Disclaimer: I do not own The Mentalist or any of its characters. Nope. Not yet. It's on my birthday list, though.

A/N: I was watching a rerun of 1x16, Bloodshot, and it made me realize how much I love that episode. I forgot about Jane and Lisbon discussing Jane's "superpowers" and that she was going to make a costume for him. So, that's where my story comes in. It's a little one-shot based on that fun little dialogue. The title was inspired by the clip "Super Pat" from World's Dumbest. Enjoy!

Super Pat

Today was Patrick Jane's birthday and the team made sure that they had a celebration for the consultant, despite his many objections. The bullpen was decorated with balloons and streamers and a festive tablecloth was laid out on one of the tables. Jane and the team had joined around the table and had pizza and cake before Jane opened his presents.

"Thank you, everyone," Jane said afterward. "The gifts were unnecessary, but I appreciate this; all of this."

After the party ended and the bullpen was cleared of the party decorations and returned to its normal business look, Jane returned to his couch while Cho, Van Pelt and Rigsby all departed for the evening. Lisbon had headed back to her office, only emerging when a peaceful silence swept over the building.

"Hi Lisbon." Jane mumbled as Lisbon approached, his eyes still closed.

"Hi Jane." Lisbon replied as she looked down at him. "Are you up for one more birthday surprise?"

Jane was motionless for a moment before sitting up with a start and looking up at Lisbon brightly.

"Sure," He said. "Sounds like fun."

"Glad to hear it." Lisbon said to him with a slight smile.

Jane hopped off of his couch and followed Lisbon to her office. He took a seat on the couch in her office while Lisbon went behind her desk to retrieve something, which turned out to be a thin, medium sized box covered in birthday wrapping paper and a bright green bow.

"A present for me?" Jane said happily.

"What happened to the 'please don't get me anything' you were telling us earlier?" Lisbon asked jokingly as she handed Jane the present.

"Well, it went out the window when I found out that you had a secret present for me," Jane told her.

Lisbon took a seat next to Jane on the couch as he held the box next to his ear and shook it.

"Open it," Lisbon instructed him.

"Ooh, this is exciting," Jane said, sounding like a kid on Christmas.

Jane took off the green bow and then began to unwrap the gift. After taking off the gift wrap, Jane opened the white box. He looked down at the contents inside and then smiled brightly at Lisbon.

"My superhero costume!" Jane stated cheerily as he pulled the costume out of the box.

The costume was a lovely cerulean blue with an emerald green cape. In the center of the torso was a large diamond shape with a big yellow "P" in the center.

"You never did tell me what you wanted to be called, so I took liberty when I had this made and came up with a name," Lisbon told him.

"Patrick the Wonderful?" Jane guessed.

"No." Lisbon replied. "More along the lines of Super Pat."

"Super Pat?"

"It was either that or Jane the Pain."

"Super Pat is just fine," Jane said immediately.

He smiled at Lisbon. "This is one of the best gifts I've ever received. Thanks, Lisbon."

Lisbon smiled back at him. She gave him a quick hug before rising from the couch.

"Happy birthday, Super Pat." She said with a smile.

Jane watched as Lisbon headed out of her office. He smiled to himself as he looked down at this costume once more. This was definitely one of the best birthdays he'd had in a long time...

Super Pat and his crime fighting partner, Teresa the Enforcer; keeping the streets of Sacramento safe for the people!

I guess this will be my birthday fic for this year (unless I can come up with one within the next three weeks). Until then, thanks for reading! Reviews make me happy :)