Disclaimer: I own squat. Nothing of Labyrinth or anything that could be remotely recognizable is mine. Sadly.

Also note: this is my first fan fiction and reviews would be very much appreciated :D

Ch. 1 Going Home

The school bell rang and an audible cheer could be heard resounding throughout the Theater classroom. Sarah sighed. She had made it through the day and now her senior year was over. As she stood up and gathered her things to leave, she found herself oddly sad to be leaving the place she had called home for the past three years of her life. All of her theater friends were planning a Senior Trip across the country before they went off to their respective collages, but Sarah couldn't get up the will to go. She still hadn't decided on a college and was now scared at the thought of having to apply last minute.

Walking out of the classroom, she noticed her best friend Laura and Laura's boyfriend Caldon walking hand in hand towards her.

" Hey babe!" Laura exclaimed. " Can you believe our senior year is over? Have you decided what you're going to do now?"

Sarah smiled and said, " No I think I'm going to take a break from school and try to spend the summer with Toby." That meant that she also had to spend time with her stepmother but that's something she'd endure when the time came.

" Oh, yeah that'll be fun! I mean, not nearly as fun as taking a road trip across the country.." Laura dragged, "but maybe that's just me..." She said with a smile.

Sarah laughed and grinned. After her encounter in the underground, she had barely let Toby out of her sight even though it had been four years since she had been through the Labyrinth. Surprisingly that meant that she hadn't had any physical contact with her friends for four years either, other than the short talks she'd had with them through her mirror. She missed them. No one really understood her like Hoggle, Ludo could always be counted on to cheer her up, and Sir Didymus's lovely word choice made her feel special no matter how her day had gone. Maybe she'd try to spend more time with them. Hmmm...

"HELLO! SARAH, ARE YOU STILL WITH US?" Laura was waving her hand in front of Sarah's face and talking loudly.

" Huh?" Oh, sorry." Sarah said sheepishly. "I guess I must have zoned out. "

" Yeah. For about five minutes! I've been trying to convince you to come with me on the trip, but I think when someone doesn't even notice that they've already walked out to their car, maybe a road trip isn't the best senior activity for said person." Laura said pointedly but with a hint of smile just so Sarah could tell she wasn't really angry.

Were they really outside? Sarah blinked a few times before what her best friend said really struck a chord. Laura was right, they were already standing by Sarah's car.

Sarah smiled apologetically. "I really am sorry Laura. I was just lost in thought, but you're right, a road trip probably isn't the best senior adventure for me, especially if I'm the one with the map. We'd never get home." she said laughing.

" That's the truth!" Laura replied chuckling. "But seriously babe, I'm gonna miss you."

"Yeah I'm going to miss you too." Sarah said sighing. " But no worries, you can tell me all about it when you get back."

" Alright. Then I guess this is goodbye for now... Don't worry though, I'll send lots of postcards and take tons of pictures." Laura said sarcastically. They both knew that she was horrible at remembering anything, in fact Sarah would be astonished if Laura sent so much as a sticky note.

They both busted out laughing, gave each other a hug and got in their cars. As Sarah was driving home all she could think about was whether or not she was going home or leaving.

I know that this is really short, but trust me, chapter length WILL be longer. I mostly wanted this chapter to really "set the stage" for my story, so again, trust me. It will get better! I promise! ;)