Prussia signed as he stretched out on the couch. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. He could handle Italy running around the house naked. Hell he would even go as far as to say he's immune to him by now. He kind of had to be, Germany had nearly killed him when he caught him ogling Italy's ass while he was making breakfast a few months ago. But now that Romano lived here too, his self-control had almost gone out the window.
Almost. He still held hope that one day Spain would give up on France and come back to Roma. It was highly unlikely but he still hoped. And as long as that hope was alive he would keep his hands off Romano.
Damn was it hard though. He had immediately found out that being nude about 90% of the time was a shared trait of the Italy's. He also found out that a hormonal and depressed Roma was a cuddly Roma. And he cuddled naked. Do you know how much control one must have not to ravish an emotional distressed naked Italian when they are all over you? Well Prussia does, and 'a lot' is the answer.
"Prussia?" He head a soft voice ask from behind the couch
"Can you come lay in bed with me, bastard?"
Well how could he say no when Roma was asking so nicely? He agreed and he helped Romano to his bedroom. He wouldn't be able to stay down there much longer though. It seemed as if his body becomes more and more swollen every day. Prussia wasn't going to let this chance to hold Romano pass though.
He got Romano down to his room and helped him into the bed. He smiled down at him, had Romano always been so beautiful? Prussia supposed he never took the chance to really look at Romano since he had always belonged to Spain. As much as Prussia loved a quick hook up, he always respected the boundaries around a taken man. And Romano had always been as taken as taken can get. Well until now he supposed.
"Are you just going to stare at me all night or are you going to get into this damn bed a hold me? You're partially responsible for this so take some responsibility!"
"I've never had sex with you Roma~"
"No, but it is potato bastard jrs' baby and you're his older brother…so it's your fault"
"Okay Lovino"
"It is. Now hold me! Or rub my feet"
Prussia let out a quiet laugh but got into to bed none the less. If Romano wanted to blame all his problems on him them so be it. Being able to hold the now very shapely Italian in his arms more than made up for it.
"Hey Gilbert?"
"Yes Lovi?"
"Do you think your brother and Feli hate me?"
"Why would you ask something like that? Of course they don't hate you"
"I have one of Germany's babies growing inside of me Gilbert! That's something only Feli should be able to say… I don't want to ruin their relationship…."
"Trust me Lovi, there's nothing you can do that will ruin their relationship. Ludwig loves having you around just as much as I do…..just trust me okay? No one hate you. "
"Except Spain" Romano whispered as he cuddled closer to Prussia.
A/N: This is based in the world of one of my stories that I have not finished writing yet. I'll post it once its done. Here's a few broken sentences to kind of give you a vague idea of the fic: Roma is pregnant with Germany's baby. Spain broke up with him and is now with France. Italy is also pregnant. Lots of cry baby drama because that's what I like to write. The end.
This might be deleted eventual and added into the actual story once I finish writing it.
I never read any comments I get on here because my Wi-Fi is awful and hates loading this site. If what you have to say is really important feel free to message me on tumblr. My main username is EightHundredPercentDone