Hey everyone so this is the last chapter this was my first kick story and I think I did pretty good. I might do a sequel I don't know yet. Anyways, here is the last chapter.

"Wait what do you mean father?" Jack says.

"This is your uncle Kai's father." John says.

"So you mean that your son is after us?" Jack says throwing his hands up.

"After you I'm not after you Kai is that's why I came here." He says.

"So what's your name?" Kim says.

"Mark." He says.

"You're lying I know it kai isn't that powerful." Jack says.

"Smart boy."Mark says laughing.

"What do you want?" John says.

"Jack, I want him dead." Mark says.

"That's not going to happen. This is not how I raised you why can't you be more like your brother." John says.

"Why can't you be more like your brother that's all you ever say? I'm never going to be like him." Mark says.

"Why do you want to kill me I never did anything to you?" Jack says confused.

"Yeah I mean jack is family to you." Kim says putting a strong grip on jack's arm.

Kai walks in.

"Dad just stop it ok jack is my cousin and yeah he is better than me. I hate that but I am not going to kill him. I'm with grandpa this time I'm tired of being the enemy." Kai says and walks to stand by jack.

Kim and Jack look at back and forth at each other.

"So why do you want to kill me?" Jack asks again.

"Don't you know jack you are the one the piece to this entire puzzle if you stay alive then my side will lose because you are the only one who can defeat us." Mark says.

"What do you mean the one?" Jack says in quotations.

"You didn't tell him did you?" Mark says.

"HE doesn't need to know right now Mark." John says.

"Know what damn it someone tell me." Jack says.

"You are a knight jack and there is legend that they will return and you are there leader a descended of the most powerful and strongest knight. I think it completely shit and some fake ass crap. But they think it's real and every a hundred years it happens." Kai says.

"Ok, really I mean is this some kind of joke." Jack says laughing.

"I'm with jack and Kai on this guys it seems like some kind of movie." Kim says.

"This is real." Mark says.

"Ok, well I don't believe it so you don't have to kill me and I am going home to get some sleep we have school into morning." Jack says.

"Me too, Kai do you need a ride?" Kim says and grabs jack's hand.

"Yes, thanks and dad lay off this crap I am so sick of this and so is mom." Kai says and walks off with Kim and jack.

"Son I know that this is real and jack has to be ready. I don't care who's side you're on you are my son and no legend is going to break apart my family. We need to convince Jack and your brother they are so alike." John says and runs his hands over his face.

"I know." Mark says.

Kim's House

"What a long day." Kim says.

"Kai's speech really shocked me." Jack says pulling Kim closer to him.

"I know right and your uncle is a real nut case." Kim says.

"Yep." Jack says.

"Do you believe you grandfather though about the whole knight thing?" Kim asks.

"I don't know what to believe." Jack says.

"I know one thing." Kim says.

"What?" Jack says.

"How much I love you." Kim says.

"I love you too." Jack says and kisses her

Thanks for reading everyone so the whole knight thing is just something I thought of to bring a twist. I might do a sequel to further explain that whole situation and if jack is ever going to believe them and more kick of course. Please review guys and thanks for all your support on this story.