Code: Kiss
Chapter 4
"Virtualization!" said Jeremy as I virtualized and dropped on the ground in the mountain sector. I landed on all fours next to Yumi and Ulrich. A few moments later Aelita virtualized and dropped next to me. I smiled happy to see her safely transferred. We could already see the activated tower ahead of us except we needed our vehicles to each it.
"Jeremy, we're going to need our vehicles," Yumi said. A moment later they appeared in front of us and Ulrich and Yumi jumped on the overbike and overwing before speeding off toward the tower. I jumped on my overboard and looked back at Aelita.
"Hop on, princess," I said and she giggled and jumped on putting her hands on my waist. I sped off and caught up to Yumi and Ulrich.
"Careful, there are six hornets heading your way," called Jeremy and we could see them flying toward us.
Yumi threw both of her fans and they hit two of them on target making them explode and one fired at us hitting Aelita's shoulder and she cried out in pain. I glared at the hornet and shot a laser arrow at it. I didn't miss and it exploded.
That'll teach you to hurt my girl! I looked back at Aelita but she recovered from the hit and smiled at me. She looked as beautiful in her virtual firm as she did as her human form and I wrapped my tail around her.
"Energy field!" she said all of a sudden and fired a pink orb at a hornet making it explode.
"Nice one! Your energy fields are really cool!" I said firing more laser arrows at the hornets. I missed, but Ulrich jumped up from his bike spinning in mid-air with his sabor getting the last two.
"Good work guys. But you have to protect Aelita from anymore hits. She's lost fifty life-points already. It appears the hornets are getting stronger," said Jeremy, "Uh oh…"
"What's wrong, Jeremy?" Ulrich called.
"The polymorphic specter is in the factory."
"Then one of us should go back and keep it busy," said Yumi, "Who's going back?"
"I'll go," Ulrich volunteered, "I have a score to settle anyway since it almost made you hate me forever."
"Ok," Yumi said, "Aelita, you want to fire an energy field at him?"
"Sure," Aelita said firing a pink orb at Ulrich. He devirtualized and his bike went of the edge into the digital sea
Another hornet flew in out of nowhere and fired at Yumi. She groaned when it hit her and she devirtualized as well. Then it started firing at us. I fired a laser arrow and hit on target but not before it hit my overboard.
"Hang on, Aelita!" I said as it disappeared from underneath us and we fell. I landed on the cliff, but Aelita didn't and screamed as she fell.
"Aelita!" I yelled jumping off the edge. I saw her falling and I aimed my arm for her bracelet. I fired then her pretty pink wings appeared. She stopped falling and flew up to me as I fell grabbing my paw.
"Phew," I said smiling up at her as we flew back over the edge of the cliff.
(Note: this happened in the episode "Kadic Bombshell" in the 4th season. I do not own it although I wish I did :)
"Thanks, princess." I said as we landed in front of the tower.
"For what? You saved me," she said smiling.
"Ok fine. We saved each other," I compromised grinning at her.
"That's better," she said as she went into the red tower.
"Jeremy, it's ok," I called, "Aelita is in the tower."
After a few seconds the red tower turned white and then white bubble engulfed me.
JPOV (earlier that morning)
I was back at my desk in my room and it was the 8:14 a.m. I remembered that Talia had come in at exactly 8:15 so I knew now she shouldn't come. Athough I did have a thought. Why would Xana send a specter to kiss me to cause trouble when there was no one around to see it?
The clock changed from 8:14 to 8:15 and my door opened like it had before. My breath hitched in my throat as I turned around to see if it was who I thought it was.
It was her. Talia was real, she wasn't a spector. She peeked through the crack in my door. "Um…Jeremy? Do you have a minute?"
I nodded and she came in her cheeks turning pink.
"Uh…Are you and Aelita…you know…an item?" she asked looking at the ground.
"Well…no..not officially. I think she has a crush on someone else," I said thinking of Odd. I saw the way she looked at him and I knew she had a soft spot for him. I didn't blame her. I wasn't exactly boyfriend material since I never seemed to have free time, and Odd was. I wasn't sure, but I think that Odd liked her back as well. He was always playfully flirting with her and calling her "princess". However Ulrich does that too, but not as often as he did. I might have blew it with Aelita, but maybe Talia was my second chance.
" do you want to…maybe catch a movie with me? I understand if you don't want to but-"
"I'd love to,"I said cutting her off and smiling at her.
She smiled back her cheeks went pink again, "Ok. How about tonight at 7? I've uh always sort of had a crush on you," she said shyly.
I decided to take a chance. I stood up and walked in front of her and tilted her chin up so she looked at me. "I like you too, Talia," I said before gently pressing my lips to hers.
I was back where I was this morning, walking with Ulrich to breakfast. Except instead of Yumi running up angry at him, both she and my beautiful Aelita came running to us smiling.
"Want to go to the movies, Ulrich?" Yumi asked smiling at him and taking his hand.
"Absolutely," he said and they walked away holding hands, "Later guys," he said giving a slight wave to us.
I looked at Aelita and wished I could take her hand. But I knew I couldn't. Not with people around.
"Odd, want to take a walk with me in the forest?" she asked giving me a pretty smile.
"Of course I do, princess. I really want to kiss you again," I said blushing.
"Me too," She said looking away trying to hide her cute blush.
We both took off to the woods. As soon as we were away from people's stares, I stopped and so did she. I blushed and took both of her hands before gently pulling her to me. She put her small hands on my shoulders and I wrapped my arms around her back. When I kissed her it felt amazing like before. I kissed her slowly just enjoying being connected to her like this again. I was in no hurry. I knew we had forever together.
Awwww 3 Everyone is happy with the one they love. That is how I decided to end it :) Review if you think I should make a sequel of another episode with the pairing of Odd and Aelita and Yumi and Ulrich. Thanks for reading!