New authors note!
Sesi: So I've been polishing (editing) this wonderful master piece of mine while I prepare various other fics for their posting so yay! Which is the bright side of things.
Siku: what's the bad side of things?
Sesi: I'm a jobless graduate.
Siku: that's not so bad dear. At least you have more time for fan fictions right?
Sesi: yeah there's that at least! Oh and my friend is planning to adapt one of my original stories into a video game, I am writing an original fic (different than the game) that I intend to one day get published, and I have several chapters of Searching finished polishing. I'm not sure I liked the ending for either this or Keeping so I may rewrite both endings and combine them into one fic.
Siku: the plans to do that aren't weird and out of whack either. I've seen the scribbled notes on how she plans to fix everything and I've read the four deleted scenes (one of which made me positively salivate. I'm so happy to be the one to show you all it) one of which is in the first four chapters.
Sesi: yeah the deleted scenes are from both Searching and Keeping. I found them while I was looking for my notes on the fics as well as a possible spinoff that takes place about five years in the past with the Nordics as the main focus because I love those guys. Well the notes for the spinoff got intermingled with notes for Searching and Keeping so yeah... Heheh.
Siku: to wrap things up I'm excited to say we have been working hard. Sesi especially. She got major corrective surgery done on her feet so she's been recuperating for the past few months (since Christmas people!) and now she's all better! Well that and then all of her data on her iPod got lost because she accidentally wiped it right before she lost it...
Sesi: thank goodness that everything was backed up in my gmail and hand written on paper.
Siku: please excuse Sesi for being an idiot. She's a dumb blonde and can't help it.
Sesi: oh no I don't want to hear that from you! You're just as blonde as I am! Anyways thank you all for reading this long rant/update after my long absence. I didn't mean to disappear but my family made me take an extra special interest in my last year of school before I have to start paying for it. Now I'm a step further to getting my history and teaching degrees thanks to them at least :)
Both: have a nice summer and expect to hear from us soon!
Siku: Sesi is asleep right now so I'm going to inform you all that the first four chapters of the redo are done and up. I've no idea what her plans are mostly because this is her baby but I do have ideas and beliefs. Tomorrow I take over everything from her so that she can do college stuffs and job stuffs and I shall respond to everything and continue the polishing for the next two weeks. In about a week her mom and dad come home from a three year long stint in Nevada so she is going to move back in with them soon which means that for a bit her side of everything will be slow going which means that I will do the rest of the polishing until the last two chapters of Searching for the sun and then she shall take over and implement her newer ideas since she hated the ending.
Siku: also I have heard the idea from her several times about the combination of Searching and Keeping. Tell us what you think people. Should we do it? Also what changes should we go about with this? Speak now or forever hold your peace! :D
Siku: that will be all.
Sesi: sorry for the sudden disappearance we got some issues at home that had been unavoidable. Also I'm redoing this. I'll keep what I have but I'm going to just scrap everything and start over. I'll add on Keeping later on. Or I don't know what I'm going to do.
Siku: we really are sorry but legal matters were just getting in the way as well as Sesi sharing a room with her sister due to her mom and dad taking her bed. Well she also stayed over with me a couple times and somebody in her family decided to become an attention seeking whore and the police got involved so overall it has been nonstop writers block for her due to the stress.
Sesi: *in the distance* FUUUUUCK! I HATE PEOPLE!
Siku: our sincerest apologies but until stuff dies down there won't be any writing
Sesi: WHAT THE FUCK?! I KNOW WHERE I WANT TO GO BUT I CANT FUCKING GET THERE! Siku help me with my writers block!