You're standing still. Hands chained. Guards holding you. Watching your every move. Making sure you don't escape.
Their efforts are useless. You're not going to try. Why bother? They'll catch you eventually, even if you use magic.
The guards shoves you on and you're moving ahead. You're outside.
It's a nice day out. Not a cloud in the sky. The sunshine stings your eyes that haven't seen daylight since you were locked in the dungeons.
Not a bad day to die.
You look around. In the window you can see Morgana, looking down in disgust and sadness, just like the day you arrived.
It's hard to believe you've only been here a few months.
Soon you're unshackled, then tied up to a large piece of wood.
It seems you're going to be burning today.
The executioner lights his torch. The king announces your crimes.
Sorcery. Obviously.
Infiltrating the royal household. Naturally.
Plotting to kill the crown prince. Funny, you're pretty sure you were saving his royal backside. Again.
You look up to the sound of his voice. You make eye contact with Arthur and raise an eyebrow.
He looks back at you. His expression is one of betrayal. Hatred.
And suddenly you feel heat. Fire is creeping up below you. Your clothes begin to catch.
You don't scream. Not even when it spreads up to your shirt and you can feel it burning away at your flesh.
You're not going to give Uther satisfaction.
Your vision's going hazy. So are your thoughts.
It won't be long now.
The fires are completely consuming you now. With your last possible bit of effort, you look up at Arthur once more.
Two sides of the same coin...
Then, darkness.