Here we are. This conjunction of crossroads. The poetry of the moment. The roads the connected us here were long and perilous. All of the things we fear. All of the things we hope. All of the love. All of the hate. All of the fights. All he fear, the worry, the smiles, the laughter, the cuddles, the sleeping-on-the-couch downstairs, the "battles" over who would cook dinner or wash the dishes. Who was paying. Who was wrong. Who was right.

It was always him. He was always right. He is always right. Not always during our fights, but for me. I was always right for him too.

He'd never admit it. He will probably never admit it. But even if he doesn't ever admit it, I'll always know it. I've known it since I kissed him for the first time and he let me.

His face is beautiful. His lips are beautiful. His clothes are beautiful, but only because he's the one who's wearing them. His body is beautiful. His voice is beautiful. His nose is beautiful. His skin is beautiful. His butt is beautiful. His mind is gorgeous, his thoughts are pure poetry. He may not seem like he'd be able to, but the words he writes on paper when he can't bring himself to speak them make me cry.

I love him. I love him in a way that's always there, like instead of being colored gray like everyone else, I'm colored brilliantly pink.

But sometimes it just comes washing over me like a wave- no, more like a tsunami. Suddenly, my usual pink color is overrun by brilliant rainbow, and tears come to my eyes and, if he's not around, I call him and tell him that I love him, and If I'm around him I grab him and hold him and whisper in his ear that I love him. He likes it, even though he pretends to try to squirm away. He always just lets me cuddle him, in the end. he even lets me kiss him. And make love to him.
I take a deep breath. i close my eyes for a moment, then open them again. i lean in towards him, letting my lips just touch his ear. I smile- I can't help it when I'm around him -and whisper lightly, cheerily, nervously, though probably no one but him would be able to hear it.

"Will you marry me?"

Please say yes, I think to myself.

"Are you serious?" he whispers.


"Si," he whispers.

"What?" I ask, not daring to believe it.

He slowly wraps his arms around my neck. "Si, si, si," he mutters. I can feel his blush hot against my skin.

"Thank you!" I cry, wrapping my arms around his waist and spinning him around.

And he actually smiles.

A/N A Valentine's Day fic! Man, I am so awesome! And yeah, I know it's, like, THREE WORDS, but fucking deal! XP Jk, hope you had a great Valentine's Day... (Sorry I didn't write this sooner! XP)