Title:  Demon's Destiny Part Five
Author name: Caelestis
Author email: [email protected]
Category: Yu Yu Hakusho
Pairing:  Kuwabara Kazuma/Uurameshi Yuusuke (Ku-chan is so hard to under stand!! Who even KNOWS the right way his name goes? -___-;;; eh… I'm getting a headache…)

Spoilers: All of the Yu Yu Hakusho TV Series
Rating: R
Summary: Written in response to a challenge issued on the UkeYuusuke mailing list.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters used in this fanfic, but the ideas are original. ^_^; …Or so I'd like to think. Don't sue!

Note: LEMON = HOT STEAMY SEX SCENE. M/M SEX. Read at your own risk!!!


  The lights in Kuwabara's apartment were dim as the door swung open, the two men entering quietly. It looked the same as it had before they had left that morning; Kuwabara hadn't had any time to change anything before he had run off after the fleeing Yuusuke. Looking at the black haired man now, he did not regret the decision he had made one bit.

  Tossing his jacket over the couch in his main room, Kuwabara made his way over to what served as the kitchen. Grabbing a glass from a nearby cabinet and filling it with tap water, he offered the drink to Yuusuke, who had followed him. Yuusuke accepted the water gratefully, downing it slowly. He had not had anything to eat or drink all day, and it wouldn't be good for him to start cramping right now, seeing as his body couldn't assimilate nutrients as fast as it normally would.

  Setting the empty glass down in the sink, Yuusuke walked back into the living room of the small apartment and deposited his suitcase next to the couch, which he flopped onto. Kuwabara grinned softly at him from his vantage point. Yuusuke never ceased to amaze him; he could be beaten to a bloody pulp and still be able to find mercy for his opponent, torn apart emotionally and still act like an innocent child. He truly was special.

  Kuwabara leaned against the frame of the door that separated the two rooms from one another. "Uurameshi… have you given any thought as to where you will sleep tonight?"

  Yuusuke blinked up at him, surprised. "Well… to tell you the truth, no."

  "Baka." Kazuma muttered through his grin. "I suppose you could take the couch…"

  Yuusuke sniffed, throwing his hands behind his head. "Fine. You overgrown idiot."

  "Oi! No fair using English words!"

  In response, Yuusuke stuck out his tongue. Kuwabara sighed. Boy did this bring back memories. "Okay then… what do you propose?" He stated, deadpan, as he finally gave in to his boyfriend.

  All joviality dropped from Yuusuke's face, as it grew shuttered, shadows creeping across its plains as his thoughts turned inward. "I'd rather not be alone tonight… if that's possible. Keiko would always…" His voice trailed off.

  Kazuma was a lot brighter than he looked; he had graduated high school and gone on to college, majoring in physical education and remarkably, psychology. He knew basically what was going on in his friend's head, and understood that what he needed the most now was comfort. And to reassure himself that he had made the right choice. Kuwabara would do anything to assure him of that fact.

  Laying a hand on Yuusuke's shoulder, Kuwabara massaged it gently for several minutes before broaching the subject of slumber again. Yuusuke nodded, his wide yawn stifled by his hands. Stumbling slightly, he made his way towards Kuwabara's bedroom where, coincidentally, the only bathroom in the apartment resided. Kazuma took the liberty of going through Yuusuke's suitcase for a pair of pajamas that he could wear. He could hear the water running in the bathroom; Yuusuke must have gotten into the shower.

  A warm, squishy feeling curled in Kuwabara's gut at the thought of Yuusuke bathing in the nude. A blush graced his cheeks as he laid out Yuusuke's pajamas on the still unmade bed. 

  Ducking his head into the now foggy bathroom, Kuwabara let Yuusuke know about his change of clothing. Retreating back to the living room, Kazuma shut the door to his bedroom to give Yuusuke some privacy. Life was perfect… except for that Keiko-bitch. How could she do such a thing as to cheat on his Yuusuke? She obviously didn't realize where his virtues lay. Like how faithful he was, and accepting, and kind, and… shit! He was starting to sound like a lovesick girl!

  Yuusuke stepped out from under the spray of hot water; it was heaven to finally be rid of the grime that had started to cake on his skin. Who knew one could get so dirty from skipping one bath? Seeing a towel hanging on a rack to his right, Yuusuke toweled himself off and wrapped the said cloth around his waist. Kazuma had said something about pajamas?

  The door squeaked open as Yuusuke took a step into the chill room. Kuwabara had closed the door to the bedroom for him. How thoughtful! He smiled softly into the darkness. Rubbing the rest of the water off of him, he stepped into the pajamas lain out for him on the bed, grinning to himself for no apparent reason. Should he compare Kuwabara against Keiko? No, there was no contest; Kazuma would win every time.

  The bed was still unmade from last night. Yuusuke sighed, righting the covers and straightening the sheets. Kazuma would owe him for this! Done at last, Yuusuke sauntered over to the door, throwing it wide open.

  "Oh Lucy, I'm- mfft!" Kuwabara slapped a hand on his face, holding back the laughter that threatened to bubble up. They had seen an American show they had seen not too long ago about a woman who was always getting into trouble; a funny fact was that the heroine had red hair exactly like his. Well, apparently that would make Yuusuke his Dezzi then, ne?

  "Let's not forget who's the shrimp here," Kuwabara griped, a grin sweeping the expanse of his face.

  "Sure, you big Lucy-person!" Yuusuke poked him gently in his ribs, submitting to the embrace that followed as Kazuma wrapped his arms around Yuusuke's waist. Yuusuke's hands splayed awkwardly against Kuwabara's muscular chest, inching slowly up to wrap around his boyfriend's neck. Their eyes met, cobalt blue against cocoa brown, warmth traveling their bodies as nerve endings came alive. Yuusuke let his head fall lightly onto Kazuma's chest, closing his eyes and sighing at the pleasant sensation of being cared for.

  "Bed?" The subject was broached moments later. Yuusuke silently agreed, rubbing his head under Kuwabara's chin. The two broke reluctantly apart, moving towards the affor-mentioned object. Kuwabara turned down the sheets for Yuusuke, and commented on how tidy the bed was. Yuusuke grinned.

  "Jealous that I can make a bed better than you?"

  "Iie!" Kazuma huffed. "I'm just-"


  Kuwabara rolled his eyes. Pulling the sheets up around them, Kuwabara opened his arms in a wordless invitation. With a smile, Yuusuke snuggled into Kazuma's warm embrace, his boyfriend's hands once again rubbing his back. The gesture was so soothing… Yuusuke's eyes grew heavy, until unable to keep them open any longer; he gave into the siren call of sleep.

  Blinking slowly, the room came into focus. For the second night in a row, Yuusuke had slept in the same bed with Kuwabara. He smiled; it wasn't as bad as some would have thought. He had a feeling that this relationship was going to work for some reason… and he wondered why he hadn't seen this before. He yawned as he turned on his side, rubbing his eyes to remove some of the sleep from them. Warm arms encircled him as they had all night, and the feeling they provoked had not diminished one bit - if anything it had grown stronger.

  Kazuma's face was beautiful, Yuusuke noted as he watched the sleeping man. Kuwabara's breathing was even as he slept, giving him the appearance of innocence, even through all they had faced together. Yuusuke reached a hand up and brushed back a strand of loose hair from Kuwabara's forehead. It was loose, unlike how he had gelled it in high school; it fell in soft waves, framing his face. Yuusuke could only admire how it accentuated his beauty.

  His breath hitched as he felt a weird squeezing in his chest. What was this feeling? Was it because he cared about Kazuma? He had never experienced this feeling when he was around Keiko, even after they had made love. His hand caressed his cheek, pressing gently on his skin. These… new feelings that he had… they were perfect.

  Kuwabara's breathing picked up as he started to wake. Yuusuke blushed slightly as cobalt eyes opened to stare directly into his own.

  "Good morning." Yuusuke ventured.

  "Good morning." Kazuma smiled back. His joy was reflected on his face, making it glow with inner warmth. It started a warm tingle that spiraled quickly through Yuusuke's body.

  "You're so beautiful." Yuusuke blurted suddenly, blood rushing to the surface of his skin and deepening the color already there. Kuwabara looked startled for a minute before bringing his hand up to caress Yuusuke's cheek. Rubbing his thumb under one eye, he wiped away the tears that had started to build in his friend's eyes once again.


  Yuusuke threw himself into his boyfriend's embrace, sobbing as raw emotion coursed through his worn body. Kuwabara just held him there, tracing small circles on his back as he let him release all of the emotions that he had bottled up inside. Abruptly, a random thought crossed Yuusuke's mind, placing in him the need to feel Kuwabara's lips under his own.

  Reacting without thinking the thought process through, Yuusuke covered Kazuma's mouth in a chaste kiss. Moving his lips slightly against that of the larger man, the brunette let his feeling find an outlet as he poured his heart and soul into the searing moment. Sighing softly, Kazuma opened his mouth, tracing his tongue across Yuusuke's bottom lip, seeking a deeper sense of connection with his beloved. Yuusuke froze slightly as he adjusted to the unusual stimulation that this contact bequeathed, finally closing his eyes as he surrendered to the moment.

  A warm hand added to the pleasure as it kneaded at the muscle on Yuusuke's chest, finding the hardened nipple and ghosting across it. Moaning at the feeling, Yuusuke threw his head back as he surfaced for air, keening softly at the new feelings coursing within him and the threads of desire that were now tangling in his body.

  Through all the new sensations that Yuusuke was wreathed in, he wanted to return the favor to the one who was causing this elation. He leaned further into Kuwabara's touch, lowering his mouth to the bare flesh before him, nibbling gently at the juncture of Kazuma's neck. Kazuma hissed slightly at the stinging that radiated from the contact and the almost instantaneous pleasure that followed it. Having divested Yuusuke of his shirt several moments back, Kazuma lowered his hands to clutch the firm buttocks under the cotton of the nightclothes.

  Face flushed from pleasure, Yuusuke trailed his lips along Kazuma's jaw, licking along the skin between the kisses to elect more pleasured sounds from his love. Pushing Kazuma into the mattress, Yuusuke, draped his body across the broad expanse of his chest, panting as his desire played within his being. Chocolate eyes sparkling with hidden passion, Yuusuke nipped again at Kuwabara's jaw before bringing his body around to straddle the aroused man.

  "I think you have on far too many clothes." Kazuma purred seductively.

  "As do you." Yuusuke smirked, trailing his fingers along the sensitive nerve endings of Kazuma's nipples as he eased his shirt off. A soft sigh was wrenched from his throat as Kazuma arched into the touch of the man that was destined to be his soul mate, accepting whatever feeling Yuusuke might want to bestow upon him. Hesitant fingers drifted towards the rim of his pants and his breath quickened slightly in response.

  A moment of indecision was all Yuusuke felt before he hooked his fingers under the cloth and pulled it down, exposing a pair of boxer shorts with little dancing cabbits on them.

  "Cabbits?" Yuusuke ribbed, amused at his friend's choice of clothing.

  Kazuma flushed in embarrassment, but then flipped Yuusuke around so that he was underneath him while he was laughing. "Do you have a problem with it?"

  "No." Yuusuke grinned. "It's just so incredibly… cute!"

  "You're incredibly cute." Kazuma leaned down and captured Yuusuke's kiss bruised mouth again, moving his lips slightly before deepening the kiss, pushing his tongue slowly inside to begin an endless dance with his partners'. Yuusuke's hips lifted as he bucked against Kazuma, his arms sliding up his back to tangle in his mass of curls.

  Kazuma's hands resumed their own journey as they pushed down Yuusuke's bottoms over his flexing hips. Kuwabara's eyes widened slightly as he realized that Yuusuke wasn't wearing any undergarments. Yuusuke's breath hitched as he felt Kazuma's hand brush against his hardness. Peppering kisses along his torso, Kazuma's fingers tangled briefly in the dark curls that his member was nestled in before lightly caressing down its full length. Yuusuke's back arched as he tried to press further into the hand, his hips rocking upwards as a amazed whimper was wrung from his throat.

  "Kazuma…" Yuusuke breathed.

  Tangling their legs together, Yuusuke drew Kazuma's mouth to his, delving in without uncertainty into the sweet bliss that was created every time their tongues pressed together. Yuusuke's body was drawn and tight, desire making his skin flush as his body brushed against its larger counterpart.

  "Kami!" Kazuma breathed against Yuusuke's cheek as they parted once again for air, leaning his forehead against Yuusuke's ear.

  "Kazuma…" The name left his throat in a desperate moan as Yuusuke bucked against the stroking hand. "Ahhh!" Concussions of ecstasy washed over him as his climax was ripped form his body. He was left panting as he slumped spent into the bed and smiled softly up into Kazuma's astoundingly blue eyes.

  "Mmmm… that was… amazing." Yuusuke purred.

  A hand traced slowly down Yuusuke's side, sliding firmly against the sweat slicked skin. "I can make it even more amazing if you let me." Kazuma whispered into his ear, licking at the lobe and biting softly. Yuusuke shuddered, tilting his neck back to expose more of his throat to receive more of Kazuma's ministrations.

  "What do you mean?" He gasped softly.

  Kazuma's fingers dropped lower, caressing Yuusuke's thigh before slipping hesitantly under him to tease the crease in his ass. A sharp indrawn breath echoed through the otherwise silent room as Yuusuke tensed slightly at the implications of Kuwabara's actions.

  "…Do you?" Kazuma queried.

  Yuusuke bit his lip to stifle a moan as the fingers continued to produce friction over his sensitive skin. Did he want this? Was he ready to go this far? The feelings that Kuwabara was giving him were exquisite, but this was… He was reminded of the first time he had ever slept with Keiko. He had been so nervous… But it had felt so good! Shouldn't this be similar? The heat was starting to build in his body again, the sweet yearning once again stirring his loins. Kazuma…

  It was decided for him as he bucked up into Kuwabara's cloth covered erection, sparks shooting behind his tightly closed eyes at the new contact.  "Yes…"

  "I love you." Kazuma breathed, mouthing at the juncture of Yuusuke's neck. Yuusuke whimpered as his blood caught fire, the pounding racing through his being. Kuwabara pulled away abruptly, leaping from the bed to search for lubricant. A bottle of hand cream caught his eye and he grabbed it, racing back through the cold air of the bedroom to the warmth of the bed. Pulling them both under the covers, he removed his boxers, the one item of clothing that remained on his person.

  Yuusuke was grinning as he slid his own hands up Kazuma's bare torso, lowering his lips to his nipple and sucking at the sensitive nub. Kazuma muffled a groan, sliding down the length of Yuusuke's body to place a breathless kiss on his lips, caressing Yuusuke's tongue with his own.

  "Want you." Kazuma whispered.

  "Take me."

  Yuusuke smiled gently up at the features of the one that he loved. He had no idea what to do, but whatever Kazuma wanted he would agree too… because he loved him. The hand cream's cap was opened with a pop and Kazuma squirted a liberal amount onto his fingertips.

  "You should turn over." Kazuma murmured, passion flushing his face. Yuusuke assented, letting the taller man flip him onto his back and position him correctly. He gasped softly at the cold feeling of wetness as the hand cream was spread down his crease to his entrance. The fingers circled it several time, letting him adjust to the odd feeling, before one pressed inside slowly past his innate resistance.

  It stung slightly; he had never been touched there before, and it took all his effort not to pull away. Yuusuke bit his lip and waited. After a minute, it was no longer unpleasant, and when Kazuma started to move it he bucked back into the touch. A second and third finger were added, each of them stinging in the same manner as the first; Yuusuke had started to expect the pain as he welcomed the pleasure that followed.

  "Yuusuke…" Kuwabara leaned over to place soft kisses along the nape of his love's neck.

  "I'm ready."

  Kazuma withdrew his fingers from the loosened ring of muscle, rubbing along the outside for a moment electing tingles of delight to wash over Yuusuke's body. The loss of contact was maddening to Yuusuke as he panted breathlessly, waiting for whatever happened next. A sharp nudge brushed the sensitive tissue as Kazuma pushed his hardened member against Yuusuke's entrance. The large, blunt head pushed forward slightly, finding a little resistance as it slipped past the muscle. Yuusuke felt like he was on fire, sharp spasms of pain wracking his body as Kazuma rocked slowly in and out of his body, each movement bringing him further inside Yuusuke's heat. Kami! This was worse that he had thought it would be… but… it was Kazuma filling him, so he ground his teeth together and rode out the agony. But then…

  Yuusuke screamed as the hardness filling him brushed against a spot that sent white flashes of light behind his eyes. "Kami… Kazuma!" The action was repeated, chasing away the fleeting remnants of pain.


  He helplessly rocked back against Kazuma, needing to feel more of him inside his body. His lover thrust into his tightness, bringing entreaties to his lips. Kazuma stilled, however, as his length was finally buried all the way into Yuusuke, and let his muscles adjust to his member. The feeling was extraordinary to both of them, both pressed completed against one another.

  "Aishiteru, Yuusuke."

  "Kazuma… Aishiteru…" Yuusuke panted out the declaration to his beloved. Please let this work! He thought desperately. He wouldn't be able to stand another situation like Keiko… and then all thoughts were burnt from him as Kazuma started to move once again, the friction created sending sensations cascading over his body in a melodious harmony that only the lovers could hear. Kisses were pressed into sweat-covered flesh, lips teasing and nibbling, breathy moans and pants serving to drive the other to completion.

  They slid together in perfect accord, fitting together like to pieces of a puzzle, closer than yin and yang could ever hope to achieve. Something clicked in them both and their thrusts sped up, sensing each other's nearness to completion.

  "Ah…" Yuusuke thrust backward, drawing Kazuma into him as his muscles clenched around his love's length with his release, spasming from the sheer overload of pleasure. One last thrust into the tightness, and Kazuma found his own release, the warmth of his come filling Yuusuke's willing body.

  They collapsed together, falling into a tangle of limbs as they both tried to regain their lost breath.

  "That was…"


  "Beautiful." Yuusuke smiled.

  "Lovely." Kuwabara grinned, brushing back clumps of black hair from Yuusuke's sweat drenched face.


  Yuusuke pressed himself closer to Kuwabara's body, sighing in contentment of his sated release and the warmth of his love. They exchanged a lazy kiss, unhurried and carrying the extent of their love for one another.

  "Where did you learn how to do that?" Yuusuke asked after they that parted.

  "What? Kiss?" Kazuma grinned, good-naturedly.

  "No, you idiot." Yuusuke stuck his tongue out at his lover. "I mean… I've never been with a guy before, so I didn't have a clue as to what we could do together other than kiss. How did you know?"

  Kuwabara blushed. "Well… there was this website…"

  Yuusuke laughed out loud. "Website?"

  "OI! Don't laugh!" Kazuma mock pouted. "I'm serious!"

  "I just can't believe that you could even access the Internet!" Yuusuke ribbed.

  A tickle-war ensued, lasting only briefly before the two exhausted lovers' eyes grew heavy lidded, sleep once again claiming them to her bosom as they wrapped around each other for comfort. Fate smiled gently at the two that had found one another… it had been unexpected for them to find their true feelings so fast, but then many of the gods had been wrong before about one Uurameshi Yuusuke. As stated before, that trial and adversity would play a large part in the shaping of their relationship, nothing would be able to separate them now… not even death itself.


Author's Notes

  And… 'tis finished! *bows* I hope you enjoyed this production, this definitely was fun for me to write! A sequel may be forthcoming, depending on the number of reviews I receive… I think 60 or so should do. =^___^= A big thanks goes to my reviewers, all of you!!! You were a key part in this fic, from the challenge to the support along the way! Arigato!! And now a roll call (and answers to the ones who reviews my last chapter… and who I never got around to answering… .;; Heheh…. Gomen!!!

Ryuei Jaganshi - *blushes* thank you!! ^-^ I hope you liked this chapter as much as the others!

Gadi – *grins* Swoony, ne? ^-^ Sank yu!!! Bladder thing was a hard thing to think up… mulling it at around 3 Am helped. ^-^;;

Squirrel – Oooo addicting, ne? Cool! Hope you enjoyed the lemon!

Taverbell - *grins* nothing like a good lemon, ne? ^-^ Gomen for the long wait…

E. Shenton – Er… keep forgetting about those attachment thingies… it just takes less time to attach it than to cut and paste… gomen….

Yu-chan – Hope you enjoyed! (And BTW great site!!! If anyone else wants to go to her site, here's the link: http://www.throwstones.org/yusuke. There are a lot of good fanfics there)

JiJi – Thank you for the fanart! I'm glad that you wanted to draw something for me, and that my story inspired you to do so.

Talla - *grins* You want my muses? You can have them! All 9,999,999,999,900 Million of them! ^-^ Be forewarned…. They like to multiply… o.o;;;

Ko-chan - *glares* And where is your lemon? *taps foot* lol… thank you, oh one who drew me into competition and inspired this lovely lemon!!

And finally my (annoying but thankfully not pink) muse, Jennifer Colburn, who has e-mailed me at least twice a day with comments and suggestions (no, Yuusuke won't get preggers in this fic. Sequel, dear, sequel…. LOL) Arigato! *huggles*
