Don't Own Naruto!
"Cousin? I didn't know you had a cousin. The only thing you talked about was how your uncle was a bastard and how you moved out." Naruto said clearly surprised. Neji sighed.
"Yeah well I had a cousin, two in fact." He said then sat down next to Naruto. "Well I only considered Hinata my cousin since her little sister was a bitch and always found a way to get us both in trouble…damn brat." He said recalling the memory.
"So what happened exactly?" Garaa said as they all crowded around him. He sighed.
"I blamed her for the reason my father died." He said bluntly causing the group to gasp again.
"I thought that you said he died in an accident?" Naruto asked confused.
"He did in a way." He said sadly. "He got hit by a car that was meant to kill her, my cousin. He pushed her out of the way. It was the cars fault because it was our turn to walk but he kept on going." He said sadly. Everyone looked at him with sad eyes.
"I used to blame her every day for his death, give her the cold shoulder. Then we stopped talking to each other at age twelve. We didn't speak, we didn't even look at each other." He said sadly then chuckled at his stupidity.
"I was really stupid back then. I didn't know why I even did it." he said sadly then sighed. "It was when she left that I realized that she was important to me. Before my father died we would play together since her father was working or playing with her little sister, Hanabi. Sometimes we would go to work with him and watch and other times we would help him…or more likely she would help him. She was always fascinated in cars and wanted to own his shop when she got older." He paused then clenched his fists then slammed it on the table causing most of them to jump.
"After my father died the bastard immediately sold the shop. It crushed us both even though we didn't talk we both still wanted the place to be ours. Then after that he sent her to a boarding school for ballet because he didn't believe that working with cars was lady like and I haven't seen her since. When she left I felt like there was no reason for me to be there anymore. I realized now that even though I was being mean to her then that the only reason I was there was to protect her in the very end. So when she left I left." He said then looked up at them.
"So you've never seen her since then?" Tenten asked sadly. Neji nodded then stood up.
"That was the last time I seen or heard from her and now that I now that she's alright I can sleep a little well tonight." He said then started to stretch.
"I'm calling it a night. Come on Tenten let's go to sleep." He said and she nodded.
"Good night guys." She whispered quietly then left the room with Neji. The room was quiet till Sakura broke the silence.
"Didn't she ask you where her house was?" she asked Naruto and he nodded.
"She did but I didn't know she was Neji's cousin till he told me and I wasn't gonna memorize some random chick's address." He said ruffling his hair.
"I bet he wanted to." Sasuke whispered to Temari and Sakura and they both giggled.
"Hey I heard that!" he jumped up and yelled causing the room to laugh a little.
"I think ima go to bed too. Night guys." Shikamaru said and he walked toward his room with Temari in arms. After that everyone decided that it was best for everyone to try and sleep now and think about Neji's cousin tomorrow. After saying good night, Naruto was forced to wake up Lee and drag him toward his own bedroom. Once Lee was gone, Naruto made his way to his room to find Sasuke sitting on his bed
"What do you want?" he asked clearly tired.
"I want to talk about the building." He said bluntly as he crossed his arms. Naruto looked at him for a while then sighed.
"If you're talking about paying for it, I already have it covered. The old man has already given me the money for this month so we're okay." He said then went to change his shirt.
"I know but the word on the street is that Akatsuki wants to buy the place or worse tear it down." He said getting off his bed to go sit on his own.
"Well that's just a rumor. Akatsuki can go kiss ass for all I care." He said angrily and Sasuke just sighed.
"Whatever you say. Just don't do anything stupid." He said then laid down. Naruto sighed and nodded drifting to sleep.
With Hinata
Hinata woke up to the sun in her face. She opened her eyes a little to see the sun starring straight down at her and she immediately sat up. She looked around her surroundings then realized she slept outside. She stood up limped back toward the window and climbed back into her apartment.
She looked around and sighed. "This place looks like shit." She mumbled then immediately took her duffle back and went to the bathroom. She checked if the water was running and just her luck, it wasn't. Sighing again she looked in the mirror and noticed that she looked like crap. Her hair was everywhere and her face looked like she died then came back to life. She looked at her watch and noticed that work was going to start in thirty minutes.
"Shit!" she yelled then went to change into uniform. She immediately took off her beanie then put her hair up in a messy bun and ran outside. She looked from left and right and noticed she didn't have a car.
"I can always…no I already did my time for that." She said out loud then sighed.
"Well guess I can do my morning workout." She said sarcastically then started to run toward her job. She decided that she wanted to be early for her first day at work so she paced herself and ran like the wind.
With Naruto
Naruto woke up to the feeling that he was being watched. He opened his eyes only to see three pairs of eyes staring back at him. He was about to scream but one of their hands covered his mouth then pointed to the sleeping Sasuke on the other side of the room. Naruto sat up and looked at the three. They mentioned him to come with them and he let out a long sigh but followed anyway. After leaving the room he finally spoke.
"So you wanna tell me why the hell you three decide to come to my room and scare the living shit out of me?" he whispered angrily at them.
"Well…the van is acting up again and we would appreciate it if you would take it to the shop." Temari said and the rest nodded in union. Naruto sighed then glared at the group.
"Why couldn't you wake up Shikamaru or Sasuke?" he asked annoyed.
"Well…Shikamaru has a hangover and is still getting the weed out of his system." Temari said then looked at Sakura for the other have of the answer.
"Umm. He was sleeping like an angel?" she said then flinched when Naruto burst into anger.
"Bullshit! I'm tired too. I sleep like a friggin angel too!" he yelled completely irritated that they woke him up early in the morning.
"Come on Naruto you owe me. Remember that time when you-."
"Fine! Don't bring that up again or I'll have to kick you out." He threatened and she giggled. "Give me the money to go and I'll be on my way." He said then sighed. The girls cheered happily to themselves and handed him the money. After, he went to go shower. When he went in his room he saw Sasuke immediately jump on his bed and pretend to just wake up.
"The hell, you've been up the whole time!" he yelled pointing an accusing finger at him.
"What are you talking about I just woke up." He said as he 'yawned'. Naruto was fuming and was about to go and hit him but Sakura yelled from behind the door.
"NARUTO DON'T YOU DARE HURT SASUKE OR I'LL HURT YOU! She yelled and he shuddered.
"You're soooo lucky you have a girlfriend who has monster strength." He whispered.
"I heard that." She said in a sing song voice from behind the door and Naruto immediately jumped up and ran toward the shower. After his quick shower he glared at Sasuke who smirked at him back.
"So tell me why you didn't take the van to the shop?" he asked angrily as he dried his hair. Sasuke chuckled a bit.
"What do I look like goin around town In a pink van?" he asked with a smirk and Naruto growled at him.
"I'm leaving." He grumbled then left to the club's garage. He opened the door to reveal a hot pink van with flowers all over it. He groaned at the thought of him being in the thing then took the keys and made his way toward it.
"Cuz he was sleeping like an angel, she said…pft yeah right. The bastard was awake and she knew it." he grumbled as he started the car. He sighed and made his way toward the auto shop.
With HInata
Hinata ran as fast as she could to go to her job at the auto shop. When she arrived she was only a couple of minutes late and totally out of breath. She ran into the shop and opened the door screaming.
"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" she yelled panting and trying to catch her breath. She looked to see her boss shaking his head. "I'm sorry I'm late I over slept and I had to run here and-"
"It's fine. You were only five or so minutes late." Said an old man who was smoking a pipe.
"Thanks boss." She said happily as she went into the back to go fix herself up. She opened the employee room and fixed her hair up in a ponytail because it fell out while she ran there. She sighed and did her hair then added an orange bandana to pull her baby hairs away from her face.
"Hinata, I'm gonna go run an errand. Come to the front!" he called to her and she smiled.
"Alright boss!" she yelled back to him then made her way to the front. She smiled at the thought of the old man. He immediately hired her after she showed him what she could do and didn't really care where she came from. He liked her for her skills and that's all that mattered. The ringing of the door snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Hello welcome to Sarutobi's" she said with a happy smile she looked at the person standing before her and she smirked. "Well look what we have here, it's mister club owner. If I didn't know any better I would say you're following me." She said with a grin. He looked up at her and immediately smirked.
"Girl from the club, since when do you work here?" He asked then leaned on her counter as she looked at a magazine.
"Since today so what can I do for you?" she asked looked up from her magazine.
"Oh my van's acting up." He said then pointed behind him at the pink van. She giggled a little and he blushed getting what he just said. "I-i-I mean my sister's car is acting up." He said immediately then blushed a little more as she laughed a little louder.
"Riiiiiight." She said and made her way toward the car. "I didn't know you had a thing for hot pink." She teased happily.
"I told you it was my sister's car, you know, Sakura?" he said as they made toward the van.
"Sakura? You both look nothing alike." She said as she popped the hood up. He brought a chair next to the van and sat on in as he watched her do her job.
"We just call each other brother and sister. Might as well since we grew up together and live together now." He said leaning back in his chair.
"Mmmmhmm. Hey start the car for me." She said and he got up and did what he was told. "Let me guess, the car would stop when you stop for a long period and won't turn back on after a few minutes?" she said as she worked on the van.
"How did you know?" he asked clearly surprised. She motioned him to come to her and she pointed at the car parts.
"Whoever did this car for you clipped that to that." She said as she pointed to the parts. "When it's supposed to be clipped here." She said then clipped it to the right part.
"Cool." He said happily as she closed the hood. She sighed and looked at the car sadly. He watched her for a while then snapped his fingers.
"Come with me." He said sternly. She looked at him shocked and confused.
"What?" she said as he got into his car.
"Come with me. I want to show you something." He said happily and gave her a foxy grin. She tilted her head to the side still confused.
"First off, you still have to pay and secondly I'm still working and will be working for the rest of the day." She said putting her hands on her hips. He rolled his eyes.
"I'll just ask the old man." He said then hopped out of the car and made his way back inside the shop.
"What do you mean. Today's my first day I can't already ask for time off." She said a little irritated. He just waved it off. They walked into the back and saw that Sarutobi came back.
"Old man I'm gonna take Hinata somewhere real quick." He said to him.
"Sorry boss he's just leaving. Naruto go away." She whispered angrily.
"No I have to show you something important." He said to her seriously.
"What is more important than my job. I have to earn my pay to get out of my crappy building called a home." She said angrily.
"It'll be real quick." He said in the same serious tone.
"I don't even know you. What if I get in that car, how do I know that you won't kill me and dump me off at some garbage dump?" she asked even more irritated then before. The comment made Naruto angry.
"If I wanted to do that I would have done it the night you showed me your address." He said angrily. Before Hinata could respond Sarutobi cut in smiling at the two of them.
"You two may be strangers but you're already fighting like a married couple." He said and chuckled a bit when he saw them both blush and look away from each other. "Hinata, you could trust the boy, he's a good kid I would know." He said and Hinata sighed and looked up at him from the corner of her eye.
"So I can take her?" Naruto summed up and he nodded.
"Hinata I know this is your first day and all but I believe I know what he wants to show you and I think he's doing a good deed." He said and Hinata looked at him and Naruto confused.
"Alright come on Hinata." Naruto said then grabbed her by her arm and ran off to the van. "Thanks old man." He called as they made their way toward the van. He just chuckled at the both of them and continued to smoke his pipe.
"So where the hell are you taking me?" she asked as she sat in the passenger seat. He started the car and grinned at her.
"It's a surprise." He said still grinning. She rolled her eyes and smirked a little.
"Great now I'm in a car with a stranger and I still don't know where I'm going." She said in a sarcastically happy voice.
"Hey you heard the old man, I'm a good kid." He said defiantly then smiled as he saw her smile as well. "Anyway I want to so you something." He said happily then drove out of the garage shop.
"You said that already." She mumbled as she leaned on the door as the wind blew across her face and through her hair. Naruto snuck a peak at her and blushed a little noting how pretty she was. He immediately looked back at the street and focused on getting to his destination.
"So can I get a hint where we're going?" she asked as she looked at him. He sighed.
"Fine we're going back to my club. It's not opened yet but I want to show you something." He said happily. She nodded a little pleased that she actually knew where they were going then turned back toward the window. After another long silence Hinata finally asked the question that was bugging the hell out of her.
"How do you now boss man?" she asked looking at him again. He thought about it for a while then smiled.
"He took care of me before I met my godfather." He said happily at the memory. She looked at him and was about to ask another question but he cut her off.
"We're here." He said as he pressed the button for the garage and it opened. She sighed and let the question slide. For now. He parked the van then slowly turned the car off and turned toward her with a smile.
"You ready?" he asked her as he got out the van. She nodded a little nervous. I mean who wouldn't be? Here she was walking into a total stranger's club not knowing if he was just a nice guy or if he really did want to kill her and ship off her body parts in different parts of the world. She shuddered at the very thought and pushed the thought aside.
"I'm sure he isn't like that." She mumbled to herself.
"What was that?" Naruto asked as he fumbled with the keys. She immediately blushed and shook her head.
"Nothing. Why are we going into your club?" she asked changing the subject. He smiled as he found he key to the door and opened it.
"Because I live here." He said happily and stepped aside for her to come in. He pressed the garage button and it closed before he shut the door and locked it.
"So where is this so called surprise?" she asked growing impatient. He smirked at her and told her to follow him. They walked up the stairs and passed the club then walked up another fleet of stairs.
"How many fleet of stairs are in this place?" she asked as they walked up the stairs. He chuckled a little.
"This is the last one. I do have to say this once we get into my house: Brace yourself okay." He said then walked up to the main door. She heard people talking loudly, music playing and some yelling. She gulped a little.
"So where is the something you wanted to show me?" she asked nervously and he smirked at her.
"It's more of a someone." He said then opened the door. Hinata froze as she saw about five people in the room. They all immediately stared at her then Naruto then back to her.
"Mornin' guys!" he yelled happily. They didn't say anything and just starred at her. Just then Neji came out.
"Why did it get all quiet all of a sudden?" Neji said as he walked at the kitchen. The group in the living room pointed at Naruto. Neji looked at them confused then turned to Naruto and saw someone behind him. Naruto stepped aside revealing a clearly shocked Hinata.
Neji's mouth dropped open as he tried to make out words but couldn't. He just starred in shock. Hinata was in the shock she just stared at him in a daze. She only said one word before her world went black.
Alrightey then! Hoped you enjoyed it ;D