A/N: This is a story about the relationship Arthur Weasley starts to have with his girlfriend Molly's brothers. It only describes the beginning, and I haven't detailed it all the way. It's up to you to draw the conclusions you want! Please review!

Older Brothers

They found him outside on the grounds, sitting on a bench beneath a tree, charming daisies to dance with his wand. His red hair made him stand out amongst the green background, and the two Prewett brothers wore nearly identical smirks as they made their way toward him.

"Weasley," Gideon Prewett called.

Startled, the fifteen-year-old redhead looked up. Clearly, he'd thought he was alone. His eyes darted around them, and with a feeling of dread he realized that he was indeed alone. Alone with his new girlfriend's two older brothers.

When Arthur Weasley had asked Molly Prewett to date him the week before, he had thought of nothing but the girl's easy prettiness and charming character. It wasn't that he hadn't known about Gideon and Fabian Prewett, he had simply been blinded by his affection for Molly. Now, though he would never regret his decision to ask her out, Arthur was beginning to regret coming out to the grounds by himself to charm flowers for her.

"What are you up to, there, Weasley?" said Fabian, taking a seat next to Arthur and placing an arm over his shoulder, a gesture that was both friendly and somewhat threatening.

"I'm-I'm, er, ch-charming flowers," Arthur stuttered, looking back and forth between the two brothers.

"Charming flowers," Fabian repeated, giving Arthur's shoulder a squeeze. The redhead flinched. "Doesn't that sound lovely, Gideon?"

"Lovely, indeed," Gideon agreed. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he looked much more menacing than his younger brother.

"Who are these dancing flowers for, Weasley?" said Fabian.

Arthur froze and looked nervously at Fabian.

"Well?" the older brother demanded.

For a moment he considered telling them that he was only practicing his Charms, but decided that being honest would make them respect him more. "They're, um, they're for Molly," said Arthur hoarsely.

"They're for Molly," said Fabian. It wasn't a question, but Arthur nodded anyway.

"You know, that's really a coincidence, because that's actually what we wanted to talk to you about," said Gideon, boring holes into Arthur's very soul with his eyes.

The fifth year's mouth was very dry. "About-about Molly?"

"Yes, Arthur, about our sister Molly," said Fabian.

"And she doesn't know we're speaking to you about her, so you aren't going to tell her," Gideon warned.

"Okay," Arthur squeaked.

"What would you say if we told you that you can't see her anymore?" said the younger brother, looking at Arthur with genuine curiosity.

This had been Arthur's greatest fear when he'd seen the two burly boys approach him. Not being hexed, not being beaten black and blue, and not even being told not to see Molly ever again. Above all, he feared being forced to tell his girlfriend's two brothers, the people he wanted most to like him, that he was not going to do as they said. Because Arthur Weasley, though very timid at the moment, was not a coward.

"I-I'm sorry," said Arthur.

Upon hearing this, Fabian's heart sank. He'd been hoping Arthur would put up a fight; his baby sister did not deserve someone who gave up so easily.

"But I'd-I'd tell you I can't do that," Arthur admitted in a whispered voice.

"What did you say?" said a shocked Gideon. He hadn't expected this. Fabian had been the one who'd expected their sister's boyfriend to stand up to them.

Only Gideon noticed his brother's chest swell with satisfaction, as Fabian's face remained stony.

"Would you, now?" he said threateningly.

Arthur turned pale and swallowed, but nodded nonetheless. They could do whatever he wanted, but Molly Prewett spoke to his heart, his soul, and he wasn't going to let that go just because of two very large boys.

Fabian looked thoughtful for a moment, and then patted Arthur's shoulder. "Good," he said, standing up.

Confused, Arthur stared up at him. "Wh-what?"

"I said, good," said Fabian. "What don't you understand?"

"N-nothing. I'm sorry," Arthur amended, looking down.

"Treat her right," said Gideon. The boy didn't notice, but Gideon's voice had become much gentler. "And she likes carnations more than daisies."

Surprised, Arthur glanced at his girlfriend's brother and smiled shakily. "Thanks," he said.

Gideon smiled back. "You're welcome, Weasley."

The use of his last name reminded Arthur that Gideon, though friendly, was still higher than him, and he acknowledged it with a serious nod.

"We'll leave you to it," said Fabian.

As the two brothers walked away, they discussed their encounter with the boy Molly had been so excited to date the week before.

"So did he pass?" said Fabian.

"Not yet," said Gideon, shaking his head.

"Why not? I thought we were just looking for him to care more about Molly than himself—to, like, be adequately scared of us but not enough to put the fear before her or whatever," said Fabian.

"Yeah," said Gideon. "That's exactly what we're looking for."

"But," said Fabian, confused, "that's exactly what he did."

"Not yet," Gideon repeated. "We told him not to tell her we talked to him."

"Oh," said Fabian, understanding. "He's got to tell her."



"Because," Gideon explained, "if he tells her, that means that he's afraid of us enough to care about what we think of him, and he's not afraid enough to ask her."

Later that evening, Molly Prewett lay across her boyfriend's chest in the grass, staring up at the dusk sky.

"Molly?" began Arthur, playing with her red hair, one of her magnificent features that had so drawn him to her.


"Er, your brothers came to talk to me today."

She sat up instantly. How dare they?

"What?" she demanded. "What the hell do you mean? They came to talk to you?"

He sat up as well and tentatively took her hands. "Yeah, they did. They, er, sort of warned me to-to stay away from you, but-but I told them I wouldn't."

"They did what?!" she shrieked. "How could they do that?" They'd seen how happy she was. Why and how could they tell this wonderful boy to stop seeing her?

"Molly, wait." Arthur was trying to bring her attention back to the question he so needed to ask. "Can—do you—do you think you know what they think? Like, do they hate me?"

"It doesn't matter what they think! Bloody—oh, am I going to give it to them…" She sped off on a wild rant, and Arthur lay back down, sighing with disappointment because he was never going to receive the answer to his question, and with contentment, because he was the luckiest man in the world.

The next day, Molly stormed directly at her brothers and began screaming as they'd never heard her scream before.

What she didn't notice, however, was that she was ranting and raving at two faces that supported nearly identical broad grins.

"He passed?" Fabian muttered to his brother.

"He passed. Congrats, Molly," said Gideon.

She didn't hear them, but at that moment, not one of them could have been happier.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave your thoughts, and let me know if I should write more about this.
