Me: Hey everyone! Welcome to the last chapter of Trouble in Hawaii!

Raini: Okay, we're here. Why do you guys always recruit us to do your disclaimers?

Laura: Raini, be nice!

Raini: Sorry, I've been around Calum for too long.

Me: Ooookay. Who wants to do the disclaimer?

Ross: Ooh! Can I do it?

Me: Sure Ross. Go ahead.

Ross: First Hero of Olympus doesn't own us or Austin & Ally.

Me: Thanks, Ross... um, aren't you forgetting something?

Ross: Um... no?

Me: Laura? Do you remember?

Laura: Uh, sorry.

Me: Raini?

Raini: Sorry. I was too busy being annoyed by Calum to listen.

Me: Okay, Calum, do you know?

Calum: Yeah! I was listening! Can I do it?

Me: Go ahead.

Calum: First Hero of Olympus wanted me to give a special shoutout to LoveShipper, ashray4, abiecat, Ross's Juliet, and Emmalt, (and anyone I missed because I'm sure there's someone and I'm sorry) for reviewing every chapter! So thanks, guys! You're Rossome and Laurmazing!

Ross and Laura: Hey! That's our thing!

Calum: Sorry...

Me: Okay guys, enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 10- Forgive & Forget

For a moment after his eyes snapped open, Austin panicked. He was unsure of where he was, as he was lying in a bed that was much too stiff to be his bed at home. After a moment, though, the memories came rushing back. The last thing he could remember was blacking out after giving blood to Ally. He must be in a room at the hospital.

Armed with this new knowledge, Austin carefully sat up. When he wasn't overcome immediately with dizziness, as he had been after giving blood, he determined it safe to move and stood up, starting towards the door. Luckily he hadn't been attached to any wires, so leaving the bed didn't trigger any alarms that would possibly lead to people assuming that he had died. Unfortunately, this meant that he was alone, and would have to find the way back to his parents and friends alone. However, that wouldn't necessarily be hard, for over the past few days, he had grown quite familiar with the hospital's emergency ward.

Sure enough, when he stepped through the doorway, Austin had little difficulty navigating through the hall to the main area. And from there, it was even easier to find his way to the waiting room where his parents, Dez, Trish, and Mr. Dawson were seated.

His mother saw him first. She exclaimed "Austin!" and came rushing over with his father to greet him. As they did so, Austin realized that they hadn't been hovering over him while he was unconscious, as he had expected. So either they had been doing that and Doctor Sampson had ordered them to leave (which wasn't unlikely), or he had missed something. Once his mother stopped choking him, he voiced his theory.

Unfortunately, she mistook his curiosity as sadness that they hadn't been there when he woke, and gave him another bone-crushing hug. It took a fair amount of prompting from Austin before she finally answered. "Oh sweetie," she cooed, "We're so sorry that we weren't there when you woke up. We had been sitting with you, but then Doctor Sampson came by and told us that Ally had just gotten out of surgery."

Austin felt his heart leap into his throat at her words and stopped listening, even though she continued to apologize. Ally had just gotten out of surgery! That meant Austin's blood had worked! She would wake up soon! He would get to see her!

A huge smile spread across his face and he said, "Mom, it's okay. I forgive you. Will we get to see Ally soon?"

This time, it was Mr. Dawson who answered. "She hasn't woken up yet, but we'll get to see her as soon as she does."

Austin's heart dropped as fast as it had risen. She hadn't woken up yet? Well… he supposed that if she had just gotten out of surgery it wasn't so unusual… He just hoped that she would wake soon. He felt that he would go crazy if he didn't get to see her soon.

Reluctantly, Austin sat down in the seat beside Dez and waited in silence for the announcement that Ally was all right to finally come.

It did an hour and thirty-nine minutes later. Austin was staring at the overhead clock when he heard the click of approaching shoes and the squeak as the waiting room door was opened. As he had with every arrival thus far, Austin whipped his head towards the person, heart pounding out of hope that it was finally Doctor Sampson, coming with good news.

This time it was him. And Austin could tell by the relieved look in his eyes that the news he brought was finally good.

Trish noticed this too. "Doctor Sampson?" she asked, voice hopeful. "Is Ally okay?"

A small smile pulled at the corner of the doctor's mouth as he answered. "She just woke up and has asked to see all of you. Her condition is stable, so you many speak with her, but one at a time."

An odd feeling washed over Austin. Of course he had heard the doctor and was relieved, but his relief presented itself in the form of a sudden wave of nausea. He temporarily panicked, unsure of what was going on, but was able to force it down by repeatedly telling himself that it was okay, that Ally was fine, that he'd be able to see and talk to her in a few minutes. This succeeded in vanquishing the urge to vomit, but in its lee, a ball of nerves knotted itself in Austin's gut. What if Ally wasn't okay? What if she was mad at him for letting her get attacked by a shark?

Oh god. What if she was angry at him!? Austin didn't think he'd be able to handle that. Not after everything he'd been through.

Doctor Sampson led him and the others down the hall to Ally's room. A quick glance around told Austin that none of his companions seemed to feel the nerves as Austin did, and their excitement actually prevented them from noticing his. In a way, Austin was glad for that- he didn't want to be interrogated. But at the same time, it would to be reassured that things would be okay.

By some unspoken agreement, the group took the same turns as they had when they last spoke to Ally individually, which meant that Austin was dead last. He hadn't minded that when they first did it, but now, the few minutes while everyone else were inside seemed to stretch into years. Too nervous to stand still, Austin began nervously pacing back and forth in front of Ally's door, not caring what the others thought, even when Trish and Dez tried to get him to stop.

Eventually, his parents stepped out of the room, beckoning for him to enter. Austin's stomach clenched so hard that the nausea returned. He saw the others look to him concerned, but pushed all other thoughts out of his mind.

After all his waiting, he was about to see Ally. He just hoped she'd be able to forgive him.

The first thing Austin noticed when he stepped through the door was that the room was different. More specifically, that the ventilator that Ally had been previously attached to was gone, although the IV and heart rate monitor remained. These were all very logical and explainable observations, but what wasn't explainable, at least to Austin, was why his mind had focused on that first and not on the smiling, bright-eyed form of his best friend peering up at him for the first time in days.

At the silent acknowledgement, Austin forced his eyes to Ally. A second later it struck him that he had to force himself to look at Ally, and not while she was badly injured.

There was a brief moment in between when Austin and Ally made eye contact and when Ally began to speak. In that time, Austin could've sworn that he saw something flash in Ally's eyes, but it disappeared before he could look closely.

When she saw him, Ally's face lit up with the brightest smile he had ever seen from her, one that reached all the way to her warm brown eyes and sent them sparkling. Even though his pit of nerves still remained, it was impossible for Austin to not smile at least a little bit, for her life force was so closely entwined with his.

"H-hey Ally," Austin risked speaking, quirking a little half-grin.

Ally's smile calmed a little bit, and she responded, "Hey Austin."

Austin hesitated for a few more moments before pulling up a chair and settling next to Ally, who by that point was staring at him with a mixture of confusion and disappointment. Austin felt his ball of nerves tighten further. Ally was disappointed in him for her attack. He just knew it.

Austin had never been particularly good in dealing with problems- or at least, problems like this- so instead of confronting his friend, he simply asked, "S-so how are you feeling?"

Ally regarded him for a few more seconds in silence, her confusion now turning to disbelief.

When he noticed this, Austin's spirits fell even further. He had disappointed his best friend. That was a feeling he had convinced himself that he would never feel. Somehow, actually experiencing it felt about a billion times worse than he had imagined it to be.

Needless to say, Austin was not able to remain stoical for long after seeing that. After a few more seconds of eye contact, he was reduced to sobbing into the bedsheets, crying out "I'm sorry!" between tears.

Evidently, Ally was not expecting this, for only a few seconds later, Austin felt her place a hand on his head and heard her ask, "Austin!? What's wrong!? Why are you crying? And what are you apologizing for!?"

Although he still felt miserable, at least Ally was talking to him, and he knew he couldn't exactly have this conversation with his face in the covers (much as he wanted to), so Austin forced himself to rise and look into his friend's eyes, with he noticed with relief, now held only concern.

"I'm sorry for getting you attacked by a shark," Austin said as way of answering her question. "I know it was my fault. I understand if you hate me. I should've-"

"Austin," Ally cut him off gently but firmly, placing a hand on his wrist. "Is that what this is about? You think I hate you for my attack?"
With his gaze averted to where her small hand encircled his wrist, Austin slowly nodded.

Ally was silent for a few more moments, and of course this only revived Austin's internal panic. How could he let this happen!? He had almost killed the person he cared for most in the entire world!

Austin was startled from his downward spiral of thoughts by a gentle touch on his cheek. Startled, he looked up to see Ally, her brown eyes soft and face sympathetic. Unlike before, Austin felt himself be drawn in and quickly became lost in the hope that the lack of present anger meant that he was forgiven.

"Austin," Ally said again, her voice even more gentle than before. "I'm not mad at you."

Austin's heart froze for a moment, reluctant to believe her but wanting to desperately. "Y-you're n-not?"

Slowly, Ally shook her head. "My attack wasn't your fault. You did everything you could to make sure I'd be safe. You didn't want for anything to happen. And if you had been in the water with me when the shark came, the only thing that would have gone differently would be that you would be in the hospital too."

Out of instinct, Austin opened his mouth to protest, but Ally, anticipating it, continued before he could. "Plus… I know how hard you worked to save me."

A slow but steady relief was beginning to spread through Austin. He could feel himself relax and had the strange urge to jump up and down, the way realized he should have felt when he first heard of Ally's recovery. "What do you mean?"

Ally smiled a half-smile that was both sad and sweet. "My dad told me that you donated blood for me. And almost died in the process."

Not that he wanted to ruin the knight-in-shining-armor figure that Ally was making him out to be, but here, Austin felt that he had to protest. "I didn't almost die," he said.

To his surprise though, Ally shook her head. "Yes you did. My dad said that when you passed out, my doctor told them that that reaction was abnormal and could correspond to the donation being deadly."

Austin was stunned. Yes, he hadn't exactly felt great after the donation and frankly still wasn't but he didn't think that it was deadly… but then again, Doctor Sampson was an expert, and if he said so…

Austin cast a quick glance up at Ally. Now the look in her eyes was worried. Here, she had just been attacked by a shark and was worried about him.

He had already known it, of course, but it was at that moment that Austin realized that he had made the right choice by giving his blood to Ally. And he knew that, if need be, he would do it again. As many times as he needed to. He voiced this to Ally.

When she heard this, his songwriter's eyes softened further and clouded over with tears. "Oh Austin," she exclaimed, shifting in her bed to wrap her arms around him. He eagerly embraced her back, having missed her contact over the past few days. "Thank you."

Quickly, Austin shook his head. "No. Thank you for not hating me."

Ally pulled back a bit to look him in the eyes. "You're my best friend, Austin," she said. "I could never hate you."

At this, the relief of Ally not hating him combined with the relief of her being okay, and tears of relief sprung to Austin's eyes. "Thank you," he whispered. Ally smiled and embraced him again.

As Austin sat there, tears streaming down his face and his best friend in his arms, he realized that, despite all the pain they'd been through in the past few days, Austin had never felt happier in his life.

"Come on Ally," he said into her brown hair. "Let's go home."

And the end! The last chapter! I'd like to say thanks so much to everyone who stuck with this story until the end and put up with my terrible updating schedule! You guys are the best. You kept me writing this story after I lost interest in Austin & Ally. So thank you. I hope you enjoyed the story. Fell free to review and tell me what you thought!

Thanks to everyone who reviewed Chapter 9!




jae186 (Guest)

Guest (Chapter 2)

Naomi's Dragons



Ross's Juliet



Thanks so much guys! You rock!