It was Asuka's birthday and as a surprise Miasto had gotten her two passes to Chuck-e-Cheese. "Why would she give me such a stupid gift!" Asuka complained to Mari, "You better go with me and win me a prize magane". Mari made a cat face, "Yes Princess".

They swaggeyed their way down to the chuckcheese and Asuka punched the mascot in the arm because it wass in there way and guided her girlfriend to the tablr. The pizza was really gross and the cake was disgustinfg and they ddin't tocuh most of the food. "It'd be better if that stupid Shinji made me dinner tonight, at least he's good at something!" Asuka complained. The played games and gambeled their tickets with the kids there, which they always won at.

Just as Mari had spent their last tocken and that would give them enough tickets to win the mega prize the machine broke and wouldn't give them their tickets. "This is rigged" Asuka grunted under her breath and all of a sudden Mari stole a bat from one of the kids leaving them in tears and approached the machine. She beat it over and over again until it was into pieces and it's head flew off like Kaaworu's. The tickets came pooping out and flooded the area like lcl. The mangaer ran over aand gave them a prize and told them to never come back. That's how Asuka and Mari got kicked out of Chuck-e0-whatever.