(Author's Note: Thank you guys as usual for the Reviews on the last Chapter, I'm sorry it has to end here I was planning on making this story longer but I had no ideas. Quite frankly overall I'm not that happy with how this story turned out, I feel like Climbing The Wizard Steps was a far better effort by me. But you guys seem to enjoy it, at least from what I've read in the Reviews so I hope you enjoy the Final Chapter and as usual Reviews are welcome! :D)

15 Years Is A Long Time

An Adventure Time Fanfic

Rated: T For Strong Language, Strong Violence and Sexual Themes

Plot: What happened in the 15 years before the Epilogue to "Climb The Wizard Steps"? What kinds of Adventures happened? How did Finn and Princess Bubblegum's relationship evolve? And what of Flame Princess?

Pairings: Fubblegum, LadyJake and Sugarless Gum

Year 15: The Birthday Party (Finale)

12 Years Later...

(From The Epilogue Of Climbing The Wizard Steps)

Candy Kingdom

8:00 am

"Mommy! Daddy! Uncle Jake and Aunt Rainicorn are here!"

Fionna, who was now 12 with short pink hair similar to her Mother's, blue eyes similar to her Father's and wearing an outfit similar to her namesake's ran outside the Castle doors to greet her Uncle Jake who was riding on her Aunt Lady Rainicorn's back. Their 5 children who were all grown up now were with them as well. The girl walked up to Jake and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly and giggling.

"Thank you for coming Uncle Jake!"

Jake smiled and returned the hug.

"Of course kiddo! There was no way I was gonna miss my little Niece's Birthday!

After a while he set her down and looked at her, surprised by how much she had grown since he last saw her.

"My look at how much you've grown, I can barely lift you!"

Once Jake broke the hug Fionna skipped past him so she could greet her Aunt with a hug as well. Jake's attention then turned to the Castle doors as King Finn and Queen Bubblegum emerged. They were both in their 30s now and while Princess Bubblegum's appearance didn't change much save for she wore a fancier dress and a bigger crown Finn's appearance changed more dramatically. He now looked more like he did in his fantasy from "Mortal Folly" except he didn't have a Mechanical Arm, both were intact and he had a beard. Princess Bubblegum smiled at the sight of Jake and Rainicorn.

"Jake! Lady! How splendid of you to come!"

Princess Bubblegum walked over to Lady Rainicorn and hugged her by her mane and greeting her and Jake's children. At the same time Finn approached Jake and the two hugged and bumped fists.

"Look at you Finn, you're like a mountain of muscle now!"

Finn laughed a little, his voice had gotten a bit deeper (If you've seen the Episode "Puhoy" you know what Adult Finn sounds like :D).

"Yeah I guess I work out alot."

Finn suddenly felt a tug on one of his pant legs and looked down to see his Daughter looking up at him with her arms outstretched.

"Daddy I wanna ride on your shoulders!"

Finn smiled.

"Of course Fionna."

Finn picked her up and placed her on his shoulders, Fionna laughing with glee as he carried her around for a while before turning his attention to the others.

"Come on you guys! We got a party to attend!"

The whole group entered the Castle together, the doors closing shut behind them.

Candy Kingdom Courtyard

8:30 am

Princess Fionna's 12th Birthday Party was a loud and colorful one. Pink, Blue, White and Yellow decorations were everywhere, there were other kids of different species around Fionna's age attending and Marceline and her band The Scream Queens were performing. As Finn (who was still carrying Fionna on his shoulders), Queen Bubblegum, Jake and Lady Rainicorn entered they were first greeted by a well built 30-something blonde Woman wearing clothing similar to Finn's, wore a bunny cap and was carrying a pink haired, blue eyed human boy around Fionna's age on her shoulders. Finn smiled widely when he realized who it was and set Fionna down.


Little Fionna looked a bit confused as Finn walked over to his Sister who had set the boy down as well and gave her a big hug. Older Fionna laughed as she hugged Finn back tightly.

"It's been a while hasn't it Finn?"

As Finn and Fionna broke apart, the older Fionna looked down at little Fionna with a smile.

"My how you've grown little one, you were just a baby when I last saw you."

Little Fionna was still confused.


Finn walked over to little Fionna and smiled.

"Fionna, this is your Aunt Fionna. I named you after her."

Little Fionna looked up at older Fionna.

"You're my Auntie too?"

Older Fionna nodded, her smile never wavering.

"That's right."

Little Fionna suddenly jumped into older Fionna's arms taking her by surprise but she hugged her back.

"Yay I have another Auntie!"

Older Fionna laughed before gently setting little Fionna down. Everyone's attention then turned to the little boy hiding shyly behind older Fionna. Older Fionna smiled and gently pushed the boy ahead of her.

"Come on Marshall, come and meet your Uncle, Aunt and Cousin."

Marshall looked at Finn, Princess Bubblegum and little Fionna and smiled nervously.


Finn smiled and kneeled down so he could be at eye level with Marshall.

"Hello there little Marshall, I haven't seen you since you were growing in your Mother's belly."

Marshall turned his attention to little Fionna.

"You have same name as Mommy?"

Little Fionna nodded. As they started talking Finn turned his attention back to his Sister.

"So how are things going between you and Prince Gumball?"

Older Fionna smiled.

"King Gumball you mean, and everything's great...for the most part."

Finn blinked a few times.

"What do you mean?"

Older Fionna sighed.

"Gumpy wasn't too happy about me naming our son after Marshall Lee...we're kind of at odds with each other."

Finn frowned.

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

Older Fionna smiled.

"It's no biggie, he'll come crawling back to me eventually. Now let's party!"

As they all joined the party and little Fionna and Marshall joined the other kids, suddenly where the band was playing was crashed by an unexpected visitor. A pale visitor with short black hair and red eyes wearing a flannel shirt, jeans, a large Strawhat and Converse Sneakers.

"You call that weak shit Rock N Roll?! What a joke!"

Marceline recognized the Man from Ice King's stories, it was Marshall Lee The Vampire King. She glared at the fellow Vampire.

"You think you can play better than me and my band you Vampire Lumberjack?!"

Marshall Lee smiled angrily back at Marceline.

"I KNOW I can!"

Marceline growled.

"Prove it then!"

Marceline and Marshall Lee then started playing music together on their Axe Basses, though it sounded more like a war going on than music. While this was going on, Queen Bubblegum led Finn away from the party to talk with him privately.

"Finn...I have some Mathmatical news."

Finn blinked a few times, he rarely ever heard her use that word.

"What is it PB?"

Queen Bubblegum laughed, she loved the fact he still called her PB even though she was a Queen now. She took Finn's hand into hers and placed it against her stomach.

"I'm pregnant again...it's going to be a Boy this time."

Finn smiled wide and hugged and kissed Queen Bubblegum.


Queen Bubblegum giggled.

"I'm thinking we should name him Joshua...after your Father."

Finn smiled wider, if that were even possible.

"That's a great idea PB."

The two shared another kiss, this one longer and more tender. Once her band took a break and she out-rocked Marshall Lee much to his shame, Marceline floated over to Finn and Queen Bubblegum.

"Hey you two...why are you over here? The party's back there."

Finn and Queen Bubblegum smiled at Marceline.

"PB is pregnant again Marcy, it's going to be a Boy."

Marceline smiled and hugged Finn and Queen Bubblegum, the two returning the embrace.

"I'm surprised it took you this long to get Preggers again Bonnibel after all you and Finn have been going at it like Rabbits since you Wed and even more after Fionna was born."

Both Finn and Queen Bubblegum's faces turned a bright shade of red. Queen Bubblegum glared at Marceline as the embrace was broken.

"Marceline that's distasteful!"

Finn was angry however for a different reason.

"You've been watching us?!"

Marceline laughed evily and floated back over to her band, leaving the happily Married couple shocked and quite flustered. As the day went by, the sun started to set and the festivities died down it was time for food and presents. Finn who was strangely suddenly missing his Bear hat decided he'd give the first present and handed little Fionna a long, carefully wrapped box.

"Happy Birthday Fionna."

Fionna smiled and accepted the present, hugging her Father in the process.

"Thank you daddy."

Fionna eagerly opened it and when she saw what was inside her eyes widened, as did the eyes of much of the people attending the party.

"Oh my Glob..."

Inside of the box was Finn's Bear hat and his Blood Demon Sword.

The End

(Author's Note: It was a long time coming but it's finally finished, thank you for your patience and I can't wait to read your Reviews! :D)

Italics: Flashbacks

Bold: Thoughts

Adventure Time is (c) 2007-2013 by Pendleton Ward and Cartoon Network