"You can't stop me now, Sonic!" The fat man known as Eggman gloated, getting ready to press the big red button on his machine. The machine was loaded with all seven Chaos Emeralds, and when activated, would cause more Chaos than imaginable. And the only way to stop it would be to surrender to the Eggman Empire.

"As if!" The blue hero shouted, doing a spin-attack on the machine just about the same time the button had been pressed.

"Look what you've done now!" Eggman shouted, frantically pressing buttons on the machine to get it to stop. "Now we could all end up anywhere, in another dimension, planet, or time! YOU BROKE IT!"

Sonic and Eggman squinted as the room filled with white. Maybe this had been a bad idea...Chaos Control could do anything. The room became brighter and brighter, until the light was too much to bear and Sonic passed out.

Sonic could feel grass. He was lying on grass. He could hear giggling around him. He grew alarmed, where was he? He opened his eyes, and came face-to-face with someone...something. It was a yellow star-shaped creature with big, black eyes, and no mouth. It had been the source of the giggling.

"Ah!" Sonic yelled, jumping up. The star backed away, caught by surprise at Sonic's reaction. Sonic surveyed the area. It was a meadow...a grassy field with patches of flowers and few houses scattered across. The place was bright, but with a dark sky as the planet was small and you could see very clearly that the planet was circular. It didn't even look to be a mile across. All around the place were more stars, chatting with each other in a language Sonic couldn't understand, playing tag, or eating little star-shaped orbs. There were also a few white bunnies with star-shapes in various colors on their ear tips. The stars reminded Sonic of Chao.

The star, all though not able to speak in Sonic's language, did some funny movements and made some cute noises. All though Sonic didn't know exactly what it was saying, he could understand it somewhat, like the body language it was using helped him to understand. It seemed to say: "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!"

"It's okay," Sonic replied. He was surprised himself that he could understand the little stars. The star turned to the other stars and did another motion and noise, as if saying: "Come over here, guys!" And the others flew over, trails of sparkles following behind them. They surrounded Sonic, and he laughed as they danced around him in circles. Then, a black star with blue eyes flew up to him, and did some motions and deeper sounding noises, as if to say: "Follow me!"

The hedgehog followed the star to the center of the planet, where there was an altar of sorts. It had white stairs and blue stripes, and in the blue stripes were white stars painted. Sonic followed the star up the stairs, and on the platform on top.

On the platform was a woman, bathed in a ray of white light. She was clothed in a blue gown that went past her ankles, and didn't allow you to see her feet. In her left hand she held a golden wand with a star at the tip, and she wore a crown upon the top of her head. She wore four-pointed star earrings, and had light blonde hair that trailed down her back, with bangs that covered up one of her big blue eyes. The black star flew over to hover beside her.

"Welcome," she spoke. Her voice was soft and sweet, but had a hint of playfulness, and possessed the tone of a teenage girl's voice. Now that Sonic thought about it, she looked much like Shadow had described Maria to look.

"You must be wondering where you are," she continued. "This is the place we call the Gateway to the Starry Sky."

"My name is Rosalina. This is my elder Luma, Polari. And you are?" All though her face and voice were completely serious, something about her was motherly, yet playful. Sonic couldn't put his finger on it.

"I'm Sonic," Sonic said, doing his famous thumbs-up. "Sonic the Hedgehog!" Rosalina smiled a giggled a bit. Her giggled echoed somehow, which just made her seem stranger.

"How did you end up here, Sonic the Hedgehog?" Rosalina asked, her tone of voice hinting that she already knew.

"Chaos Control gone wrong," Sonic said casually, as if that was an every day thing, getting transported to another dimension via Chaos Control. Polari did some movements and made some noises, as if to ask: "What is 'Chaos Control'?"

"If I am correct," Rosalina began. "Chaos Control happens when seven Chaos Emeralds are brought together."

The Luma began to move and make noises again, but Rosalina put a finger where his mouth would be, and he became quiet.

"A Chaos Emerald is a gem which has a large amount of power, am I correct?" Sonic stared at the woman wide-eyed and nodded.

"Y-Yeah!" Sonic stuttered. "How will I get back home?" He asked Rosalina. She thought for a moment, pondering over how Sonic could get back home.

"I believe if you gather up all seven Chaos Emeralds again, and re-create the event that brought you here, you should get back," Rosalina explained, a bit unsure of herself.

"Okay...now, just one problem...where are the Chaos Emeralds?" Sonic asked, scratching the top of his head in confusion.

"I think there's one near here...the other Lumas will show you," Rosalina said. She began to fade and float away into an orb of white light. "May the stars shine down on you..." she said, and then she completely disappeared into the white. Soon, a group of other Lumas joined Sonic and Polari. A yellow one made some movements and noises, and Sonic began to understand it better, as if he was learning their little way of speaking. It said: "Mama told us we should help you. There's one of those gems on a planet close to here."

"Okay, but how do I get there?" Sonic asked the Lumas. Polari answered.

"One of us will transform into a Launch Star," Polari began, in the Luma-language. "Then, jump into it and spin, and it will take you straight to the planet!"

"Okay..." Sonic said, unsure. A yellow Luma spun around, in the middle of the platform, and transformed into an orange star, without eyes, that was quite large.

"Like this!" One of the Lumas demonstrated. The Luma spun around in a circle, next to the Launch Star. Sonic copied it, spinning on his toes.

"Like this?" Sonic asked. The Luma nodded, well, kind of. Sonic stepped into the Launch Star and spun, and the Star spun with him, eventually, launching him into space. He flew through space, arms extended behind him, towards an incoming planet. This made him feel so free, like running! Just in time, Sonic made a perfect landing on the planet. The planet was larger than the first, about a mile across, and covered in grass, with few patches of flowers. Little mushroom-like, brown creatures that looked angry wandered the planet. Sonic could see glowing coming from the other side of the planet, and went to check it out.

It was a Chaos Emerald, locked in a capsule. Next to it was a yellow Luma. Sonic ran up to it, only a blue blur to the naked eye.

"One of those Goombas has the key to open it!" The Luma explained. Sonic assumed the Goombas were those mushroom-like things.

"You need to kill the Goombas, they're enemies!" The Luma warned. Sonic smiled and ran to a Goomba, spin-attacking it, and killing it. It didn't have the key, but it dropped some star-shaped orbs in different colors, like the ones he saw the Lumas snacking on back at the Gateway. He decided to keep them for now and give them to the Lumas to thank them for their help. He continued killing Goombas and collecting the star-orbs until he'd found the Goomba with the key. He grabbed the key, and hastily made his way to the Chaos Emerald all locked up.

"There's a keyhole in the top!" The Luma informed. Sonic nodded slightly and bent his knees, preparing to jump, and then sprang, landing on top of the capsule easily. He stuck the key in, and the capsule disintegrated, and Sonic fell to the ground, landing on his feet. He always landed on his feet, he was like a cat!

Sonic grabbed the Emerald, which was a red Emerald, and was engulfed in white light coming from it. Then, the Chaos Emerald teleported him somewhere else.

Sonic was standing in the middle of...well, an observtory of sorts, it looked. The place was open, and had its own thin atmosphere. Below them was a big blue planet, which Sonic assumed to be this dimension's version of Earth. In front of him was Rosalina, accompanied by Polari. Behind them was a holographic map of the place, listing places like "Terrace" and "Garden" or "Fountain". Sonic looked down at the Emerald in his hand, and then to Rosalina as she began speaking.

"I see you've found your first Chaos Emerald," she said. "Welcome to the Comet Observatory. It's the place where me and my family of Lumas live," Rosalina began explaining.

"We travel the cosmos, and visit galaxies. Me and the Lumas are not the only ones living here, either; there are four humans, and the Toad Brigade living with us as well. Maybe you'll be able to meet them sometime. As for now, Polari has informed me that a silver hedgehog has been spotted fighting King Kaliente in the Good Egg Galaxy...is it possible you know a silver hedgehog?"

"Yes!" Sonic exclaimed. "I do know a silver hedgehog...how can I bring him back here?" The blue hero asked. Rosalina smiled.

"Go to the Terrace," Rosalina instructed, pointing at a dome with her wand. "Polari will be waiting for you and explain from there."

Sonic ran over to the Terrace, witch was a small dome made from bricks, which had green grass covering the top of it. There was a yellow Luma guarding the outside, along with two light-blue pillars with golden stars on the top of it. Sonic entered the dome, which looked much bigger from the inside than from the outside. Inside was Polari, just as Rosalina had said.

"Welcome to the Terrace," Polari greeted. Sonic smiled and waved. "We can project images of other galaxies, and allow you to travel to them using Launch Stars. Your friend is on the Good Egg Galaxy, as you already know, but you should know that King Kaliente is very dangerous."

"Danger is my middle name!" Sonic said triumphantly. If the Luma could smile it would have.

"If you concentrate on the Pull Star up there, it will pull you up in a bubble and send you into the holographic projection. You then have to simply choose a galaxy, and off you go!" The black star finished explaining. Sonic nodded in understanding and looked above him, where there was a small blue star surrounded by a bubble. Sonic concentrated, and he didn't have to concentrate hard, as he was up in the holograph in seconds.

Surrounding him were mini-versions of galaxies, with their names floating above them in white text, to contrast with the black, starry sky. Sonic stared at them in awe, the place was amazingly beautiful looking. Sonic looked, and found the Good Egg Galaxy, and in no time a Launch Star was around him, which he spun, and was launched to the galaxy.