Hi, NorthernMage here with a Valentines Day special! Of course, in The Mortal Instruments, there's Valentine. So I thought it'd be just wrong not to upload a one shot in celebration of this awkward day for Shadowhunters and Downworlders.

Alec Lightwood: NorthernMage doesn't own Mortal Instruments.

General POV

Clary sighed, walking past the twenty stores, with twenty ads all about today. Valentines Day. The day that most people associated with proposals, love and chocolates. But, for her, it was the worst day of her life. A day associated with Valentine Morgenstern could never be good. As she arrived at the Institute, she went into her room, passing Church, the scent of Isabelle's highly poisonous cooking wafting throughout the Institute. She grabbed a seraph blade for training, before realising that today was a day without training. She yawned and opened her sketchbook. Inside was a pink card. On the front it said Happy Death to Valentine's Day, with a picture of Valentine with a group of angry Downworlders around him. Inside there was a small message. All jokes aside, you are the most beautiful person in my life and the reason I get up every day. From, your secret boyfriend. Clary snorted. Who had sent her this? Was someone playing a joke on her? Then she noticed the new set of pencils and manga on her bed. She had been talking about those only yesterday with Jace, who had barely understood a single word she had been saying. Still, someone had gotten her those presents. Could it have been Jace? It could have. Whoever it was, it touched her heart that someone cared about her that way. She smiled a little, and got to work drawing a sunset she had been thinking about for weeks. But, unlike in her plan, she put two silhouettes in the picture. Two teenagers, a girl and a boy.

Jace peered around the corner, seeing Clary with her presents. She hadn't seen him yet, thankfully. He wondered if she had worked out he was the one who had bought her new pencils and manga. When he had gone to Simon yesterday, he had simply shaken his head. 'Jace, you really need to get in touch with the world. I mean seriously, who doesn't know about manga or anime?' He had taken Jace to Anime Palace, a store that he and Clary bought all their manga and anime from. He had explained everything to Jace, how manga and anime were different, and how it was extremely important not to get the wrong one. 'You see, Clary already owns Fullmetal Alchemist, so it'd be dumb to get that again for her. What you need is this.' Through the Daylighter's careful guidance, he had managed to buy the right manga for her. It was called Soul Eater. He had had to apply a speed rune to put everything down before Clary arrived though, but it was worth it. Seeing Clary happy like this made everything worthwhile.

Awww, Jace. Anyways, in The Mortal Instruments, it does say she owns Fullmetal Alchemist. I just thought it'd be a nice touch to mention it and I just thought it'd be kinda ironic to mention Soul Eater, as both Mortal Instruments and Soul Eater are about killing demons and kishin. Oh, and I don't know if there is a store actually called Anime Palace. I just made it up for the sake of the story. Anyways, bye!