Hey guys. Sorry for not updating, it's just hard to make a chapter that is interesting for people. That being said, I will just say that I am horrible at describing people, pokémon and pokémon battles so please ignore my horrible attempt at it. By the way I kinda edited chapter 2 but it's not much.
By the way, I can't get full credit for making this chapter for it was Michael Mario who helped me so thank you man. You rock!
For some reason, when I think of Cornelia Town in my story I feel like I'm listening to the song Lullaby of Resembool from the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood soundtrack.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything that doesn't belong to me.
Chapter 3: The start of Light's journey!
For Light, he didn't want to leave his home for a pokémon journey. He wanted to wait for his grandfather Garland. But things don't seem get his way. Follow Light as makes friends with humans and pokémon as well as battling against an unforeseen evil that is ranging all over the Dissidia region.
It was a calm morning at the Estheim household and for our young Light it would be the start of his Pokémon journey.
Light wakes up at the same time he does every morning: 7:30. But unlike before, when the Warrior of Light opened his eyes to see a small blue pokémon that is fast asleep. The boy was about to defend himself until he remembered the events that took place yesterday which got him his first pokémon and friend.
Light gave his Oshawott a pat on the head and headed towards the bathroom to get ready for the day.
About an hour later Light came to his room just to find himself tackled to the ground. He looked up to see a teary eyed Oshawott right in front of his face.
The Oshawott started to snuggle against Light, a few tears running down his face.
Light was immediately guilty for leaving his friend even if it was just for a little while. He felt the same thing when his grandfather Garland disappeared.
"It's okay, I just wanted to wash up," Light cooed, sitting up and hugged the pokémon gently. It felt weird acting like this to someone besides his family, but then again, Oshawott is family now.
The water pokémon seemed to calm down and hugged Light in relief and happiness.
Now that Light and Oshawott had their little moment together, the boy took the water pokémon in his arms and headed downstairs for breakfast.
"Oh Light, I was about to call you," Nora greeted with a warm smile when she saw her nephew on the last step of the staircase. "I'm making pancakes."
Light simply nodded and headed towards the dining table where Hope was rubbing his tired eyes. Of course Light had to get a bunch of textbooks and pillows so Oshawott can sit next to Light and be able to see his plate of food.
After digging into his plate of pancakes, Light noticed that Michael wasn't around. Michael stayed over because he couldn't resist Nora's offer plus it looked like Light was about to kill him if the assistant refused his sweet aunt's request.
"Aunt Nora, where is Michael?" Light asked.
Nora contemplated for a moment and then replied, "Your friend was in an awful hurry to get to Professor Cosmos's laboratory. Michael said that he and his brother have surprise for Cosmos."
'Michael has a brother?' Light thought. "Did he say when he'll be back?"
"Well he left some time ago so Michael should be back soon." Nora answered and the three humans and water pokémon resumed eating their breakfast.
A few hours later:
"Do you have your first aid kit in your backpack?" Nora asked staring at her nephew right in front of her.
"Yes Aunt Nora," Light replied.
"Did you pack extra clothes?"
"Yes Aunt Nora."
"Did you pack any food that can last you for more than a couple days?" Nora pressed.
"Yes Aunt Nora."
"Did you-" Nora stopped herself and began to laugh which made Light and Hope blink in confusion. Oshawott decided not to pay attention and played with Light and Hope's shoes.
Nora sighed in embarrassment. "Light, you know you could stop me from repeating what I asked a few hours ago."
"Why should I Aunt Nora? It is not my place to," Light responded looking as serious as ever.
"It is too your place Light. You are my nephew… no my son." Nora closed the distance between the two of them by hugging Light tightly. "You have always been like a son to me, watching you grow up, helping me take care of our house, and playing with Hope made me realize that even though I want you to go on this journey, I can't help but think that you won't come back."
"Aunt Nora," Light murmured against her chest.
Nora wiped her eyes before letting go of Light. She looked at his appearance. He had a blue shirt over a black sweater, wore light tan pants and had blackish blue sneakers for shoes. Around Light's neck was a blue crystal held together by a chain, around his right wrist was a silver Xtransceiver but Nora felt that there was something missing. Immediately she was reminded that she didn't give Light the gift yet.
"I'll be right back Light," Nora said, kissing his forehead before leaving the room.
All that's left in the room was Light, Hope, and Oshawott that has finally been named.
"Light?" Hope asked, breaking the silence.
"Yes Hope?" Light responded.
"Can you get me a pokémon while you travel?" the seven year old requested.
"Why?" Light asked, looking a little surprised.
Hope then started to fidget. "It's just… it won't be the same with you gone. The kids at school don't want to talk to me, mom is sometimes busy with work, and the same goes with dad." Hope paused and started again. "Having a pokémon will be fun. Besides I don't want to wait three years to get my first pokémon, that's way too long!"
While most people would be surprised at Hope's somewhat mature answer to Light's question, it is said that Light's family that they are known for their intellect and serious nature. Although this is the case, Hope is still a little kid and the same goes for Light no matter how much he denies.
"I promise," Light said with the utmost seriousness which made Hope tackle his cousin to the ground in happiness. While Light gave a smile in amusement, on the inside he was plotting ways to get even with the other kids in town because he's sure that Light isn't the only one who hears people talking behind his back. No one messes with his family, no one.
"I'm back! Sorry it took so long," Michael called out, using the key that Mrs. Estheim gave him to open the door to the suddenly empty house.
The assistant was about to yell out once more but then Hope ran into the room looking excited. The hyper boy noticed the 16 year old and ran into Michael's leg which made the owner of the leg grunt a little due to the extra weight.
"Hey Hope," Michael greeted, ruffling the boy's hair which made the boy giggle. "Where is your mom and Light?"
"Mom and Light are in the backyard. Come on!" Michael let himself be dragged by the silver haired boy.
Michael was blinded by the rays of the sun. "Sorry Light," Michael started to say. He was finally relieved of his temporary blindness but was still rubbing his eyes. "I had to get ready and on top of that, I had to meet with my brother…" he trailed off when he looked at Light. I mean really looked.
Light's clothes were normal and the accessories he wore suited him. But what struck Michael was…
"What's up with the horns?" Michael asked.
What was added to Light's new look was a dark blue hat with a bronze horn sticking out on both sides.
"Isn't this original?" Nora said, gushing in happiness. "My husband and I picked it out in our old hometown before we moved. Doesn't it suit him?"
"Surprisingly yes," Michael replied. It was the truth. It's not like Light was glaring at him with the blaze of a thousand suns if he disagreed with his beloved aunt. Not at all.
Light stopped his "not glaring" and asked, "I never knew you had a brother. Where is he?"
"First of all," Michael started, "You never asked, so I didn't tell. Second, he just left because he wasn't allowed to even be here in the first place."
Nora decided to interrupt their conversation by gasping in realization. "I forgot about her," Nora said, taking out a Luxury Ball. "There was someone else who helped pick out the gift for Light so come on out Micaiah!"
A light came out from Nora's pokéball and it revealed a small horned pink cow with black for the hooves on the arms and legs, the same color around its head resembling a hood, as well as the tip of her tail. The rest of the tail and her stomach is a cream color.
This ladies and gentlemen is a Miltank, the first and only pokémon in Nora Estheim's arsenal.
Although Light knows about his Aunt Nora's Micaiah, he took out his Pokédex to find out more.
Miltank - the Milk Cow Pokémon - It is said that kids who drink Miltank's milk grow up to become hearty, healthy adults.
Gender: Female; Level: 40; Moves: Defense Curl, Milk Drink, Rollout, Zen Headbutt; Ability: Thick Fat.
"Oh Micaiah," Nora said, gushing in happiness. When her Miltank made a confused face, Nora continued, "Would you just look at our little Light? He is wearing the hat that we picked out for him."
"Mil mil!" Micaiah cried out, hugging a stunned Light. Like Nora, Micaiah considers Light as her own son. However she does not know her own strength.
So while Hope and Michael were trying and failing to get the Miltank to release the suffocated Light, Nora as her trainer had to step in.
"Mica dear," Nora said to Micaiah, making her stop to look at her long time friend. "You're hurting dear Light so would you please let go?"
Micaiah was shocked to see that Light had passed out and quickly let go in fright and ran to Nora for comfort.
"It's okay Mica," Nora said trying to reassure her pokémon while Hope and Michael were checking to see if Light was alive. Thankfully Light's Oshawott was in his pokéball of else he would have had a panic attack.
In Light's side, Michael and Hope were trying to keep calm but are failing to do so.
"Mike, what do we do?" Hope cried out fearfully. What if his cousin has to go to a hospital?
Taking a deep breath, Mike said, "Don't worry I got this. Oshus come on out!"
Mike's Oshawott looked at his trainer with confusion in his eyes.
Taking another deep breath, Mike said, "Okay Oshus I need to use Water Gun on Light here," Mike pointed to the unconscious rookie trainer, "however try to hold back a little, we don't want to accidentally drown him."
Oshus nodded in conformation and started to concentrate. Using an attack is easy; trying to limit an attack's power was another story. However it seem like Oshus managed to do when it cried out, "Osha... WOTT!" It then released an amount of water that won't kill him but will still get him wet.
The two boys and water pokémon were ecstatic to see Light wake up and okay even though he is coughing to get the excess water out of his body.
Light only had time to say what happened before Hope and Michael tackled him back to the ground.
"Light you're alive!" The boys cried out in relief.
"Of course I'm alive, why wouldn't I be?" Light asked. "Here's a better question though, why am I wet?" Light said, glaring at Michael.
Hope was used to Light being angry however Michael and Oshus were not and were trying very hard not to tremble in front of a 10 year old. Oshus was so scared he went back to the pokéball without his trainer telling him to. What can I say, it's a trait that everyone has in Light's family.
Michael managed to regain his composure and said, "It was the only way to wake you up."
"And you couldn't do it with a spray bottle?" Light shot back. When the assistant started to reply, Light stopped him by pointing a spray bottle close by that Nora uses sometimes for her plants.
"Using Oshus was closer?" Michael laughed sheepishly.
Light only glared harder, if that was even possible.
Luckily for Michael, Nora and Micaiah came to the rescue holding a tray of milk and cookies.
"Mica and I wanted to apologize for the scare that we gave you Light, Hope, and Michael so I hope that this makes up for it. Presenting Mica and Nora's amazing Moo-moo milk and chocolate chip cookie combo!" Nora announced.
"Mil mil!" Micaiah agreed fervently though there are some traces of guilt in her eyes from what Light can see.
Feeling sorry for his Aunt Nora's Miltank, Light got up with little difficulty, dusted off his already dry clothes, went up to Micaiah and hugged her with all his might.
"See I told you that the bribe would work Mica!" Nora exclaimed to her partner, however Micaiah wasn't listening. She was busy embracing her trainer's nephew softly and trying so hard to not cry because this is the first time Light actually initiated the contact first.
Light wanted to say something but Light and Micaiah felt like it would just ruin the moment they have.
So Nora, Micaiah, Hope, Light, and Michael were sitting on the grass, eating their treats and drinking their milk.
"Alright, kid; let's gauge what you already know," Mike said after finishing his last cookie. "Can you tell me what the Pokémon League Challenge is about?"
"Um," Light started to say, scratching his head. "I know there's something about Gym Badges and the Elite Four. And Gym Leaders."
Mike smiled and thought, 'Maybe this is why Professor Cosmos dislikes this town's school. Education's getting lazy these days.'
"Hrm... okay then- I'll expand on that. In order to get into the league, you have to fight all eight of the Gym Badges and win their Elite Fours- also available at Burger King. Once you have every Elite Four, you are invited to the challenge where the six Gym Leaders await and defeat their champion: the Judge Magister," Mike explained with the utmost seriousness.
"Really?" Light asked, a little skeptical.
"Nah, I'm totally screwing with you." Mike pats Light's head. "You have much to learn, young warrior."
Light shoves off Mike's hand in distaste. "Maybe I would actually learn something if you weren't as skilled as a Caterpie!" Light shouted. Seeing Mike giving a strained smile but also twitching, Light clarified, "Oh I take that back; that would be insulting Caterpie everywhere!"
Right when Nora was going to reprimand her nephew for speaking like that, Mike interrupting her by saying, "You want to see how skilled I am? Fine, I challenge you to a pokémon battle!"
"What? Why?" Light asked, a little dumbfounded.
"To commemorate you being a pokémon trainer," Mike said. "You need to get in sync with your Oshawott when you fight other trainers and their partners so having a battle will help you practice that. And this will prove to you that I am capable of traveling alongside you."
"Are you going to use your Oshawott?" Hope assumed.
Scratching his head a little, Mike replied, "I would, but Oshus is a bit stronger than Light's Oshawott. He has a bit of experience but experience all the same."
Thank goodness that Light recalled the water pokémon before Mike came so his pride wouldn't be shattered.
However it seemed that Mike wasn't done. He reached down his belt and grabbed a pokéball. "This was given to me by Professor Cosmos for studying and I'm sure that this pokémon is itching for a fight." Mike stared at Light, looking closely, one might see fire dancing in his eyes. "So Light are you ready or what?"
Light then a small smile which kind of surprised Mike. "You're on," Light said with the utmost confidence.
"This will be a one on one pokémon battle between Light and Michael," Nora announced being the judge of the fight. "The trainer who makes their opponent's pokémon faint wins! Is that understood?"
Michael and Light nodded.
"Good," Nora said. "Now send out your so that the battle can commence."
"Dang Light," Mike muttered. "Your Aunt can be as serious as you if not more."
Apparently his opponent heard him. "Of course, Aunt Nora learned it from grandfather."
'What kind of a grandfather does Light have?' Mike thought in disbelief. The professor's assistant then shook his head. "Never mind that, let's get started!" Michael threw the pokéball. "Go Evolea!"
A bright light came from the pokéball to the ground a small distance away. When the light dimmed, it revealed a small, four legged creature. It has brown fur all around its body except for the tip of the tail for it is a cream color and it has a collar like fur around its neck that is also of cream color. It has brown eyes and has pointed ears.
"I wonder what pokémon is that," Light said, taking out his Pokédex.
Eevee – the Evolution Pokémon - Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup, this special Pokémon conceals many different possible evolutions.
Gender: Female; Level: 5; Moves: Helping Hand, Tackle, Tail Whip; Ability: Adaptability.
'Doesn't evolution mean that a pokémon changes their form when certain conditions are met?' Light thought to himself. 'And this Eevee has different evolutions? No wonder Professor Cosmos asked Michael to study it.'
"Look how cute that pokémon is mom!" Hope said, pointing at Mike's Eevee. That made Evolea blush.
"Yes it is Hope," Nora said to her son. "Now Light, it's time to bring out your pokémon."
"I hope you know that even though that this is you and your Oshawott's first battle, I won't go easy on you," Mike called out to Light. "This is Evolea's first battle so we'll go all out, right Evolea?"
"Vee!" Evolea cried out in agreement.
Light grabbed Oshawott's pokéball and smirked. "Just so you know, Aunt Nora, Hope, and I already found out what to name Oshawott, so come out Cedric!"
"Oshawott!" The Oshawott, now named Cedric looked like he was raring to go.
"So that's what you named your Oshawott," Mike noted, "however, that alone won't help you in the long run."
"Now that both trainers have released their pokémon, it's time for the battle to begin!" Nora announced.
"You go first Light," Mike offered.
"Gladly," Light replied. "Cedric use Tackle!"
Light's Oshawott then charged at Mike's Eevee. Evolea tried to dodge the onslaught that is Cedric but she was no match and was knocked back a few feet.
"Are you okay Evolea?" Michael asked, worried for his partner.
"Vee Eevee!" Evolea shouted in confirmation. She was hurt by the attack but not too badly.
"That was just a lucky shot Light!" Mike shouted.
"Want more then?" Light hollered back. "Cedric use Tackle once more!" Cedric charged at Evolea again using the same speed it used before.
"Osha-" Maybe you should get away from that Evolea.
"Wait for it Evolea." No, she should run.
"Osha!" Cedric was getting closer. Running time is now.
"A little bit more." Shouldn't Evolea start running away from its enemy?
"Wott!" Now is the time to run Eevee!
"Now dodge it!" Mike ordered Evolea.
Light, Cedric, and the narrator were astonished to see that Mike's Eevee gracefully aside, making Cedric trip and fall.
Wow. Epic fail Light and Cedric.
As if Light heard the narrator, Light growled and commanded, "Cedric keep using Tackle on Evolea!"
"Keep on dodging Evolea!" Mike said.
As much as Cedric tried to hit Evolea, it simply glided away like a Butterfree. Soon Oshawott and Eevee were running around the backyard much to the surprise of the other people and pokémon present.
Is this a pokémon battle or a game of tag?
"Evolea use your Tail Whip!" Mike ordered.
When Cedric got close enough, Evolea stopped to flick her tail in Cedric's face.
Cedric in turn, got distracted by the softness of Evolea's tail to notice Mike's call for a Tackle attack.
"Cedric look out!" Light cried to pokémon. However it was too late for Light's Oshawott to get out of the way and he got hit. Cedric fell down to the ground and was unable to get up from the ground.
"The match is over!" Nora shouted. "The winner is Michael and Evolea!"
"Eve!" Evolea cheered, jumping up and down and ran to Michael for praise.
"Good job Evolea, I'm proud of you," Mike said, running his hand through Evolea's fur which made her purr in delight.
Light and Cedric on the other hand weren't feeling too great at the moment.
Light's Oshawott trudged towards his trainer and dejectedly sat down and Light did the same thing.
"Oshawott," Cedric groaned in pain, feeling disappointed in himself.
Light sighed in response. "It's not your fault Cedric. I shouldn't have lost my cool like that." Light brushed the dirt off his pants and picked up the tired Oshawott. "Now come on, we need to get up you healed up."
Light and Cedric just got milk from Nora and Micaiah when Michael and Evolea came over.
"How did I lose?" Light asked, looking up at Michael.
Mike sighed and crouched down. He then took out a potion and starting to spray it on Cedric's wounds. "The reason is that even though our pokémon are about the same strength of each other doesn't mean that is all there is to it. You need a strategy as well to defeat your opponent." Mike let out a deep breath. "It was easy to see that you wanted Cedric to pummel Evolea into submission so my plan was to tire Cedric out, lower its defenses and make you lose with just one attack. Simple but effective as you just saw."
Light was silent for a moment. As much as his pride doesn't want to, he knows he has to apologize. The reasons being that his beloved Aunt Nora is giving a scolding glare at the moment and the fact that his grandfather Garland told him a long time ago to accept defeat and move on. With a heavy breath, Light bowed down and said, "Michael... I'm sorry. I never should have not that, it was disrespectful. Will you please teach me how to be a better pokémon trainer?"
Light felt a hand on his head, ruffling his hair. He looked up to see the pokémon professor's assistant smiling. "That is what I'm here for, isn't it?"
"Oh have a safe journey Light," Aunt Nora said, hugging the daylights out of her nephew. She proceeded to do the same thing to Michael. "Take care of yourself too Michael. I think of you as one of my boys."
"Sure thing Mrs. Estheim," Michael said, surprised at Nora's strength and also that she basically adopted him. "I promise to take care of Light."
"Bye Light, make sure you keep your promise," Hope said against his cousin's chest.
"I will," Light stated. "You're the big man in the house now so be good."
"Okay!" Hope gave a salute.
"My two wonderful boys," Nora said, clasping her hands together and trying very hard -and failing- to not cry. "This is very hard for me to say but I want you to know that wherever you are, be sure to know that we will always be there for you; for good times and the bad ones." Then tears started to run down her cheeks despite her trying to stop it.
Light wanted to comfort her but he knew that the longer he stayed, the more he didn't want to leave. So instead Light just bowed. "I thank you Nora Estheim for taking care of me all these years and being my mother figure when my mother passed away. I shall never forget this. I hope to see you soon. Goodbye." Then Light started to walk away with Mike in tow pushing the egg cart.
"Bye Light! Bye Michael! Hope you get some awesome pokémon!" Hope shouted, waving his arms.
"You're welcome back anytime you two!" Nora cried out.
And so Michael and Light had just begun their journey. However there is something more important to Light than becoming a pokémon master...
"You know Michael, there is someone I want to look for while we're on this trip," Light said as they were nearing to the outskirts of Cornelia Town.
"Who?" Mike asked, tilting his head at his young charge.
"My grandfather Garland. He's been missing for 2 years."
Woo! I am finally done! Yay! Sorry for taking so long but this chapter and my laptop were being divas and the fact that I was getting distracted with other things. So finally Light's Oshawott has been named. It seems like Light scares Michael but this is just a one time thing because he's used to it.
The reason why = Cedric: Welsh name meaning "war leader". I figured it would go with Oshawott's final evolution.
Micaiah: While some say it for males only, it is said that it's a unisex name though it's rare. Michael Mario suggested it when I needed help.
Now that I think about the battle it reminds me of a scene from the Avengers movie...
Steve Rogers: Stark we need a plan of attack!
Tony Stark: I have a plan. Attack.
Of course Michael would be Steve and Light would be Tony but I think that the roles are going to be reversed in the future. Or not, who knows.
Alright the next chapter will have Firion in it and hopefully one of the characters you guys submitted. Don't expect the chapter to come soon though. It might be just as long as this one, maybe even longer and that's a lot to me.
Please review. Besides I think I have more editing to do in this chapter so it might help.