A/n: I still own nothing, only the plot.
The next morning I awoke to find a note and a white lily from Elijah saying that he would see me later on, he wanted to take me out to the movies as a date. I also had a ton of voice mail messages and text from Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline, and Jeremy as well as a couple from Damon. I ignored all of them, not caring what anyone had to say. I got up and dressed for the day, I then headed downstairs and poured myself a glass of blood.
I knew that my friends were going to say that I was rushing into the relationship with Elijah and if I had my way I would keep the whole thing secret for as long as humanly - vampirely, possible. I didn't know what I wanted to do till I heard from Elijah again, the house was clean, the laundry done, I've had some blood for the day and all my homework was done as well. It was a nice day so I guess I could go swimming, I went back upstairs so that I could change into my bikini, I grabbed a necklace chain out of my jewelry box so that I could put my day walking ring on it before I went into the water.
Once that was done I put my shorts and tank top back on, pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and headed downstairs, I sent a quick text to Elijah telling him where I would be and then I turned my cell off again. I then hopped in my car and took off down to the lake, once I got there however I let out a groan because it seemed that half of the town was there. I was just about to turn around when Caroline was standing by the driver side door, I rolled down the window knowing that she wanted to talk,
"Hey you made it."
"I'm glad, I wasn't sure if you got my text or not seeing as how you didn't reply."
"Oh yeah sorry bout that, my cell was dead."
"Well no worries, you're here now." she replied while opening my door, guess I wasn't getting my alone time.
I grabbed my bag and got out, following Caroline to where everyone else was. I said hello to the people that passed and threw my bag down next to Bonnie's. I shimmied out of my shorts, took off my tank and dropped them on top of my bag, people were giving me questioning looks but I just shook my head, slipped my ring on the chain and then dove into the water. It felt so good to be able to stretch my arms and legs like this, I kept swimming and swimming.
I finally came up for air and notice that Bonnie and Caroline were staring at me, I just looked at them with a raised eyebrow but they didn't say anything. I got out and sat on my towel just letting the sun beat down on me.
"So what did you do yesterday?" Bonnie asked me.
"Nothing much just watched movies."
"How come you didn't answer your phone or door?" Caroline asked.
"Wasn't in the mood to talk or see anyone." I replied with a shrug.
They didn't question me anymore but when they thought I wasn't looking I saw the look they shared. After that I went back into the lake not wanting to talk to anyone else.
I left as the sun was setting and noticed that I had a missed text from Elijah when I checked my phone. He wanted to know if we could meet at seven, I texted him back saying that seven would be great and that I was heading home now to get ready. I wasn't sure what I was going to wear, so after getting home and letting Jer know that I was going to the movies tonight, I went up to my room, turned on my music and started to pick out an outfit.
After awhile I settled on my knee length white dress and paired that with my white sandals. After that I hopped into the shower knowing that I had twenty minutes before Elijah turned up. I showered quickly and dressed just as fast, I was just putting on my necklace when I felt a pair of hands cover mine and take the necklace for my hands. Elijah did up my necklace and then placed a kiss on my neck.
"Thank you Elijah."
"You are welcome my love."
I turned around so that I could see him, he looked very handsome; he was wearing a pair of black slacks and a white button up; the top three buttons were left undone. I snaked my arms around his neck and his went around my waist, "You look very handsome Elijah."
"Thank you sweetheart, you look very beautiful in that dress."
"Thank you. So what are we seeing?"
"Whatever you want to see darling."
I nodded my head and then he placed a kiss on my lips and left out the window knowing that Jer was home and that he didn't know that we were together. I then left telling Jer that if he needed anything that I had my cell on me. I then walked over to my car and saw that Elijah was already waiting inside for me; we drove to the movie theater. We had a fun movie; after the movie was over we took a moonlit stroll where he kissed me as we were standing right under the moon. I loved being in his arms.
A/n: so as I've said before I don't know where I'm taking this or what's going to happen. I think the next chapter will be a time jump, I'll try to post again tomorrow but first I need to figure out where to take this story so y'all will just have to hang tight but don't worry, I won't give up on this story.