A/N: My first fanfic. i feel like such a noob...-3- this story might confuse you or you may dislike it. Plz tell me how to improve. there is no such thing as a bad comment or review, just different opinions. By the way there is no love between those two...just friends. I only believe in Hibari and Tsuna (i like spoilers so dont be surprised if i ever tell you something ahead of time). i'm not on very often so i wont upload a lot. Welllllllllll, on with the terrible story TwT.

Chapter one: The new girl with cat ears.

The day was as any other, bright and sunny with a sky void of all but one cloud. It was normal. There was the sky. It had a sun and ONE cloud. Once in a while that one cloud grew into a storm. Thunder and lightning might follow rain. When it was over the mist would show. But all of that was normal. The one thing that wasn't normal was that there wasn't ONE cloud like always. There were two. Nobody seemed to notice, and if they did, they ignored it. Except Hibari. It bothered him. He won't show it, but the second cloud sickens him. And now that's gotten him in a foul mood.

Tsuna was walking to school by himself, body soar from training with reborn the previous day. "Juudaime! Wait up, Juudaime!" Gokudera caught up with Tsuna breathlessly. "Juu-da-dai…me. M-my horoscope- it said- good luck to-today." Tsuna sighed and a bead of sweat dropped. "Anno saa…Gokudera-kun, that's great but I don't really think that's true." "but Juudaime! Look!" Gokudera took out a small strip of paper and held it out in front of Tsuna. "Yo! Tsuna, Gokudera," Yamamoto, who seemed to have come out of nowhere, exclaimed. "Don't disturb us with your presence, baseball head! I'm talking to the tenth about something important!" but before he knew it, Yamamoto had taken the paper. "A new ally will show today," the paper read. Gokudera kept yelling at Yamamoto to give it back until they reached the school. At the entrance, stood an annoyed Hibari, glaring at the sky. As the group walked towards him, he grew more annoyed. "Why are you herbivores crowding together? And worse, you're noisy. Do you want me to bite you to death?" Hibari stated coldly. He took out his tonfas and glared at them. "I'LL PROTECT YOU, JUUDAIME!" Gokudera yelled as he pulled out his dynamite. "Now, now, that won't be necessary" Yamamoto managed to say, letting out a nervous laugh. Tsuna felt relieved as Hibari shot them another glare before putting his tonfas away with a "hmpf".

When they got to class and took their seats, Gokudera looked at Tsuna with bright eyes. "What do you think our new ally will be like? I think he'll be loyal to Juudaime. Wait…he might try to take my spot as your right hand man and I CANNOT allow that!" Gokudera made a fist thinking about the "ally" they were going to meet. "Now Gokudera, how do you know it's a boy?" "Because a girl would be useless to the mafia. All they do is cook and clean and nag at us, as well as worrying about us but not doing anything about it!" Tsuna shot him a small glare. "Girls are very important! How do you think we were born!?" Gokudera turned red. "I-I'm sorry, Juudaime." Tsuna sighed and looked at the sky. Something was off. He stared at the two clouds. One of the clouds kind of looked like a cat. He stared and stared. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something wasn't normal. He noticed a figure sit in the extra seat. As he focused his eyes, he noticed it was a girl. He couldn't fully recognize her features, since she was wearing a hood. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him looking at her. She turned her head, meaning to smile, but instead gave an emotionless face. Tsuna looked away as he noticed that he was staring at her. He still didn't see very well, but he noticed purple-ish hair and red eyes. He wasn't sure if they were actually red or not, but they weren't normal. Not that they were bad either. They just seemed, distant. "Anno, Gokudera-kun…who is that girl?" "Ehh? You didn't hear sensei? Her name is Iwara Caramel. She transferred from America. The United States to be specific. She didn't say her name, so sensei had to. I'm assuming she doesn't speak much. She's weird." 'Iwara Caramel.' Tsuna thought. He looked at her again. She was staring out the window. Tsuna built up the courage to say hi. "Anno…Iwara-san. H-hello, I'm Tsuna." He muttered, expecting not to be heard. She looked at him for a second before whispering a soft "hi". Tsuna blushed a little, partially from shock that she actually heard him.

When it was time for lunch, Kyoko, Hana, Ryohei, Yamamoto, and Gokudera went up to Caramel and introduced themselves. "Yo! Caramel. I'm Takeshi Yamamoto." "Hello, Caramel-chan. I'm Sasagawa Kyoko. Gokudera didn't like this girl. She wasn't right, she didn't belong there. He didn't want to talk to her, but Hana glared at him. "I'm Hayato Gokudera," he muttered. "I'm Hana. Nice to meet you." Caramel finally looked at them and gave a small smile. She looked at the group and noticed that the boy named Tsuna wasn't there. She softly asked, "Do you know where Tsuna is?" They all noticed that he was gone and shook their heads. "Well I'll be going to eat now." Caramel silently stated as she stood up and walked out the door. Before they could blink twice, she disappeared, it seemed.

Hibari was walking through the hallway when he heard a faint noise. He ignored it knowing that it would stop soon. But it didn't. It got louder as he ascended the stairs to do his daily check up routine. As he reached the roof, he froze.

"Dai kirai, kirai, kirai na boku ga.

Mie te nasu ka runpapa

Shiran, shiran, kao shite

Motarery namae ga hoshii dake

Rakkan rakkan takkan rakkan takkan rakkashi, boku wa toumei-ningen

Meinai kuse shite

Yomayoigoto tare Te mo imi nai Jan,"

then she stopped. Her ears perked up behind her hood. "Who's there?" she exclaimed, taking off one earphone to hear better. Hibari walked out onto the roof. "What are you doing here, herbivore?" he spat out coldly. Caramel said nothing. She just looked at him with vacant eyes. Hibari was internally dumbfounded at her eyes. They were different. One was a deep royal blue, while the other was ruby/crimson red color that looked like a rare gem, gleaming bright. Of course, he had seen this many times before with Mukuro, but this time was different. Mukuro's eyes were always mischievous and mocking, making Hibari want to bite him to death. But her eyes were empty, yet dazzling. It seemed that they showed no expression. "Hn, I suggest that you leave now before I bite you to death." Once again silence. "It seems you have a death wish" Hibari stated as he showed his tonfas. He attacked her abdomen and smirked when he thought he hit her, only to see her behind him. What? I hit her just now. Hibari attacked again, this time making sure he hit her. Still she jumped out of the way in time. As she landed on the edge of the roof, she looked back at Hibari, and then jumped off. Hibari ran to the edge, only to see Caramel looking back at him. After a few seconds, she turned around and walked away. Hibari glared until she disappeared inside the building. He put away his tonfas and lay down. When he looked into the clouds, he saw her eyes. Those vacant, lost eyes. How did she move so quickly? Why was she unharmed when I landed a direct hit, at least I think I did. And she jumped off the roof without a single injury. He had to admit, the girl was interesting. And she wore that hood the whole time. Is she unaware that hats are not allowed in school? No, she's hiding something. Whatever it is, Hibari's determined to find out.

Caramel was walking around, feeling a bit lost, when she bumped into Tsuna. "Oh, I'm very sorry" Tsuna said while bowing apologetically. "It's ok. Say, can you take me back to class. I'm kinda lost." A soft tone of pink shaded her cheeks. "Oh, the class is t-"but Tsuna was cut off by Gokudera yelling "Juudaime! There you are! We've been looking for you." "It seems Caramel found him first," commented Hana, making Kyoko giggle. They all walked together, talking and laughing, when Hibari showed up. 'Why are you herbivores crowding together? Move it or I'll bite you to death." He narrowed his eyes as he saw Caramel. "Iwara Caramel, you follow me," he commanded. She did object. She merely waved and said "See you in class." Then Hibari showed her to the reception room.

"Sit" "Why am I here? I have classes, you know" Hibari walked toward where Caramel was sitting. "Take off the hood." "Why should I?" "What are you hiding under your hood?" Caramel hissed at Hibari as she stood up to leave. Hibari, already in a bad mood, got angry. He grabbed Caramels arm and twisted it behind her back. "WHAT THE HELL!?" she exclaimed as pain coursed through the whole left side of her body. Hibari pulled her hood off and stood in awe at the pair of cat ears that perked up. "wha….."

End! I hated it -n-. I'm once again sorry if you were confused or didnt like it. even if you did, i dont like it. Maybe its because its hetero right now...anyway! See ya next time, Bye-bii!

*~Prince the Ripper/Kirisaki Ouji~*