Hi everyone, you may have noticed that I have deleted the old chapters. I am currently going through and rewriting and also editing the old chapters. I realized I was rushing the story I wanted to tell in excitement and need to slow down. Any critiques are welcome as long as they're to help grow as a writer, non-helpful negativity will be ignored. Thank you all for being so amazing.

I sat in the back seat of the car as my mom drove just staring out the window watching the trees go by in a green blur. I tried to see how many I could count but eventually gave up and just stared out the window letting my mind wander.

It was peaceful, serene; unlike what my life has become in the past few days.

It started 2 weeks ago...

I wasn't feeling well the past few days having a fever that came and went, even sweating through my sheets. My fever never went over to dangerous levels thankfully.

Today though I woke up feeling very hungry but otherwise better than ever. After lazily stretching and rolling out of bed I walk over to the bathroom attached to my bedroom and look in the mirror to see how gross my post sick face was. Instead I notice that I don't quite look the same as I did when I put my head down on my pillow the night before.

Physically speaking my body looked like that of an athlete not too muscled just athletically lean, like my excess body fat burned away. Before I can think too much on that I notice how much more bushy and wild my hair is.

I know bed head can leave you with tussled hair but this was less than a tussle and more like I just got out of a wrestling match, it was wild and everywhere.

I start running my fingers through my new wild mane like hair.

'Where did this extra hair even come from? I thought you shed hair not grow more like a watered chia pet?'

I grab my brush from the counter and try to tame the beast beginning with brushing it out of my face. As I brush my hair away from the front of my face my eyes widen as I see my ears.

"What the hell?" I say slowly, dropping my hair brush hearing it clatter on the floor.

I cautiously but gently brush the tips of my fingers over my newly pointed ears. It was a strange sensation touching something that was always the same for the past 16 years but suddenly changed. I squeeze the top of my ears a little feeling the newly formed cartilage.

"Ouch!" I hastily jerked my hand away. It felt like I pinched a nerve, didn't expect them to be so sensitive.

I immediately start patting down my body from head to toe checking for other physical changes.

'Thank god there's not tail I don't know if I could handle cutting a hole into all of my pants'

I run my tongue along my teeth and –

"OW!" I whimper. I can't seem to stop hurting myself today. I open my mouth using my fingers to pull my lips further back.

"Are you sherioush?!" I say with my fingers inside my mouth.

My canine teeth have become fangs with the top teeth being longer than the canines on the bottom. I stick my tongue out to see where I cut myself on my newly sharpened teeth and see leftover blood but no cut.

I felt my tongue being cut but see no evidence left behind.

I step away from the bathroom counter and sit on the toilet seat.

What was happening to me? I've already gone through puberty and I've read some books about it and this definitely does not happen to 16 year old girls that I'm aware of. I look down at my hands and clench them in worry with my fingernails digging into my palms when-

"OW DAMMIT ARE YOU SHITTING ME AGAIN?!" I yell feeling a sharp pain in my palms and open my hands to see inch and a half thick curved claws stretching out from my nail-beds. I see the cuts in my palms well with blood and rush over to the sink and start rinsing my hands under the water.

'Whoa! What the he-'

I ignore the stinging pain as that suddenly fades away along with the cuts on my palms. The wounds start closing themselves up on their own.

As I stare at my now clean and newly healed hands in the sink that's when I remember reading a science journal in a doctor's office somewhere that mutants start to develop their powers around this age.

'I'm a mutant that HAS to be it'

I turn off the sink and dry off my hands. I walk back into my bedroom and stand there for a moment absorbing the new information.

Then I proceed to jump up and down in excitement dancing in place.

I always wanted superpowers. I was never afraid of mutants. It's silly being afraid of someone just because they were born different, it never made sense to me. Besides I was already a little different to begin with now it's just with powers added into the mix.

I calm myself down and rush to get ready practically jumping into my jeans and grabbing the first t-shirt I can find throwing that on.

I rush out of my room and run down the stairs. I slip on the middle step in my haste and instead of falling on my ass backwards I push myself off the stairs and land gracefully on the bottom step with a light thump.

'Okay, wasn't expecting that'

"Mallory? Did you drop something what is that noise?" I continue running and side slide into the kitchen seeing her drinking her coffee before I come to a full stop and yell, "Mom, Mom I'm a mutant!"

She spits out her coffee, "WHAT?!" She yells surprised.

I'm too excited to register her reaction, "I know isn't it exciting!" I say almost squeaking in joy.

She just stares at me gaping opening and closing her mouth speechless.

"A-are you sure Mallory? I mean how do you know?" She asks flustered, setting her coffee mug down quickly.

"Look!" I stick my hand out in front of me, close my eyes, and concentrate. I start to feel this pressure building its way from up my hand to my nail beds and then release.

I open my eyes.

"This time I did it on purpose I can heal if I cut myself too, want to see?" I move my hand to make a slight nick on my arm when my mom yells,


"Mom?" I look at her a little taken aback by her tone and she looks back at me.

"Oh honey I didn't mean it like that, it's just that well...this is very surprising is all and I believe you, you don't need to hurt yourself to prove it."

"Oh, okay." I say looking at her halfheartedly. She had a worried look on her face I hadn't seen before and I'd seen her worried plenty of times.

I always had trouble bonding with other kids and understanding people in general, but sometimes I preferred being alone to rather being with people which would worry her. This was a different worried look though, like she was also afraid of something.

"Hey mom it's going to be okay" I walk over to her and give her a hug trying to comfort her.

"I'm sorry for scaring you."

She hugs me back and squeezes, "You didn't scare me I was just surprised and worried, the world's not always a kind place like you think it is."

Part of me felt like she was telling a half truth, I wasn't sure how I could tell I could just feel it.

She was right though and I knew it, I always wanted to think the best of people but I knew that there were things out there bigger and nastier than I knew of.

Just as we were done hugging the phone rang, my mom let go and went over to the phone.


"Hello Mrs. Schneider, this is Charles Xavier from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters I would like to speak to you about your daughter Mallory."

My mother's eyes widen. I stand there giving her a puzzled look but she just looks away, I notice then that I can hear the man on the other end of the phone as clear as day so I decide to listen in.

"-my school offers a wide curriculum that can fit your daughter's needs, I would like to set up a meeting so we can meet in person and discuss this topic further."

The man on the other end sounded nice and soothing, he had a slight British accent that made him sound sophisticated. Charles Xavier, where have I heard-OH! He was the man I saw on TV talking about mutant rights with a redheaded woman and a blue fuzzy man.

Before she was done talking and could hang up I walked over and pulled the phone from her ear, albeit more forcefully than I meant to. Guess I didn't know my own strength anymore.

"When can we meet?!" I said excitedly, the words rushing out. I hear him chuckle on the other end of the phone.

"As soon as you'd like my dear."

"I have spring break starting next week how about then on Friday at 1pm?"

I look at my mom for approval and she nods still looking concerned but calmer after talking to Xavier.

"It's set then, although I would suggest talking to your mother about it first. See you soon Mallory."

After hanging up the phone down I sit down with my mom and we talk and argue for over an hour convincing her that I need to do this.

She sees a look of determination mixed with something a little more dominating in her daughter's eyes than she has ever seen before. It frightens her a little.

Noticing the change of smell from her normally vanilla blossom flavored sent-

'Wait since when has my mom smelled of vanilla blossom?'

I notice it was tinged with a bitter scent, not too powerful but enough for me to itch my nose in discomfort trying to wipe the smell away. It looks like my nose has gotten more enhanced as well, VERY enhanced.

Over the week I started noticing some other changes, besides my enhanced hearing and smell. My eyesight was more enhanced along with my sense of taste, which was a plus and a minus.

Great food tasted even better than before but bad food tasted even more disgusting.

My strength, speed, agility, and stamina were different as well. Not so much as I can pick up a car or anything that I'm aware of, I'm afraid to try.

I found out when I was at my Muay Tai kickboxing lesson, I was a much better fighter than I was before. We were learning before how to read an opponent's moves and now it's like that information became hyper focused with my new senses.

I took down the teacher. Well, more than took down I accidentally kicked him across the room, I had to quit classes after that.

It was all a haze almost everything seemed to slow down as it happened. I saw everything so clearly, my mind calm and steady in the moment. I anticipated his next move and then struck. That's when I heard a crack.

When I came out of it I saw him on the other side of the room surrounded by other students knelt around him. I heard them whisper that I cracked one of his ribs, maybe broke another.

It only started to get worse after that.

I also ride horses for sport and went to the stables to school the horses but when I got near them they all flipped out. It was as if they were afraid that I'd jump in and eat them.

I went in and tried to calm them down, they smelled bitter.

I figured out that the bitter smell that I caught earlier before from my mom was the smell of fear, it was horrible.

I foolishly went into the horse pen of the horse I was going to ride to try and calm him down. Instead he reared up and kicked me in the chest and I fell to the ground. I looked up and saw him about to come down and quickly rolled away and sprang up. I didn't even bother opening the stall door, just jumped clean over it.

My chest hurt like hell and I tried to lift up my shirt but winced in pain and found that I couldn't. I probably broke something. Panicking I took out a claw and cut the middle of my shirt. What I saw had my breath caught in my throat and tears welled up in my eyes from the pain.

My chest was red, dark blue, and bleeding. There was a hoof shaped mark that was fading and slowly turning yellow. I stared at my chest until it fully healed. After I didn't feel any more pain I stretched and turned my torso making sure everything was okay.

Probably not the smartest thing but I didn't know what else to do. I have never broken anything before so I don't know the full extent of my healing capabilities.

I drove home straight away after that, cleaning up and throwing away my clothes before my mom could see. I sat down on my bed exhausted and looked at the picture frame on my bedside table.

I picked it up and smiled at it fondly, it held a photo of my brother and me. We were at the beach and he had his arm hooked lovingly on top of my head bending it toward him in a brotherly manner while his other hand held the football and I was standing there bent toward him awkwardly, we were both smiling.

I wish he was here but we haven't heard from him in a year. He used to send me letters but now they are few and far in between. He left a week after my mom and he got into a fight, he started behaving differently 3 weeks after he turned 17.

I was depressed for a while after that and begged him to stay. He said he would come back. In the meantime I'm here, waiting.

I never thought anything of it until now. Just as I was about to finish that thought my mom came in. We were leaving to see Professor Xavier's school in a few days. I now had more questions than I would have liked to have had before. My mom doesn't know what has been going on and I hope she never will, I don't think I could stand it if my own mother feared me.

So here we are back in the car two hours away from Xavier's school. I look out the window expecting to see it in the distance.

Instead I hear the roaring rumble of a motorcycle engine outside, I turn around in my seat and open the window and stick my head out, my hair blowing in the wind behind me. At first I saw nothing, but then slowly I watch as a man in a faded brown leather jacket wearing no helmet approach us from behind.

'Crazy man'

He must have been a mile or so away but it sounded like he was right next to me. As he approached I got a side glare from him as he drove next to us.

He fully turned his head suddenly and I saw him stiffen. We stared at each other for what must have been a minute. Felt like the longest minute of my life.

He had piercing brown eyes almost black if that was possible that led down to a thickly bridged nose. He had mutton chops that stopped on his jaw bone before a strong looking chin.

He wasn't what you would call a traditionally looking handsome man, but something dangerous and wild.

Traditional is boring anyway.

I tried to put strands of my hair that were trying to work their way into my mouth behind my ear.

I heard my mom calling my name telling me to get back in breaking whatever spell I was under. I ducked my head and sat back into my seat still staring at him as I did so.

He seemed to have come to his senses too, he just smirked and quirked his eyebrow then sped up ahead of us in the same direction we were going.

'Cheeky bastard'

I felt my face warm and I had no idea why, something inside of me was thrilled when I first saw him.

'Stupid girl he is probably a billion times older than you no need for a school girl crush plus you probably won't see him again...ever'