Disclaimer: Y'know, I would think that by now, Disclaimer, you would realize that no one on Fanfiction owns any of the things they are writing for.

~Trouble in Hawaii~

Chapter 1- Letters & Leaving

"Thank you for shopping at Sonic Boom! Here's your change." Ally Dawson said as she served another customer at the music store. He smiled and walked out the door, passing Ally's favorite blonde as he came running in.

"Ally! Ally! Ally! Ally!" Austin Moon yelled excitedly.

Ally smiled at him. "What! What! What! What!" she yelled back.

"Look at this!" Austin said, taking a letter out of his back pocket. Ally smiled and took the letter. As she read it, her smile was replaced by a confused look.

"Um, Austin?" she asked, looking up at him. "This says that Moon's Mattress Kingdom is moving to a new location."

Austin took the letter back from her. "Oh, that one's for my parents. Why do I even have it?" he asked himself. After a few moments, he shrugged and threw the letter backwards over his shoulder.

"This is what I wanted you to read." He took another letter out of his other pocket and handed it to her.

As she read it, her eyes grew big and she broke out into a wide grin. "No way!" she exclaimed. "You've been invited to perform in Hawaii!"

Austin smiled at her excitement. "I know! It's going to be so much fun!" he said.

Ally scanned the letter further. "We're leaving on Sunday and getting back the next Saturday. You're going to be playing a concert every other day starting Monday."

Grinning widely, Austin said "This is epic! Hawaiian beaches, here I come!"

Ally walked out from behind the counter. "I can't wait either! All those awesome libraries with new books that I can read…"

Austin sighed dramatically. "Ally, you're such a nerd! We're going on vacation! You need to relax, chill, and have fun. You know what? I'm going to teach you how to have fun." He said.

"Austin, I'm touched that you care about me this much, but reading is fun for me." Ally responded.

The blonde groaned. "You need to have real fun, not nerd fun! You know what? As soon as we get to Hawaii, you and me are going to the beach."

"I, Austin," Ally said. "You and I are going to the beach."

Austin's eyes widened. "Oh, no. It's worse than I thought!" he exclaimed fake dramatically. Ally rolled her eyes and lightly smacked his arm.

"Guess who got a job at Sam's Sports Store!" (1) a cheerful voice called out from the front of the store. Austin and Ally turned to see their Latina friend cheerfully doing the special pose she saved for announcing her new jobs. She had on a white shirt with the words Sam's Sports Store on it, and basketball shorts with tennis shoes. Completing the look was a headband with a football on it atop her head.

Dez suddenly appeared from behind Trish. His hand was on his chin with his elbow resting on his other arm, which was horizontal across the bottom of his ribcage. "Yeah," he said. "I'm still not sure who she's talking about. I've been trying to figure it out all morning." The other three sighed at Dez's Dez-ness. (2)

"So, what's new?" Trish asked, leaning against the outside of the counter facing Austin and Ally, who were standing beside her.

The duo exchanged smiles, and Ally turned to Trish. "We're going to Hawaii!" she exclaimed. "Austin got invited to play a few concerts there. We leave on Sunday."

Trish's eyes widened. "Seriously?" she asked. When Ally nodded, she said "OMG, I cannot wait to go to the beach. Bye, I'm going to go pack." She rushed out of the store.

Dez watched her leave, than turned back to Austin and Ally. "Can I bring Thomas?" he asked. "He's my pet hippo."

Ally gave Dez a slightly creeped-out look. "Um… I think Thomas needs to stay here, Dez." She said.

Dez's eyes widened. "B-b-but he'll get lonely!"

Luckily for Ally, Austin jumped in. "Dez, why don't you have someone watch Thomas? That was he'll be okay."

Dez hesitated. "I guess." He said eventually. "I'll call my grandma; she's coming to visit in a few days." He took his phone out of his pocket and walked out of the store, dialing her number.

Ally slowly looked back at Austin. "I feel bad for his grandma."

Austin shrugged. "It'll be fine. Now, we should probably pack. We're leaving in two days, and the letter says that our flight leaves at four in the morning."

Ally sighed. "Yippee, a long plane ride, early in the morning. How fun." She said sarcastically.

"C'mon, it's not so bad." Austin said.

The brunette examined him critically. "Why not?" she asked.

Austin hesitated, biting his lip. "Well, it means I'll get to spend more time with you." He said, entwining their fingers, although nervously. "Which, for me, is enough of a reason to wake up at four."

Ally blushed, touched. "Thanks, Austin. That's really sweet." She said.

"N-no problem." He said, also slightly pink.

There was silence for a few seconds before Ally said "Um, I'm going to ask my dad if I can take my break early to go pack."

Austin nodded. "Alright, see you later." He said, looking down. As he did so, he noticed that they were still holding hands. He pulled away, the blush on his cheeks intensifing.

"Bye." Ally said, and raced upstairs.

Three hours later, Austin and Ally were back in Sonic Boom. Ally was working her shift, and Austin was upstairs in the practice room practicing the songs for his upcoming concerts. When he finished, he decided to go downstairs and help Ally work, instead of doing something destructive with Dez.

Austin wasn't exactly sure why, but lately he felt like he needed to spend as much time with Ally as possible. Whenever he wasn't with her, even if he was doing something normal like hanging out with Dez or doing something at home in the evening or morning, he had this weird, hollow feeling in his chest. Being with Ally was the only thing that made it go away, so he tried to hang out with her as much as he could without making other people suspicious.

For some reason, he thought back on the song he had written for her when she got accepted into MUNY. With the way he was feeling now, there was defiantly no way he could make it even a few days without her.

Two Days Later…

Ally was so excited she could barely sit still. (3) She, Austin, and Dez were currently sitting in the back of her father's car, while Trish- who was in a very grumpy mood on account of waking up so early in the morning- sat shotgun. She had called it as soon as they got to the car. The others (wisely) decided not to argue.

Ally excitedly squirmed in her seat again, which caused Austin to chuckle because of how adorable she looked. He smiled fondly at her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"I can't wait! This is going to be the best vacation ever!" she exclaimed.

Austin grinned. "And to think that a few days ago you were upset about waking up early."

"Oh, I'm still not looking forward to a ten-hour plane ride." She said.

Austin shrugged, then bent down to whisper in her ear. "Y'know, I still haven't forgotten about my promise." He said. "As soon as we get to Hawaii, we're going to the beach, so I can teach you how to have fun."

Normally, Ally would protest, but she was in such a good mood that she just smiled at him with her tongue cutely in between her teeth. Austin grinned back.

"Okay, you lovebirds; flirt later. We're here." Trish's half-amused half-angry voice said from the front of the car.

Pulling away from each other, Austin and Ally said in unison "We're not flirting.", which caused the Latina to roll her eyes at them and then stomp into the airport, still complaining about the early hour.

Austin looked at his brunette and redhead friends, smiling. "Ready?" he asked. They both nodded.

Grinning at each other, Austin, Ally, and Dez exclaimed in unison "Hawaii, here we come!"

(1) I know Trish worked at a sporting goods store in Managers & Meatballs, but I just got back from a trip to the mountians and I miss skiing. :( Oh, and I made up the name Sam's Sports Store. If there really is a store with that name, I don't own it.

(2) He couldn't figure out who got a new job, if you didn't get that.

(3) Sorry if you think that they're overreacting, but I know I would be excited if I got to go somewhere cool like Hawaii!

Hi everyone! I hoped you liked the first chapter of my new story, Trouble in Hawaii! Thanks for reading and don't forget to review! Oh, and sorry if it's too long or short. (One of my reviewers told me that my chapters were short, so I decided to make this one as long as I could.) Also, I felt that the characters were OOC at times, so sorry for that.

Oh, and just to tell you, this story is rated T only for when Ally gets attacked, not anything else.
