter, and a burst of music. The party was getting ready to begin. It had been Annika's idea to marry at Middleham Castle. Though it was now nothing more than a ruin, with no ceilings, no heating, no decent facilities, Annika hadn't been put off, and had lit candles around the ruins for light. George brought portable speakers and an iPod for music. The food was a buffet, which they had packed. There weren't very many guests, the whole affair had been small and simple, but they were happy, and that was what mattered.
"Sometimes during my life" confessed Anne "I felt like I was a twig. A twig, being carried on by the wind and the water, or even a little bird. I didn't always have a lot of control over my life, and I didn't always have the chance to make a choice that I wanted. But all I can say, is that it taught me patience, and the ability to survive. The advice that I can leave you, is never to wait for opportunities to come to you. Be brave, reach out, and take them whilst you can. Because life is far too short. I should know"
Before Annika could reply, Anne smiled "Oh. And here comes Richard now. With our son"
A handsome man, with a dignified and refined regal air, was approaching them, clutching the hand of Neddy, who gazed up at him adoringly. Annika's throat clenched. Butterflies rose in her stomach and the baby kicked several times.
Richard walked up to her, his kind dark eyes fixed on her, and placed his hands on her shoulders.
"Thank you for your kind words of support and faith in my innocence"
Tears filled Annika's eyes.
"I...I don't know what to say"
"You don't need to say anything" said Richard, comfortingly wiping away her tears "Thank you for reuniting me with my darling Anne and Neddy. I can rest in peace now"
"I'm glad of it" Annika blinked rapidly, trying to stop more tears from falling "You deserve to be at peace. But what about your bones?"
"My bones have done what they needed to do. People know the truth about how I died, and the truth of how I appeared, and no longer will I be called hunchback or any of the other wicked names. Now that people have heard the truth of that, they will be interested in hearing the truth of who I really was. And it will be historians like you who will tell the truth, and for that, I am grateful"
"Aren't you worried about where you'll be buried?"
"No. Not anymore. That's such a living person's worry. I don't need that body anymore"
"Well, since this is the last time you'll ever speak to one of your subjects" said Annika boldly "I'm going to say this, on behalf of all the other Ricardians, but you were a wonderful king. You were brave, and loyal, and you tried to do what was right under difficult circumstances. That's more than any of what our politicians could claim to these days"
"Thank you"
Richard's voice was thick with emotions. Edward hugged him around the waist, and then looked up "Are we going to go now, papa?"
"I think it is time" said Richard, glancing over to Anne.
"I am ready" agreed Anne.
"And leave me here on my own?" asked Annika.
"You're not on your own" said Anne, taking Edward by the hand "There's someone looking for you"
Annika glanced over to where she was looking. A silhouette against the setting sun, Rick stood at a respectful distance. Annika smiled, and beckoned him over. Walking as well as he could, since he had refused to bring his walking stick to the wedding, Rick strolled over to where they stood, and lay his hand on her shoulder.
"Hello again, old friend" he greeted Richard. He turned to Anne "And it's a pleasure to meet you too, Anne. Annika has told me all about you. It's a shame we all have to part now, when we have only just met all together"
"We will all see each other again" said Anne "We will meet when your time is over. But I hope that is not for many years. I wish you both long and happy lives"
"And I hope we'll enjoy them" responded Annika.
Both Rick and Richard stood back so that Anne and Annika could say their farewells. They had said everything they wanted to say to each other before they had arrived, and so Anne wrapped her arms around Annika, and they both smiled at one another.
Then, as naturally as anything, Richard scooped up Edward and held him under one of his arms, and wrapped the other Anne's waist, and she wrapped hers around his. They turned away, and began to walk across the surrounding moors. Annika watched them, as they slowly decreased in size. The sun had truly set by now, and soon it would be impossible to make them out.
Tears leaked out of her eyes again. She would always be a Ricardian, and she would always adore the love story of Anne and Richard, but she had her own life now. She had her own love story. She had Rick, and she had her son, and she had a career that she would seize with her hands outstretched.
Beside her, Rick wrapped his arms around her shoulders, to stop her from getting cold. Annika leant her head on his uneven shoulder, and finally, Richard, Anne, and Edward faded from view.
He kissed her temple, and then dropped his lips to murmur in her "We should go back, they'll be missing us"
"They'll probably think we've snuck off to the hotel suite already" Annika smiled "After all, I'm anything but a virgin widow"
"I'd never treat you like that"
"I know. You'll love me and Neddy forever"
"Yes. He's our son"
"Our son?"
"Yes, our son. It's a boy, I'm sure of it"
"How do you know?"
"I know"
And so Annika turned, with Rick walking beside her, and her son inside of her, and they walked back into Middleham Castle.
The party had been fun, and Anne had danced with every young man who was her age. Isabel was talking enthusiastically to George, the Duke of Clarence.
"Excuse me, my lady" Anne turned, and Richard, the Duke of Gloucester, bowed low to her. Anne giggled and smiled at him when he stood up "But I don't believe I have danced with my betrothed yet"
"Then perhaps you might ask me for this next dance" Anne replied, as he kissed her hand.
"I shall. Lady Anne, may I have this next dance?"
"You may, my Lord"
As they walked away from Middleham Castle and into heaven, that was what Anne thought of.
The night Richard told her he loved her for the first time.