Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.

Miss Williams was a young woman, still in school, working as an intern receptionist for Royal Hope Hospital. Her brown hair was swept up into a messy ponytail and her thick blue rimmed glasses hung loosely off her face as she filed insurance claims and organized messages. When a shadow feel over her desk, she looked up. "Oh, hello. Welcome to Royal Hope Hospital. How may I assist you?"

A boy, around her age, smiled shyly as he sat a beautiful boxed dozen of lavender roses on her desk. "These are a delivery for Doctor Martha Jones."

The intern looked at the flowers in amazement. She had worked at Royal Hope long enough to know, Doctor Jones may date, but she never stayed in relationships long. Her job always came first. "Oh, I can take them." Signing off on them, Gloria Williams carried the flowers to the office of the surgeon. There was even a card attached to them. Knocking lightly, she opened the door when urged too. "These just arrived at the front desk for you."

Martha Jones looked up from the paperwork she had been filling out and raised an eyebrow. Gloria knew the surgeon was a beautiful woman with a heart of gold really. Martha would help anyone in anyway that she could, yet she never let people take advantage of her. The confusion on the black woman's face was plain to see. Standing up, Martha walked around her desk and gently took the box from the receptionist. "Thank you, but next time please call for me."

"Of course Doctor Jones." Gloria glanced at the box one last time curious, as Martha didn't seem to have expected anything at all.

Picking up the white envelope, Martha didn't recognize the handwriting that her name was penned in. Pulling out the card, the woman examined the letter curiously.

Doctor Martha Jones,

Lavender roses: love at first sight.

When we met, you were such an incredible woman. You're one of a kind in this world Doctor Jones. I hope, on February 14th, you'll give me the honor and pleasure of escorting you to the Children's Charity ball.


Your Admirer

PS- I'm not a stalker. Really!

PSS- This seems rather creepy doesn't it?

Martha laughed, her admirer was something else. Opening the box, she pulled out the flowers and smiled gently. They were beautiful and she hadn't received flowers in from a man (provided her admirer WAS male) in months.


"You're certainly in a good mood Martha." The woman looked up at her coworker. John Tyler was a doctor that just transferred to Royal Hope. He had only been around a few months. The skinny brunette was the adopted son of Peter Tyler and didn't have to work a day in his life if he wanted. He also had a thing for suits and converse trainers. Martha smiled, but went back to sorting the cases in her mailbox. "You're never going to speak to me are you?"

Martha turned to him and smiled politely. "Sure, I will. The day, I need to consult a case or you need me to consult a case. And considering we run in two completely different medical practices, I wouldn't hold my breath." The dark skinned beauty turned and walked away from him.

John ruffled his hair in complete bafflement. Sure his first day at Royal Hope had been horrible, but he hadn't expect Martha to hate him for the rest of their lives.

Rose hadn't helped things, when they had broken up she had made sure to be loud about it. Even comparing him to the Doctor. Of course, he had traits of Donna Noble and had shouted back. What he hadn't expected was to shout that he preferred Martha Jones to her, how amazing and impressive Martha was compared to her.

And that had been in the Royal Hope A & E room.

In front of a clinic duty bound Doctor Jones and plenty of patients.


Hoshi: A short 3 or 4 chapter fic for Valentine's Day.