"Dammit!" Tony hissed angrily, getting frustrated. Honestly, he graduated MIT when he was 19 with two M.A. degrees. He had built an arc reactor in a freaking cave. He had built MK I out of scraps, in the mentioned freaking cave. And now he was looking at a brown lump of something burnt which was supposed to be melted chocolate. He just scraped the contents of the bowl to the trash, where it joined other lumps. Good thing he ordered a lot of chocolate, mostly because he wanted to eat the rest, and still he was eating it, just getting nervous with his failures, having to snack on something. He did his research in melting chocolate. But the microwave method seemed better than bain-marie. Mostly because he had no idea what bain-marie means. He knew French, and while he figured out that the bain part refers to bath, marie didn't make any sense, meaning bride or groom. The only thing that came to his mind was putting chocolate on Steve and wait till it melts, but while this thought was really nice, it was very distracting, so he stuck to the microwave method.

"Why do you hate me?" he asked the microwave in a gentle voice, leaning on the counter, looking at it. "Seriously, I could just buy a new one when Steve had broke you, but I fixed you, and then I fixed you again and again, so why do you hate me? Hate Steve if you want to hate someone!" he ended in a snap. The appliance just stood there, without any answer. "Maybe you need a break," he patted the microwave lovingly and turned around. "JARVIS, what's a bain-marie?" he asked, giving up.
"It's a French term for a piece of equipment used in science, industry, and cooking to heat materials gently and gradually to fixed temperatures, or to keep materials warm over a period of time, Sir," the AI replied. Tony showed more chocolate in his mouth.
"Okaaay.." he muttered with a mouth full of sweet. "How do I do that?"
"One container is placed in another, larger pan containing water that is at the simmering point, causing the food in the first container to melt gently and gradually."
"Oh, that makes sense.."
"This method is also called a double-boiler."
"Now you tell me!" Tony snapped. That term he understood.
"I'm sorry Sir, but you seemed to be fascinated with the microwave method, didn't want to disturb you." Tony just gave the ceiling an irritated look.
"Remind me to reprogram you later on," he said dryly.
"Very well, Sir," the AI answered. It wasn't the first time Tony threatened to do that.

In the meantime, Steve was going back to his and Tony's floor. Valentine's Day was tomorrow and he planned to be out for the whole day, hoping that something will inspire him and he will find a present for his boyfriend. He had a feeling that brunet won't remember anyway about such holiday, but still, he wanted to give something to Tony, just because the thought that he let down Peggy, not going with her to the dance, was still haunting him and he decided to never let his boyfriend down, even if he would end with only a Valentine's Day card for Tony - he wanted Tony to know that he cares. But when he was halfway out, he realized that he didn't bring his mobile with him. And Tony liked to keep in touch when he was gone and each time Steve went out and forgot his mobile, brunet always made fun of him for "being too old to remember". And he had an annoying habit of calling Steve to bring him a box with donuts on his way back. As it irritated him in the beginning, now he was okay with that, mostly because that way he could at least have some control of what his lover was shoving down his throat. And now Steve, as he was thinking about donuts, started to think that he could just save himself the trouble and buy a box of heart shaped donuts for Tony. He was sure he could get them, because somehow at 14th February you could get everything in a heart shape. As he made to the floor, he smelt chocolate. Then something else. Burnt? Feeling already edgy, he rushed into the kitchen.

Tony was leaning over the stove, looking as chocolate was slowly melting in a metal bowl, placed in a pot with water.
"Huh, so that's how it should look like.." he said to himself, looking at the glossy melted goodness, remembering the burnt lumps.
"Tony?!" Steve stomped into the kitchen. Somehow he couldn't help the anxious feeling each time Tony was left alone in the kitchen, doing something more than just brewing coffee.
"Hm?" brunet turned his head to look at him. "Oh, hi Steve," he answered calmly, looking back at the pot. "Steve!" he turned now, more violently, shielding it. What the hell Steve was doing back so early?!

"I didn't know you were back.." Tony started to gain some time. Steve looked oddly at him.
"Yeah, I forgot my.. Never mind," he changed the topic, "what are you doing?"
"Nothing. Standing," Tony rambled.
"What's behind your back? And why do I smell burnt?" Captain narrowed his eyes.
"No idea.." Tony answered meekly. Just then the water started to boil, making the bowl jump a little, making tapping noises. Tony turned around, wanting to take the bowl, but Steve rushed to him, holding his wrist.

"What?" Tony frowned.
"Tony. What is this bowl made of?"
"Does metal conduct heat?"
"Of course it does, why do.." he snapped, before realizing what Steve meant and made an embarrassed face, looking away from him. Steve just smiled fondly, taking an oven glove, removing the bowl and turning off the stove. Tony was a genius, but somehow each time he stepped into the kitchen he magically started to forget all the laws of physics that he smoothly applied down in his workshop.

"Why were you melting chocolate?" blonde asked, swirling the bowl a little, as checking if it melted evenly. Tony flinched a bit.
"No reason. Experiment," he said quickly, shooting a quick glance to the side. Steve followed his gaze. What he saw on the counter were some fruits and a silicone heart mold, like for making heart-shaped ice cubes. Although it wasn't meant for ice. Steve looked back at the other giving him a soft, loving smile.

"You were trying to make Valentine's chocolates?" he asked lovingly.
"Uh, maybe.." Tony pouted, a slight blush on his cheeks, not happy with blonde knowing now. Now when he thought about it, it was really stupid. He was an engineer, not some pastry chef! He should just construct something for Steve, because now he felt that he made a total idiot out of himself. Captain looked at Tony, who now crossed his arms and pouted, resembling an overgrown child, just wanting to kiss him all over. It was common knowledge that his boyfriend had two left hands in the kitchen, so his attempt to make chocolates for Steve, made his heart grow. He got closer to him and took his hands, twirling him around, as if they were dancing, before dipping him to the back to which Tony reacted with a surprised squeak.

"What you wanted to fill them with?" he asked with a gentle smile.
"Apples," Tony frowned after his initial shock, knowing that apples were Steve's favorite fruits, making blonde laugh a bit.
"And how you wanted to put them inside?"
"I would think of something," Tony rolled his eyes, before grinning, wide and playful. Steve looked at him with soft eyes. He was very cute.

"Since you already melted the chocolate, what do you say for some fondue?" he asked in a husked voice, dipping him more.
"Do you mean actual fondue or make out?" Tony asked with a suspicious look.
"How about both?" he asked again in the same tone, dipping him more to which brunet responded with another squeak, and then smiled seductively, looking up at him.
"How about now?" he purred, half closing his eyes. Steve brought him back and with an approving murmur, placed his boyfriend on the table, flat on his back. He reached his hand for the bowl with chocolate and dipped two fingers in it, slowly drawing a heart on Tony's neck, then licking it off sweetly. Tony shivered at the touch and gasped as his soldier's warm tongue slid on just the right place on his neck. Steve licked the chocolate off, trailing a heart shape with his lips and kissed up his neck, soft lips tracing his jawline, just to nip under his chin to which Tony reacted with an abrupt intake of breath. Steve smiled sharp, his eyes shining. Why wait till tomorrow?