YES THE TIME HAS FINALLY COME! The new chapter of Lovesick Puppies has arrived! I know I know, it has been FOREVER since I updated any of my stories. I'd like to apologize for those who have waited for so long to see the next chapter, but at the same time I won't apologize for things out of my control. I work on my stories when I can and sometimes events in my life push them to the back burner for a while.
IMPORTANT NOTE!: At the end of the chapter I will be answering a few questions that multiple people have been asking me so I can clear a few things up for everyone.
Alright, I'm sure everyone could care less about the AN and want to get straight to the story so here it is!
~Lovesick Puppies~
"Greetings Lord Sesshoumaru."
"Lord Ryuujin, Lady Rinko." Sesshoumaru bowed his head in acknowledgement. "Welcome."
"My, I'd heard the rumors about your royal advisors, but to think that they were true!" Lady Rinko gasped, studying Kan and Daini. "Your talents never cease to amaze me, Lord Sesshoumaru."
Ryuujin nodded in agreement with his mate, "To make an avatar of oneself is quite an achievement, one that very few have accomplished." He looked at Daini, "And yet you've managed to make two…" His gaze turned to Kan "and from the appearance of this one, you could do so at quite a young age."
Kan held back a growl.
"Hn, Kan, Daini, and myself are one in the same, and are to be treated as such." Sesshoumaru's tone was polite, but the threat was there.
"Indeed." Ryuujin acquiesced, "But if you do not mind me asking, why reveal them now? Sure there were rumors, but until now no one outside of your own staff had seen your avatars. What has changed your mind?"
"My intentions are my own." Sesshoumaru answered.
Ryuujin was about to press the matter when his mate cut in.
"Oh! And who might this be?" Rinko asked.
His mate's question drew his attention to the small girl and kit standing between Kan and Daini.
Kagome's hand clutched the fabric of Daini's Hakamas nervously.
Daini placed a comforting hand on her head as Sesshoumaru spoke.
"Kagome, Shippo, greet the Lord and Lady of the Eastern Lands."
Kagome bowed formally.
"Another human ward Lord Sesshoumaru?" Rinko asked curiously. "A Kit as well?"
Ryuujin shook his head, stepping closer, and inhaled deeply.
Kan pulled Kagome to his side as Daini took a step forward in warning.
Ryuujin smiled, his suspicions affirmed, before stepping back by his mate's side. "Nay, mate, take in her scent."
Rinko inhaled deeply like Ryuujin had. "Oh my! She's your intended?!"
"Why on earth would the Mighty Lord of the West take a human child as his mate to be?" Ryuujin asked haughtily. "Perhaps you take after your father more than you'd like?"
Sesshoumaru's icy glare cut off the man's laugh.
"This one does not have to explain himself to the likes of you. You were invited here as a courtesy, do not mistake that courtesy for friendship."
"T-the likes of- how dare you!" Ryuujin sputtered in anger. "I am the Lord of the East! I deserve as much respect as you do!"
"No, your father deserved as much respect as I do, you on the other hand have turned your once prosperous domain into a poor and dilapidated land. Your people suffer and die in the streets while you and your mate sit in the lap of luxury and neglect your duties. As I said before, your invitation was a courtesy because of my respect of your late father, do not mistake it as anything else. You may stay or leave, I care not, but you will not insult what is mine and live to do it a third time." He looked beyond their flabbergasted forms to the approaching couple. "If you excuse me, I have other guests to attend to."
He nodded towards a nearby servant who moved forward.
"If you'll follow me, I shall show you to your rooms." The servant said.
"E-enjoy your stay." Kagome said softly as the couple angrily followed the servant out of the room.
Daini placed a comforting hand upon her head. "Do not fret, Koi, you did nothing wrong."
Kagome nodded nervously, still watching the retreating couple. A tug on her hand brought her attention to Shippo. He smiled encouragingly at her before making a funny face.
Kagome giggled.
"Oh My! What an adorable little girl! And such a handsome young kit!" a female voice said, catching the attention of the four standing behind Sesshoumaru. The next guests had approached and Sesshoumaru had given his greeting. The woman who had spoken observed Kagome with a gentle smile. The woman's fiery red hair was arranged skillfully on top of her head, if it had been down it would have surely touched the floor. Her bright green eyes held none of the malice that the previous couple had. She stood next to a man a head taller than she with dark brown hair and dark violet eyes. The man was conversing politely with Sesshoumaru, but gave Kagome and Shippo a quick smile and a wink before returning to his conversation. "What are your names darlings?" The Lady asked.
"M-My name is Kagome." Kagome bowed respectfully, "Nice to meet you,"
"My name is Shippo." Shippo bowed as well.
"Welcome." They both chimed before returning to their upright position.
"Such good manners! Are they more wards of yours Sesshoumaru? I do so miss your other ward, such a delightful little girl."
Sesshoumaru shook his head slightly. "No, Kimiko, they are not wards of mine. Kagome is my intended."
Kimiko glanced at him curiously. "Your intended? At such a young age?"
"Correct me if I am wrong, old friend," The man glanced at Kagome, "but were you not intending to court the Shikon Miko?"
"Oh yes!" Kimiko nodded, "I remember now, Yosuke and I came to see you once when you returned to see to your duties… you had told us of your intentions towards the Shikon Miko and had hoped to introduce her to us on your next visit home." She pouted, "Did things not go well with the Shikon Miko?"
"Things… did not go as planned." He gestured towards Kagome. "Kagome is the Shikon Miko."
"Really?" Yosuke asked. "I hadn't expected the Shikon Miko to be so… young. I did not expect one who is able to accomplish such feats as that of the rumors I have heard to be such a tiny creature."
"As I said… things did not go as planned." Sesshoumaru answered. "I must see to the other guests, but rest assured, I shall explain everything to you. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting later in the gardens? Kagome is very fond of them. I'll have the servants bring us that tea you're so fond of." He said turning to Kimiko.
"That would be wonderful!" Kimiko smiled.
Yosuke nodded in agreement. "We shall see you later my friend."
Before the Lord and Lady could depart, a flustered looking servant rushed forward. The servant bowed and apologized profusely to both of them for the interruption before turning to Sesshoumaru. He bowed again, this time staying in said position as he spoke.
"M-milord I apologize for the intrusion but there has been a complication while accepting guests at the gates."
"W-well sire, one of the carriages that arrived…" The servant bowed deeper "One of the carriages that arrived does not belong to any of the invited guests."
"I see no problem, send them away."
The servant hesitated.
Noticing his hesitation, Sesshoumaru raise a brow. "Who is this uninvited guest?"
"L-lord Kazemasa."
Kagome felt Kan tense beside her and nervously glanced at Sesshoumaru. She didn't understand what was going on. Externally Sesshoumaru's appearance hadn't changed, but Kagome just knew something wasn't right. A nervous whimper escaped her lips, breaking the silence that had fallen around them.
Sesshoumaru turned towards her and crouched.
"Kagome, I think that Lady Kimiko would very much like to see the pink roses that have bloomed in the gardens. I hear they are her favorite. Perhaps you could show them to her?" He glanced quickly at Lady Kimiko, who nodded before joining in.
"Oh my! I do love roses so, and pink is my favorite color! Would you be so kind as to show them to me Kagome?" She held out her hand for Kagome to take.
Kagome looked at the smiling Lady then back at Sesshoumaru.
He nodded encouragingly and gently nudged her towards the woman.
Kagome took Lady Kimiko's hand and lead her towards the gardens with Shippo in tow. She glanced back at the four men as they walked through the doorway. Sesshoumaru, Daini, and Lord Yosuke were discussing something and Kan was watching them leave. The look on Kan's face confirmed the five year old's suspicions. Something bad was happening.
"What is your favorite flower Kagome-chan?" Lady Kimiko asked, pulling her attention back to their destination.
"Um….. I like the tiger's lily."
"The tiger's…?" Lady Kimiko questioned.
"Uh huh. Sesshou- I mean Lord Sesshoumaru has some in the gardens. They're so pretty! They have the same colors as a real tiger! I guess that's why they're the tiger's lilies cuz the tiger likes them cuz they look like him."
"Oh! Tiger Lilies," Lady Kimiko chuckled. "Yes they're very pretty."
Kagome nodded excitedly, easily distracted by the conversation. She frowned a bit, "Demo…. I haven't seen the tiger yet. I've waited and waited forever by his lilies but the tiger never shows up. Have you seen the tiger Shippo?"
Shippo shook his head.
"Maybe the tiger doesn't visit his lilies when strangers are around. I bet he's just shy. Next time I'll bring some treats for him, maybe he'll come then! I wonder what kind of sweets tigers like…" Kagome mused.
"Oh you are just too dear!" Lady Kimiko squealed.
Kagome tilted her head to the side, not understanding what the Lady was talking about. Shrugging it off she wrapped her tiny hands around the large door handle and pulled open one of the double doors to the garden.
"The roses are this way!"
"What could have possibly possessed Kazemasa to show his face here?" Lord Yosuke pondered.
"I doubt it is to join in the festivities." Daini sighed. "Of all times," he trailed off.
"He cannot come here." Kan growled.
"We cannot refuse him." Sesshoumaru sighed. "All Lords have a right to join in the Youkai ball… even those not invited." He turned towards the servant. "Lord Kazemasa will be attending the Youkai Ball, tell Jaken to make the preparations and show Kazemasa in."
The servant scurried off to fulfill his orders.
Kan's hands balled into fists as he attempted to control his anger.
"At this rate it is only a matter of time before Kazemasa catches wind of Kagome." Daini murmured.
"No." Kan growled.
"If her scent still has the same effect as it did before…" Daini continued.
"Kazemasa is unmated, he could lose control." Yosuke nodded. "He could go after her."
Sesshoumaru and Daini tensed, turning to younger looking avatar. His eyes turned red and his fangs lengthened.
"Kan…" Daini called.
Kan snarled.
"Daini, I must see to Kazemasa."
Kan's snarls increased. Sesshoumaru ignored the older avatar and continued.
"I leave this to you. Take him to Kagome."
Kan's snarls stopped. "…Mine…"
"Do you think it wise to let him see Kagome like that?" Yosuke asked.
"He would never harm her." Daini answered. "You would know, having a mate of your own."
"Yes, I know that my beast can recognize my mate even when I've lost control of it, but can the same be said about an avatar? I did not realize an avatar even had a beast. How do you know it will recognize the girl? She is not Kan's intended, she is Sesshoumaru's."
Kan growled at Yosuke. "MINE!"
"Daini!" Sesshoumaru called in a stern voice.
Daini nodded and beckoned to Kan. "Kan… let's go see Kagome shall we?"
" Ka..Go...Me." Kan rumbled as if testing out each syllable.
"Yes. Come, I'll take you to her."
"Yes, ours. Let's go see her."
Kan glared at Yosuke once more before slowly ambling after Daini.
Yosuke watched the pair leave.
"I'm not quite sure what just happened," he sighed. "It appears your oldest avatar isn't very fond of me at the moment."
"Hn, it has nothing to do with fondness. Any beast who's claim is questioned will become hostile to those who question it." Sesshoumaru turned away from the retreating pair and faced the palace entrance once more.
"I did not mean to insult him, I was merely curious." Yosuke shrugged. "I am surprised that you yourself let your avatar claim your intended, even if he is a friend of yours."
"Yosuke, you are an old friend of mine and I have always appreciated your company." He momentarily glanced at Yosuke before returning his gaze to the palace doors. "However, Kan and Daini are not just companions, they are a part of me. What is mine is theirs and vice versa. I do not let them claim my intended, she is already theirs just as she is mine."
Yosuke remained silent for a moment. "You know, Sesshoumaru…" he placed a hand on his friends shoulder. "When I met Kan and Daini for the first time I have to admit I was angry. I thought you'd kept them a secret from me because you didn't trust me. I was a little full of myself then, being your only friend and all, but I questioned our friendship when I discovered their existence. It was Kan that assured me that that wasn't true." He removed his hand from Sesshoumaru's shoulder and glanced back at the door Kan and Daini had left through.
"Kan reminds me so much of how you used to be. You made him right around the time your mother passed no?"
Sesshoumaru nodded stiffly.
"You were more open then, at least with the few you trusted. After your mother passed, you closed yourself off from everyone and I feared you were lost, but you found your way I suppose. You were never the same as the young youkai I befriended as a lad, but out of respect for that Sesshoumaru I once knew I remained by your side. Do not misunderstand, I found myself respecting and befriending the man you had become, but I had always felt a sort of loss for the friend I used to play with." Yosuke paused for a moment as if lost in thought, then continued. "If I had a guess, I'd say it was not long after that time that you made Daini and introduced me to the both of them."
"Hn, does this story have a point?" Sesshoumaru asked mildly, but Yosuke saw the flicker of amusement in his eyes.
Yosuke chuckled. "My point is… looking at you now," he hummed "I'd say you yourself are beginning to remind me of the Sesshoumaru I befriended all those years ago," he glanced in the general direction of the garden. "And I have no doubt it's because of those three."
Sesshoumaru smirked. "Are you saying that my previous personality was unappealing?"
"Oh not at all, I found it quite amusing to watch grown men cower before you at a simple glance." Yosuke chuckled. "But I think the sight of you three chasing that little girl around the garden will be a quite sufficient replacement, don't you agree?"
Sesshoumaru pondered his words for a moment and was about to reply when the palace doors opened.
"It's been a while…. Sesshoumaru."
Kagome hummed to herself amongst the tiger lilies. After showing Lady Kimiko the roses Kagome decided she wanted to wait for the tiger again. Kimiko and Shippo were chatting not too far away on one of the garden benches. Kagome had opted for a seat amongst the lilies because she'd hoped to see the tiger up close.
Kagome let out a sigh of disappointment.
"Guess the tiger's not coming this time either." She mumbled to herself.
Kagome startled at the small vibration of something landing behind her.
She squealed as a pair of arms pulled her backwards against a strong chest. She wriggled and struggled until she caught a flash of silver hair.
She relaxed a bit, then wriggled around until she was facing her "assailant".
Her only response was a rumble that vibrated through her.
Kagome gasped when she saw his eyes.
"Kan?! What happened to your eyes? Did you get dirt in them?"
Again, Kan didn't answer. He lowered his head and sniffed at her neck.
Kagome pulled back and placed her hands on Kan's cheek.
"Does it hurt?"
Yes. Kagome was his. Theirs. She would be their mate.
"Yes. Come, I'll take you to her."
His other self spoke again.
"Yes, ours. Let's go see her."
He sent another warning glare to the male with his original before following their other self out of the room.
Now… Where was his mate?
'He was listening, but he didn't bother looking at his other self. He'd know that he was listening.
"I know you'd never hurt Kagome,"
He let out a warning growl. How could he even suggest that he would?
His other self sighed. "I said you'd never hurt her didn't I?"
He let out an annoyed huff. He'd said never but it shouldn't have had to have been said. He'd never hurt her, it didn't need said.
"Nevermind." His other self continued. "What I'm trying to say is, though you wouldn't hurt her on purpose, you might scare her."
Scare her? He huffed again and his pace quickened. He knew what direction to go, he could smell which way she went. He didn't need to listen to his other self spout nonsense.
"Kan! She's different right now. She's just a little girl. She doesn't even know she's our intended."
Then she will learn quickly.
His other self quickly blocked his path.
He snarled.
"You will scare her like this! She is a child. You need to restrain yourself, even your beast. If you don't… you'll hurt her more than any physical damage could ever do."
He paused.
He'd hurt her?
No. He rushed past his other self and out into the garden.
She was here somewhere.
He closed the distance in a single leap and pulled her into his embrace.
He knew something was different. He knew she wasn't supposed to be this small. Something was wrong with her.
He let out a small growl in response.
"Kan?! What happened to your eyes? Did you get dirt in them?"
This wasn't right. She wasn't right.
He lowered his head and sniffed at her neck.
What was wrong with her?!
As she pulled back a growl formed in his throat, only to be stopped at the touch of her hands on his face.
"Does it hurt?"
"…Yes… It hurts."
Kagome watched as the red in Kan's eyes slowly receded. Her eyes widened with worry as his filled with tears.
"It really hurts." Kan pulled her close, tucking her head beneath his chin. He rocked back and forth for a moment before releasing her.
"Kan?" Kagome called, looking up.
He suddenly smiled at her. "I'm sorry for worrying you little hime." He tapped her on the nose. "Forgive me?"
Kagome pouted. Kan's smile was fake. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his head and pulled it to her chest.
"Stupid Kan!"
Kan said nothing, too shocked to reply.
"If something's bothering you, you hafta tell me! That's what friends are for dummy!" She pulled away and stuck her tongue out at him.
He stared at Kagome in confusion, then smiled again. This time, his smile was real. "Of course hime. Please forgive this foolish one."
Daini watched the scene from afar. He had been worried at first, but seeing Kagome's reactions to Kan's beast, he felt assured that she could handle him, and she did.
"It is amazing, isn't it?"
Daini glanced at Kimiko, who was also watching the scene before them.
"That girl, a mere child, was able to calm her intended's beast without even knowing what was going on." She continued. "With a simple touch at that!" she mused.
Daini nodded, his gaze returned to the pair in the tiger lilies. "Yes, it is amazing… but Kagome is no mere child. She is the Shikon Miko, and she has done something that no other could. Something that neither Kan nor I could do, though we tried so hard."
"Oh? What is that?" Kimiko asked.
"She returned Sesshoumaru's heart to him. She returned our hearts to us." Daini answered. "Just for that, we owe her everything." He sighed. "That's why it is so hard on Kan."
"What is?"
"That Kagome has taken on this curse, for our sake no less." Daini answered. "It pains all of us that we could not protect her, but for Kan it's much worse."
Kimiko nodded in understanding. "I think I understand now. It's because of when he was created, is it not? Kan was created when Sesshoumaru was quite young. At that age, it is dangerous to have an intended as an Inuyoukai, correct?"
"Yes. It is around that age when the beast begins to take form. In normal circumstances it is the pack elders that help control the beast until you learn to control it. But it was around that time that Inutaisho strayed and our mother passed. There was no one. So Sesshoumaru made Kan. We avatars begin in whatever state Sesshoumaru was in when he made us, so Kan is still in that state now. Sesshoumaru learned to control his beast, but he barely survived it himself."
"Are you saying that Kan is forever frozen in a state where he cannot control his beast?"
"I do not know myself." Daini lowered his voice to be sure that Kan couldn't hear. "His beast has only chosen to taken over two times before now. Both times it took both Sesshoumaru and myself to control his beast."
"Yet Kagome calmed him with just a touch." Kimiko noted.
Daini nodded. "Yes. With just a touch…"
They heard Kagome squeal delightedly as Kan tossed her in the air.
"With just a touch… Kagome has brought back my hope that Kan can be saved."
"Do tell, Sesshoumaru, do you treat all of your guests like this?" Kazemasa gestured to the doors behind him. "Such rude servants, keeping me waiting for so long."
"Hn, I assure you all my guests are treated with the upmost care." Sesshoumaru turned to a servant. "See Lord Kazemasa to his rooms." His icy glare returned to Kazemasa. "As a Lord you are permitted to attend the Youkai Ball. Your presence here will only be tolerated throughout the ball, afterwards you leave or I will personally remove you myself."
"Such manners." Kazemasa tsked. "You should treat your guests with more respect My Lord."
"You are no guest of mine. I am required to allow you to attend the Youkai Ball… manners however are optional. I would tell you to enjoy your stay, but I have no concern whatsoever whether or not you are entertained." Sesshoumaru stiffly nodded to the servant before turning and leaving the room.
Kazemasa smirked as he watched Sesshoumaru leave.
He followed the servant through a separate door.
"The fun is just beginning my friend."
"Sesshou!" Kagome ran into the Lord's awaiting arms. "Have all of the guests arrived?"
Sesshoumaru nodded.
Kan tore away his gaze from Kagome and Sesshoumaru and looked to Daini. He had been so distracted he hadn't heard him approach. He forced a smile. "I suppose nothing has changed, has it?" He looked away. "I thought I'd gained at least a little control of my beast. Especially after Kagome…" He trailed off. He tried again, "He didn't show up when she…" but once again he trailed off, unable to continue his sentence. He sighed. "Perhaps it would be best if I returned to the tower."
Daini placed a hand on Kan's shoulder. "Kan-"
"It is alright, Daini. I knew that this was a possibility when we left the tower with Kagome. At least now, you aren't forced to come with me."
Daini's grip tightened on his shoulder. "I was not forced. Had the crystal not been a factor I'd have still stayed with you. You seem to have forgotten that you are not alone in this Kan. Both I and our original feel your pain, your frustration. Our original has been there for you since your creation, just as you were there for him, I have been here for you since my own creation, and now," He looked to Kagome. She was chattering excitedly to Sesshoumaru, who listened adamantly to the little girl in his arms.
"Now, you have Kagome. We have Kagome."
"You've changed, Daini." Kan also watched Sesshoumaru and Kagome.
"It is not just I that have changed. Our original self has certainly changed I'm sure you've noticed." Kan nodded. "You've changed as well Kan, you simply do not realize it."
"Oh? How have I changed?"
"When Kagome first appeared, she brought out your playful side."
"Hn, I believe she brought out both of our playful sides."
Daini smirked. "Indeed."
"What else?"
"After Kagome died-"
Kan winced.
"I worried for you."
"Because of my beast."
"No, because at your perpetual age no inu can cope with the loss of an intended or a mate. That is why inu are not allowed to mate though they are physically capable to do so. This one admits," He hesitated. "I was afraid you would not live through it."
"I might not have," Kan admitted. "if it were not for the hope that our original's plan would work."
"I do not believe that. Had you been the same as you were before, you certainly would not have made it. The change Kagome has caused in all of us made you strong enough to endure."
Kan scoffed. "Even so, it was for naught. I couldn't control my beast, I put everything at risk."
"I disagree."
"You disagree? I may not have been in control Daini, but I do recall what happened."
"Do you?"
"Of course."
"Then tell me, what happened when you met Kagome?"
"When I…" Kan's eyes widened.
"Your beast retreated on its own." Daini smiled at him. "There is hope yet that you can control it."
Kan said nothing for a moment, before smiling. "Does this mean I do not have to return to the tower?"
"We would not allow it even if your beast beheaded Kazemasa."
"I wouldn't rule that out just yet."
"Daini, Kan!" Kagome called. "Sesshou says it's time for the ball!"
"Relax, Kagome." Sesshoumaru placed a hand on her head.
Kagome stopped fidgeting. "Will they like me?"
"It does not matter if they like you." Daini answered.
"All that matters is we love you." Kan added.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, our host and Lord, Lord Sesshoumaru." The announcer called.
Sesshoumaru gave Kagome's head a final pat before stepping through the opening doors.
"Accompanying Lord Sesshoumaru, Lord Kan and Lord Daini, the Royal Advisors."
Kan winked at her and Daini smiled before they both stepped through the doors.
Kagome bit her lip.
"Don't worry Kagome, you'll do fine." Shippo encouraged.
"Aren't you nervous Shippo?" she asked.
"Maybe a little, but my mama always told me that if you smile and try your best, then you can hold your head up high!"
"You're mama sounds nice. How come I've never seen her?"
"Introducing, Sesshoumaru-sama's honored guests, Lady Kagome and Young Master Shippo. Sesshoumaru-sama's intended and current heir to the Western Lands."
As Kagome and Shippo walked through the door they could hear the gasps of the guests.
Kan and Daini were waiting right on the other side of the door.
They lead her down the stairway towards the crowds of shocked looking people. Kagome noticed that some of the people were glaring. When they reached the bottom of the stairs Lady Kimiko and Lord Yosuke came up to greet them.
"Kagome darling, you look absolutely beautiful." Kimiko gushd. "I hadn't noticed before, but your Kimono is very pretty. And your hair!" She tucked an ebony ringlet behind Kagome's ear with an affectionate smile.
Yosuke nodded in agreement. "You are quite the little Lady."
"T-thank you." Kagome bowed in thanks.
Kimiko and Yosuke were beckoned away by another couple and Kagome followed Kan and Daini through the crowd.
"What does Impended mean?"
"Intended. It means you are very important to us and one day we'll be even closer than we are now."
"Closer?" Kagome hummed. "Do you mean like when people get married?"
Daini and Kan were shocked that the little girl had hit so close to home.
"What would you think about getting married?"
"Married to who?" Kagome asked.
"I think that if I could marry Sesshou, Kan, and Daini…" She looked at them and smiled. "I'd be very happy!" She giggled. "Ummm, why did that man say that Shippo was air?"
"Heir, it is spelled h-e-i-r. An heir is someone who inherits their family possessions. In this case, Shippo will inherit, or take over, the Western Lands should Sesshoumaru die."
Kagome frowned, "But I don't want Sesshoumaru to die."
"Neither do we, koi. It is just in case."
"Oh, okay. I don't really get it though…"
"Think of it this way," Kan started. "Shippo is like the prince. When he is ready, he'll be King."
Kagome gasped. "Shippo, you're a prince?!"
Shippo paled. "Y-you mean I'll be taking over the western lands." He paled even more. "B-but I'm not worthy of-"
"Shippo, you are one of our own. You are most certainly worthy. Once everything is back to normal, and Sesshoumaru and your mother have mated, you will be officially accepted into the family."
"You mean?"
Daini nodded.
"A blood ceremony. You'll be our blood, we will be yours. You will be our true heir, but, if you should chose, you may also relinquish your claim on the western lands once another heir is born."
"But," Kan added, "If you should chose to become Lord of the Western Lands, we will support you."
Shippo stared at them with wide eyes. "R-really?"
They nodded.
"Wow! Shippo's a prince! Does that mean that Sesshoumaru-sama is a king since Shippo's his heir?"
"Yes, he is, though we call him Lord he is essentially a King. His family has ruled the western lands for thousands of years."
"Shippo I didn't know Sesshou was your daddy!"
"Um, yeah." Shippo blushed. He wasn't used to thinking of Sesshoumaru as his father. Of course the Western Lord had claimed him as his own, but it was strange, to have a father again.
"But that means that… Sesshoumaru is already married with Shippo's mama." Kagome pouted.
"T-they aren't married yet." Shippo stuttered. He didn't want Kagome to be upset, but he wasn't sure how to explain the situation. "It's… complicated."
"Oh." Kagome smiled. "I get it. My mama told me that sometimes mommies and daddies aren't married even though they have children together. That's it right?"
"Uh…" Shippo looked to Kan and Daini.
Kan was hiding a smile by looking away from them.
Daini's face was expressionless.
Kagome looked at the three of them in confusion.
Lord Sesshoumaru glanced at the quartet before returning his attention to one of his guests. He was a lord of one of his bordering villages. He was currently in the process of congratulating him on his newfound soon-to-be-mate.
"I have to admit Sesshoumaru-sama I had not expected your intended to be so… young." The man prattled. "But the heart wants what it wants." He laughed nervously.
Sesshoumaru didn't bother to answer. He was uninterested in the opinions of others.
"I'd be quite interested in hearing the story of how these two lovebirds met, wouldn't you Lord Hattori?"
Sesshoumaru stiffened at the sound of Kazemasa's voice.
"Oh y-yes!" Hattori stuttered.
"Well?" Kazemasa smirked at Sesshoumaru. "Do tell, Sesshoumaru-sama."
Kagome walked up to them with a smile.
"Ah, here comes the little lady now." Kazemasa chuckled. "Hello there kitten."
Kagome stopped and stared at the man who addressed her.
"Hello." Kagome bowed.
Kazemasa seemed to be disappointed for a moment, then smiled at her. He was about to say something when Sesshoumaru stepped in.
"Oh! Sesshoumaru-sama!" Kagome smiled up at him. "Kan and Daini said that dinner will be ready soon. They've gone to inform the other guests and said I should tell you."
"Very Well," Sesshoumaru nodded. "Why don't you let Lady Kimiko and Lord Yosuke know?"
"Okay! I'll be right back."
"You're a clever dog aren't you?" Kazemasa muttered. "Having the Northern Lady cover the girl's scent. Who better to block someone else's scent than the most powerful of the hanako tribe? I had heard that they had found a way to shield away ones scent without a trace. Always playing with their silly plants aren't they? It doesn't even leave a scent itself does it? That concoction of theirs. Quite useful to those who do not have the youki to hide their scent themselves no?" Kazemasa smirked. "But it's only temporary isn't it? By the looks of it," Kazemasa watched as Kimiko patted Kagome's cheek affectionately, "It needs to be reapplied quite frequently. One little slip up though," He looked at Sesshoumaru, a menacing glint appeared in his eye momentarily. "and she'll set off all the unmated males in the room." He chuckled before walking away. "Better be careful." He said as he left.
~End of Chapter~
Alrighty now on to the questions! Questions are underlined and the following lines are my answers.
Where is Rin?
It is mentioned in the first chapter, or rather the prologue, of Puppy Love:
"Sesshoumaru had joined the group about five months ago. He had taken up her offer of working together to defeat Naraku and left Rin to be raised in a normal human village away from harm."
(Copied from prologue bolded to point out the answer)
I realize it's easy to miss and I apologize to everyone who missed it and was left wondering where she was. Also (lil bit of a spoiler) I never said she wasn't coming back… bwahahaha!
Why didn't Sesshoumaru use his sword when Kagome died?
Both of Sesshoumaru's swords were left behind when he was cursed. The retrieval of the swords is in the near future.
What happened to the necklace?
Sesshoumaru made some changes to it, the crystal is now bigger so that Kan and Daini can go anywhere in the palace, and a piece was removed and made into a ring so that Kagome could wear it.
That's it for now… if I missed anything, ask your question again, and I'll either answer you personally or post it in another authors note.