Ehm... so I'm still trying to find out how this site works. This is my first fic, and the first story I show to anyone except my parents or little sister. So PLEASE be nice! And I'm not English by the way, so I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes. I'm only in my third year of secondary school...

They were in class, waiting for Sikowitz. Cat and Jade were having a discussion about the best thing to wear to the party they were having on the first day of the summer vacation. André was singing a new song he wrote, and Beck and Tori were listening. Robbie was staring at Cat nervously: he wanted to ask her to go to the party with him, but didn't have the nerve to do so. Cat was, as always, totally oblivious of his feelings for her.

They didn't look up strangely when Sikowitz entered the room through the window. They were all used to their teacher's "interesting choices".

"Good morning, class!" Sikowitz said in a serious tone. It was quite difficult to take him seriously though, as he was, as always, barefoot and dressed like he was homeless.

"I have special news for some of you," Sikowitz said, knowing this would earn him some attention. And indeed the gang looked up, knowing Sikowitz's special news probably had something to do with them (it always did).

Sikowitz took a coconut out of his bag and drank it's milk. The gang looked at him in expectation.

"So... what's the news?" Tori said when he didn't attempt to tell them.

"What news?" their teacher said confused.

"You just said you had very special news for some of us," Robbie explained.

"Ooh," Sikowitz remembered. "Right. Tori, Cat, Beck, André, Robbie and Jade, congratulations. I have chosen you to go with me on... Pam pam paaaam..." He was silent for a moment, and the gang looked at him anxiously. Their teacher's plans weren't always as... safe.

"A three-week trip to Europe!" Sikowitz said enthusiastic. The gang looked at each other, amazed.

"Yay, I love Europe!" Cat yelled.

"All right, what's the catch?" André said, finding the whole situation a little too good. Sikowitz looked at him innocently.


"Just tell us," said Jade impatiently. The teacher sighed.

"Alright, alright. You have to perform twice a week in my cousin's village. In return you can stay at his place, and guess what? He owns a plane!" Tori looked at him blankly.

'That's it?" she said. "A free trip to Europe, just if we do a few performances?" The teacher nodded.

"So, you guys will do it?"

"Of course we'll do it!"Tori yelled.

"So when are we leaving?" Beck asked. Sikowitz thought about it for a minute.

"I was thinking the first day of the vacation," he said.

"But then we'll miss the party," said Cat disappointed. Sikowitz sighed.

"The day after, then. Don't forget to ask your parents, and I'll hear from you tomorrow. Class dismissed!" And with those words he climbed out the window.

"We haven't even begun the lesson yet," Robbie remarked.

They were all allowed to go to Europe.

"Does anybody know to which country we are going?" Tori asked. They all shook their head.

"I hope it's France," Cat said. "I love baguettes!" At that moment Sikowitz came in, through the door this time.

"Good news, we can all go," Tori told him.

"Yes!" Sikowitz yelled, jumping into the air. He coughed when he saw the whole class stare at him awkwardly.

"So, let's start class."


"No, Trina, you can't come." I put my suitcase on my bed.

"Can you leave my room now? I'm trying to pack." Trina had been trying to convince me she HAD to come with us for more than an hour.

"But I'll be the star of the show!" she complained. I got up and pushed her out of my room. Then I slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Sisters," I sighed. Once again I wondered if Trina really thought she was that talented.

I started to pack. Sikowitz had told us we'd stay with his family in the Netherlands, some small country way to far north for me to like it, and after that we'd make a tour through Germany, France, Spain and Italy. That I was really looking forward to.

It did mean I had to take all kinds of clothes. I'd found on the internet June was the wettest month in the Netherlands, while Spain's summers were dry, and even warmer than ours. I looked into my closet and picked the clothes I thought would be most useful.


The remaining weeks had passed without much happening. They were standing at the airport, once again waiting for their teacher, when Tori's phone rang.

"It's Sikowitz," she said while taking the call. The others all got closer, trying to hear what he said.

"Hi, Tori," Sikowitz said in a fake cheerful tone.

"Sikowitz! Where are you? The plane's leaving in less than an hour!" The teacher coughed.

"Well, it seems I um... I got uh... hung up. But you guys can take the flight anyway. I'll join you as soon as possible." With that he hung up. Tori looked at her friends.

"It seems we're on our own for now."

I hope you guys liked it. And I'd love some reviews, they are definately gonna help me continue. Ideas are always welcome!

Xxx Red