Title: Prank War

Pairing: You'll just have to read to find out

Prompt: No actual prompt just chatting with Byproducts about how funny a prank war between fi and marsh would be

A/N: I've been promising another chapter fic and I am delivering. I am attempting to be more consistant in the chapter size in this one. I will be uploading once a week on wednesdays! I am still accepting prompts for one shots! Prompts help me to excercise my thinking muscle and expand my creative talents so please don't hesitate to send em my way! anyway without further adeiux. please read and review.

A/N2: I know Gumball's official name is Bubba. Gumball's name will never, not ever, never ever, never be Bubba in my head. Bubba is possibly the stupidest name I've ever heard ever. ever. I hate it. So his name, in my fics, will continue to be Bonnibeaux. Cuz they are my stories and I can


Marshall Lee and Fionna were hiding in a closet in the candy palace, exchanging knowing looks and trying to stifle their laughter as they listened to their pink friend exclaim loudly in german.

"Was zum Teufel passiert mit meinem Schlafgemach!?" Neither of the two pranksters knew what this meant but it amused them anyway. They both laughed out loud, Fionna falling onto the closet door and then to the ground as the door gave way. Marshall Lee floated out after her laughing just as hard.

Gumball, having heard the laughter in the hallway, came out of his bed chamber fuming, arms crossed, and a glare adorning his delicate features. His anger only grew as his two chums looked up at him, tried to stifle their laughter, and only laughed harder at the prince who had unwittingly gotten himself smeared all over with talcum powder. The bubblegum prince cleared his throat and waited for the two pranksters to regain their composure before berating them.

"Are you aware of how long it's going to take to clean this mess?" This elicited a fresh wave of snorting and stifled laughter.

"Well," Marshall started, "Fi here remembered your fondness for antiques so we thought we would indulge you." Fionna broke out into loud, unrefined laughter that wracked her body so hard she fell to the floor once again and rolled around not even trying to hold back. Not even a little bit.
"A coating of talcum powder over everything in my bedroom does not make for antiques." The royal declared hotly followed by another wave of laughter. Perfect pink features pulled into a scowl .

"Ich weiß gar nicht, warum ich mir die Mühe." He growled and walked away to inform Peppermint Maid that the royal bed chamber needed some attention. His anger did not stem from not being able to take a prank, quite the contrary. Gumball had often been the target of many pranks from the more adventurous duo, and they were usually very funny. He didn't take kindly, however, to the fact that they had pranked him every day for two weeks straight. That was going a little too far.
Gumball wanted to get them back, and he fully intended to. The major obstacle in his way, however, was that he is horrible at pulling pranks. In fact, Each of his pranks (when not guided by one of his mischievous pals) had gone so spectacularly wrong they had all agreed that PG would never, not ever, never ever, NEVER prank on his own again. But the plan that occurred to the candy prince was less like a prank and more like politics, and Bonnibeaux Gumball was very well versed in politics.

The next day he called the adventuress and invited her and her feline companion over for tea with himself and Lord Monichromicorn. Of course Cake immediately began to urge the younger human to accept the invitation. He was glad for this unenlisted aide for two reasons; Fionna's crush on him, that he had pretended not to notice nor to reciprocate, was fading fast, and with it his influence over her, and due to this she was less likely to come to boring affairs such as tea parties, as for the second reason, he had not had the pleasure of the blonde's company without a certain vampire present in a long while, and even though he was planning on misleading her he was rather looking forward to seeing her out from under Marshall Lee's influence.

He went about setting up for the girls arrival putting the finishing touches on the pastries and garnishing the dishes with care and in short time Peppermint Maid was announcing the arrival of Cake the cat and Fionna the adventurer. Mochro tapped out his greeting and nuzzled the bow-adorned cat with love and Gumball turned to Fionna with a bright, genuine smile on his face.

"Good afternoon, Miss Fionna!" He said taking her hand and bringing it to his lips barely brushing the back of her knuckles, a gesture he had rarely bestowed upon the girl. "I am truly elated you could make it." He ushered them all to the table where various refreshments were laid out and they sat down to tea. Eventually the topic of conversation turned to the talcum powder prank. Fi regaled them all with a detailed account of how it went down and Gumball laughed politely. Now it was time to get down to business.

"Marshall's prank was quite something." He said after her story was finished.

"Marshall's prank? It was my idea." The blonde replied looking put out.

"Oh? I was under the impression that Marshall came up with the plan and you helped him implement it." Gumball replied with a carefully crafted mask of confusion set upon his royal features. Cake eyed him suspiciously but the intended party fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

"I can't believe he told you it was his idea!" Fionna said, sounding a little annoyed.

"Now, Fionna, don't do-"

"Don't defend that butt, PG! I am going to prank him so hard he won't even know what hit him. He thinks he can take credit for my pranks he's got another thing coming!" She pounded her fist into the palm of her other hand. "I'm sorry Peegles but this is serious business. I have to go plot my revenge!" And she took off leaving Cake behind and a very self-satisfied prince.

"Just what are you up to, boy?" Cake said, shooting Gumball a sideways glare.

"Oh just politics." He replied with cryptic nonchalance.

"Well, if my baby gets hurt you better hide and hope I don't catch you." The cat said sassily. Cake never lacked for sass. He cleared his throat uncomfortably and replied with a semi-strangled,

"Quite right."

Fionna ran straight home, eager to plot her revenge prank on the wily vampire king. What could she possibly do that they hadn't done together before. She would not-could not- allow him to take credit for her creative genius. It was the only kind of genius she had! Well besides butt-kicking genius, but that doesn't count.

Wait, wait She was getting distracted. Pranking Marshall Lee was the priority at the moment. How should she go about this? Plastic wrap his toilet? Nah that's old and do vampires even use the bathroom? She blushed at the thought then shook her head deeming that prank too unoriginal for her epic revenge. It had to be something that would really annoy the undead teen, possibly restrict his movement somehow? Marshall hates being stuck in one place. But not something permanent enough to make him too mad. Fionna snapped her fingers. She had it! She rushed around the multi level tree house taking stock of what she needed to get at the market. She didn't have near enough string for this endeavor, and she wanted to start at first light tomorrow. She ran out of the house, crossing the verdant plains for the second time that night to go buy bundles and bundles of semi-thick, durable string.

When she finally arrived back at the treehouse it was quite late. Cake eyed her boxes and bags of string.

"And what is all that for, sugar?"

"revenge" she said breathing heavily. Even for a super active girl like Fionna, running clear across the grasslands and back three times was hard work.

"Whatever you say babycakes." Cake said, not caring to get involved. She asked Fi if she wanted any of the left over dinner, the girl waved her off and trudged to the ladder leading up to their shared bedroom. She glanced at her bathroom and pondered whether or not she should take a shower, then she looked at her bed and decided a shower could wait. Her bed was much too inviting and she plopped into it, falling asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Cake came up some time later and noticed the state Fi had fallen asleep in. she gently poked and prodded and situated the human girl until she was in a more comfortable position then pulled some of her furs over her and kissed her forehead. "Good night" The cat whispered before curling up in her own drawer/bed.