A/N: I wanted to write some short little bits of fluff so I dug around for some random prompts and this is what came of it, enjoy!

When I first saw you, I felt like I was young and careless once again.

Lowering his hands, there she was, the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. The cacophany of Hero's Duty seemed to melt away like a snowflake in the summer heat. In that one moment she became his entire world, his existence. Slowly he pushed the gun from his face to his heart, just to get a better look at her. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to stroll with her under a starry sky hand in hand. Feeling foolish and heartsick, he would have done anything she asked. Love at first sight, head over heels, no turning back. And he'd never want to.

"Jiminy Jaminy..."

If you kiss me, I'll be quiet for you.

"And then Tammy, can you believe it? Vanellope swerved around that other gal at the last second and bam! She took first place! You should've seen the look on everyone's face! From 6th place to first in a matter of seconds! I mean, that girl has natural talent, she's really the cat's pajamas when it comes to racing, doncha' think? Oh! And Ralph told me just the funniest story about what happened at Bad Anon the other day, you see that Bowser fella was telling this story and-"

Tamora hauled him up by the shirt collar and pulled him into a fierce kiss, leaving him dizzy and speechless.

"Sorry Short Stack, didn't know any other way to get a word in edgewise." she said with a wry grin, setting him down. "Now why don't we head to Tappers and you can tell me all about it?"

"Oh but Tammy!" he fidgeted a little, "I just have to tell you one thing, please?"

Smiling indulgently, she nodded.

"C'mere, real close," he looked from side to side and beckoned her down to him.

Calhoun knelt down to his level, leaning in to hear him.

"I love you bunches, you beautiful girl you." he whispered before capturing her lips in a sweet kiss.

For a moment Tamora was the speechless one, her face coloring slightly.

Before standing up she knocked the brim of his cap over his eyes and he quickly adjusted it, grinning at her.

"Love you too, Felix."

I love everything you hate about yourself.

Tamora wasn't fond of her scars, to be truthful she'd always hated them. It was a little strange that someone so tough and cynical could be ashamed of the patterns that crisscrossed her skin. Calhoun had never said anything about them to Felix and he'd never commented on them, not directly at least. Here in the half-light of the moon as he knelt in worship of her body, kissing her everywhere, relishing in the feel of her. His strong yet gentle hands always traced her scars, his kisses doting on them as well, as if to tell her "This is beautiful, you are beautiful, every inch of you is perfection."

The sergeant knew Felix would never mention her scars, he was all too aware of her pride and her shame, perhaps more than she was. However, he'd never stop trying to show her how beautiful she was. And with every kiss and every caress, it felt like the pain associated with those marks was melting away. She may hate her scars now, but Felix was a patient man, someday she'd see herself as he saw her. In his eyes she had no equal.


Tamora lay there in the dark, holding her husband close, listening to his soft breathing as he slept curled at her side. Every moment she spent with him was never enough and some nights the sergeant would stay awake just to be with him a little longer before the morning came. All those smiles, kisses, caresses, whispered promises, shared secrets, moans of delight, nights spent in each other's arms, it just made her want him more and more. She'd never felt like this before, like she was made of wanting.

Gently she nudged the handyman awake and kissed him.

"Nnnngg, Tammy?" he mumbled sleepily. "What's wrong?"

"I love you Felix." she whispered back, "Please, I need you, like I've never needed anyone."

Here in the dark it was easy to admit these things. He nuzzled into her neck and she could feel him smiling.

"I love you too Tammy, sometimes I just about go crazy with wanting you."

His warm hands began their dance along her body and she sighed contentedly, giving in to everything he offered.

Hadn't she heard once that love was just another form of greed?


Tamora's version of unwinding was far different from Felix's. When he had free time, he loved to spend it quietly with her or fixing this or that, something peaceful and introspective. His wife however, liked to spend her time engaged in more outgoing pursuits. On some days off you could find her pushing the hoverboard to its limits as she raced Vanellope through the candy-coated landscapes of Sugar Rush. Those races were something to see, though Felix missed most of them since he was hiding behind his hands most of the time, too afraid to watch. Today Calhoun insisted he tag along with her to unwind, since she'd been roped into helping him spring clean the house last week and felt she was owed it.

The shooting range was usually a cacophony of shouting men and firing weapons but today it was far more peaceful, empty just for them. Calhoun set up the targets and went about getting Felix acquainted with his gun.

"Y-you're sure this is a good idea, Tammy?" her husband asked, attempting to aim the gun like she'd shown him.

"It's fine Fix-it, now why don't you shoot off a few rounds?" she gestured to the cy-bug shaped target at the opposite end of the range.

He leveled the gun and aimed the best he could, preparing to fire.

"And don't forget about the-" Calhoun's advice was cut short by a quick volley of gunfire.

The force of the shots flung Felix back onto the ground, knocking the wind out of him.

"Kickback." Tamora finished, suppressing a smile and going to help him up.

She scooped him up in her arms and checked him over for any serious injuries, doting on him a little.

"I'm fine Tammy," he said good-naturedly as she gave him a quick kiss before setting him down. "But golly Ma'am, that thing sure packs one doozy of a wallop!"

The sergeant couldn't suppress the gale of laughter that broke free from her, such outbursts were becoming less and less rare in her life with the handyman. When she was with him happiness just seemed to bubble up like a spring, impossible to suppress.