In Enochian

Warning for sex scene. Sorry for the long wait. I promise to update more frequently.

It's the middle of the night, all is quiet, and Dean and Cas have just tiptoed back into their room after getting the twins to settle down again. Dean eases the door closed silently, then walks quietly to the bed and climbs in next to Castiel.

"I thought they'd never settle" he whispers softly next to Cas' ear, as he gently wraps his arms around his chest, moving to lie between his legs.

"We haven't had much time for ourselves lately, have we, babe?" as he moves his mouth to Cas' lips.

Dean is kissing him slowly, licking across the angel's lips, moaning quietly as he feels Cas' responding eagerly, kissing back with an open, hot mouth, tongue darting in and out and swirling around Dean's tongue, nibbling delicately on Dean's lips. They move against each other, the friction between them making it necessary for Cas to strip them both quickly, clothes piling haphazardly on the floor beside their bed.

"Dean" Castiel murmurs, "I love you" as he cups Dean's cheek with his hand, brushing lightly over his skin.

"I love you too, Cas, so much." Deans whispers throatily, tightening his grasp around Cas, and deepening their kisses until they become more passionate and demanding, and their bodies are pumping against each other, until Dean grabs the lube and coats his fingers, cock and Cas' hole with it.

Cas feels Dean's finger enter him gently and pushes down onto it, heat pooling in his groin.

"Dean, please, come on, I'm ready, please," Castiel gabbles into Dean's shoulder as Dean slides another finger inside him.

"Soon, babe, "he says, as he moves his fingers smoothly in and out, opening Cas up little by little. He knew that Cas was used to having him inside him, but he would die rather than cause Cas any pain at all, and always proceeds slowly, which drives Cas crazy and makes him try to slam down onto Dean's fingers.

"Dean, Dean please, now, please…"Cas is moaning in frustration as he pushes and grinds against Dean, moving his head quickly from side to side as Dean tries to capture his lips.

"No kisses, just fuck me." Cas states firmly. "Right. Now. Dammit." he growls.

Dean is so surprised he stops and looks down into Cas' beautiful face and sees his lust blown eyes and frustrated glare.

"Wow, darlin' that's hot" Dean smirks, removes his fingers quickly and lines his cock up with Cas. He starts to push in unhurriedly, when suddenly, Cas flips them over, straddles Dean's hips and slams himself down onto Dean's cock, and groans in satisfaction.

Dean moans loudly and murmurs incoherently…

He looks up at Cas' face and tries to control the thrusts as Cas continues to impale himself, faster and faster, harder and harder until Dean has no choice but to hold onto Cas' hips and try to keep pace, as Cas pounds onto him, panting, groaning and whispering, "loveyouloveyouwantyouwantyouneedyuinsidemeliketha tsogoodsogood, Dean"

Seeing Cas like this is so fucking hot for Dean that he feels himself getting close to coming quickly, the heat racing through his limbs, his groin on fire, his cock twitching, it feels enormous, he's trapped by the warm wet tightness that is Cas he starts to babble himself as his heart is thumping and he digs his nails into Cas's hips unknowingly and bites his lips until they bleed.

Cas glances down at him and comes in a long drawn out spurt, a groan torn from his throat as he splatters all over Dean and himself, but continues to rock Dean's cock, unwilling to lose the feeling that heats his entire body, and Dean shoots his load inside him, panting, groaning in pleasure.

They collapse onto each other, kissing sloppily, touching each other lovingly, sweating and panting as they slowly regain their senses, coming down off their high, holding each other close.

"Babe? Cas? " Cas is snuggled against Dean's chest with his eyes closed, making soft little sounds almost as if he's purring.

Dean rubs his hand through Cas' hair and then cups his hand around Cas' face until he has his lover's attention.

"Um, Cas?"

"Mmm?" he murmurs drowsily

"That was so freakin' good, you were so hot and horny babe. I know it's been a coupla days, but seriously? Last time you were like that, you were pregnant. Anything you wanna tell me, sweetheart?" Dean smirks at Cas, who smiles back at him and reaches up to kiss him quickly.

"Well, my grace is glowing and that is freakin' hot."

He states firmly as Dean bursts out laughing loudly and gathers Cas into his chest for a wild and exuberant hug.

"Ah God I love you Cas." Dean kisses Cas' neck and rubs his face on Cas' shoulder as tiredness overtakes him.

" I'm so tired babe, goodnight." He mumbled as his eyes closed.

Cas watched as Dean slept, his head pillowed on Cas' shoulder, one leg thrown over Cas and his arms draped around his body. Cas finally closes his eyes, enjoying the closeness and warmth of Dean's body.

Cas had long since taught himself to sleep so Dean wouldn't be upset by the all-night angel staring crap. He is starting to wake as he feels Dean stirring against him, making morning noises, sounding like soft groans and mutters as he scrubs at his face and scalp.

He sits up suddenly and shakes Cas' arm.

"Holy shit" he says, "Cas, look here" pointing at the space between their legs.

There is no longer a space between them; it has been taken by two grinning toddlers.

"Good morning children," says Cas seriously. The twins begin babbling baby talk and smiling widely at their parents

"Good morning? That's all you're gonna say? How the hell did they get up here?" Dean is bewildered, his eyes questioning and his eyebrows shooting up towards his hairline.

"I believe they flew Dean." Cas states, as he smiles at the babies, who are now beginning to crawl over towards them.

"Please do not upset them Dean. This is a great accomplishment and they are justifiably proud. As am I. As you should be too."

Cas beams at the twins and grabs hold of Samantha who is gurgling and flapping her tiny wings as if to take off again. Dean looks a little befuddled as he smiles at his kids, taking Robert into a firm hold.

He brings his Buddy up to his face and says

"This was your idea, right? Did you race your sister in here? I bet you did."

Robert grins open mouthed at his father, and Dean could swear that his boy had winked at him.

Dean looks at Cas, and feels his heart melt when he sees Cas hugging Samantha closely kissing her cheeks, whispering

"You truly are a lovely one, you clever girl. I'm so proud of you and your brother being able to fly, just try not to frighten Daddy Dean; he is unable to understand the whole "flying thing"

Cas uses his fingers to make air quotes as he smiles at his daughter. He glances over at Dean, and they just stare at each other smiling over the heads of the twins, who are crawling and bouncing around between them.

It is quiet and peaceful in the room, Cas and Dean are professing their love for each other with their eyes, the twins are gurgling softly to each other and watching their parents, when the peace and quiet is ripped by a scream from Sam.

"Dean?! Cas? ! The twins are gone! They're gone! I went into the nursery to get them for breakfast and they weren't there," he yelled, his hysteria punctuated by the sound of his feet galloping up the stairs and along the hall to their room.

Sam appeared suddenly in the doorway, his eyes wide and frightened, his mop of glorious hair all over his face so he can barely see as he skids to a halt at the end of the bed.

Sam flips his hair out of his face with a hand and finally sees the babies sitting up in between Dean and Cas, staring at him with their mouths open until Sam relaxes and smiles goofily at them all.

"Ok, they're ok, they're ok, and "Sam pants the words out with a hand over his fluttering heart, relief and love washing across his face.

Dean smirks at Sam's flushed face, and nods at the twins, saying softly to them.

"Couldn't have done it better myself." He winks at Buddy.

"You alright there Sammy? Not gonna have a heart attack?" He grins at Sam who is still puffing and leaning on the end of the bed.

Sam is smiling and ignores Dean, but says to Cas,

"They flew up here? Man that is so cool! " he beams at Cas and walks around to the side of the bed and kneels down so that he is closer to the babies.

"Yes Sam, it is very cool. The babies are quite advanced. " Cas says while smiling widely at them, and stroking through Samantha's hair, which is growing quickly, bouncing around her face as she crawls toward Sam.

"They may even begin speaking English soon," Cas continues as both babies babble at him and giggle at Dean, who is pulling faces at them.

"Whaddya mean, speak English soon? They're gonna start talking, right? Instead of making gobbling noises at us?" he grabbed hold of Buddy and said in a squeaky babyish voice

"Are you gonna talk to me Buddy boy? Are ya? Is our lovely one over there gonna start callin me Daddeee? Yes? Yes? "As he rubbed his head into Robert's belly.

As the babies giggled, Cas said, "well they can already speak Enochian."

Sam and Dean stared at each other, and Dean's eyebrows lifted when he turned more toward Cas and muttered,

"Enochian? Really? My children can speak feather babble, but not English, how did that happen Cas?" Dean smiles at Cas sarcastically.

Cas smiles delightedly at Dean.

"Isn't it wonderful Dean? I believe they learned Enochian in the womb."

Sam shoots a quick glance to Dean as if to warn him not to hurt Cas' feelings.

Dean can never resist Cas' smile, and smiles back at him, murmuring quietly

"So is learning English high on our to do list?" Dean tries not to glare and Sam swoops in to grab the babies.

"Ok, kids, time for breakfast, ok?" Sam smiles at Cas, and sends another warning glance at Dean.

Sam walks slowly down the stairs to the kitchen, and almost stumbles as he hears chirping from the twins and a voice say

"Samsquatch! What's for breakfast? I want chocolate pancakes!"

Sam feels his heart kick in his chest as he turns towards the table and smiles happily.

"Gabriel." He breathes.