This is a four chapter Tamela mini-fic I wrote for Valentine's Day, based on the characters and setting of True Blood, which I do not own. I plan to release one chapter each day until Valentine's Day. Chapter 1 is tame but the story will eventually get to an M rating, so I'm rating it M now.

Thanks to the great Tamela fic writers out there. If your minds hadn't gone where they went, mine couldn't have gone here.

Tara stood leaning against the bar, waiting for Pam in an empty Fangtasia. Her anxiety buzzed inside of her. Had her heart still been beating she would have been able to feel it through her chest. Instead, her blood moved faster through her veins. Lightening and fire danced within her body as she waited for her maker to come upstairs. This was a rare moment when she actually missed being human; missed the ability to have a drink to ease her nerves. Instead, she practiced a stoic face; wanting her lover to feel she was about embark on a romantic Valentine's night in strong, capable hands. Tara knew it was useless to pretend, though, as the connection she shared with Pam gave her away in that very moment, the short distance of a flight of stairs no match for their maker-progeny bond.

Suddenly, Jessica entered the bar. Tara didn't realize the door to Fangtasia was unlocked.

"Hey Tara," Jessica greeted cheerfully.

"What are you doing here?" Tara asked in an unwelcoming tone, though she realized she was happy to have Jessica's company to help distract her from her nerves.

"I think I left my jacket here last night. I, uh, got a little carried away with feeding and forgot I had it on. Have you seen it?" Jessica asked.

"Oh yeah, I found it in the bathroom." Tara walked behind the bar and pulled it out from underneath the cabinet. "…Along with some other articles of clothing that didn't look like yours. I threw those away. They were a little…stained," Tara said while raising an eyebrow.

Jessica grinned. "Yeah, those weren't mine. Thanks for saving the jacket!"

"Hey, you look really pretty," Jessica said, fully noticing Tara.

Tara clearly wasn't working the bar tonight. While usually dressed to impress the fetish-driven clientele, Tara had a much softer appearance. Her hair was down: long, straight, raven locks rested below her shoulders. She wore a simple yet flattering outfit: black head-to-toe with fitting slacks and a leather jacket. Jessica noticed that Tara had uncharacteristically painted her nails red.

"Are you going somewhere?" Jessica asked after taking her in.

"Thanks. And yes. And, you better get the hell out of here because Pam should be ready soon. I'm taking my girl out for Valentine's Day." She couldn't keep a shy smile from forming at hearing the words "my girl" coming from her lips.

"That's so sweet. I wish I had a Valentine's date," Jessica answered.

"You probably would if you hadn't eaten his ass last night," Tara shot in return.

Jessica gave a matter-of-fact nod.

"So where are you going?" she asked.

"I have a special night planned for just the two of us to be together."

"That's so romantic." Jessica replied longingly.

"Yeah, well, given how long it's taking Pam to get ready, we're not getting out of here until dawn. These plans are gonna burn with the sunrise."


Downstairs, Pam readied herself for the night. She wore a black, skintight dress with long sleeves and lace accents. The dress had an open chest, revealing her lily white skin and seductive, curvaceous chest. Her hair was down in loose, golden waves. She put on the final touches of make-up, painting a portrait of exquisite beauty. She was careful not to go too far and harden her appearance, as she so often liked to do when creating an intimidating, icy façade. She wanted to be seen tonight; seen by Tara. Her young vampire had broken down walls indestructible for a century, beheaded a sheriff who threatened her, and risked the true death to have her in her arms. She felt safe with Tara, and on this special night Pam felt the need to reveal her natural beauty to the child she loved.

For a vampire, a typical Valentine's night consisted of sucking the lustful blood out of open-legged humans. Valentine's Day was practically an all-you-can-eat buffet for vampires. Lonely single humans, desperate for a date, would happily bend their necks to any vampire to be one's object of desire. But tonight was different. Tonight was Pam's first Valentine's Day with a lover. She would be spending this night with her progeny, her child, her eternal companion with whom she formed a bond deeper than any being.

It was Tara's idea to go out. Pam initially thought the idea ridiculous. It seemed so achingly saccharine to play along with a holiday devoted to love. She entertained the idea of showing Tara the usual vampire traditions of feeding on the all-too-willing subjects that walked heartsick with desperation into the bar. But Tara insisted. In fact, Tara seemed so devoted to reserving time for their love that Pam sometimes wondered if her progeny's heart had ever stopped beating at all.

Eric had proudly watched the bond between his progeny and grand-progeny strengthen over the past several months. It gave him great comfort to see his Pamela so happy. She had done well as a maker creating Tara, and Tara had exceeded his expectations in her devotion to Pam. He agreed – rather, insisted - to run Fangtasia tonight so his beloved clan members could indulge in their passion for each other.

Pam gave herself one final look in the mirror. She looked impeccable and she knew it. Tara would be pleased.

"You look flawless." Eric's voice came from behind her. She didn't know he had entered the room.

"I know." Pam responded, still looking at herself in the mirror, though glancing at Eric's reflection behind her shoulder.

"You've never dressed like this for me. This is a new Pamela. You almost look…human."

"I don't know who I am anymore." Pam replied with a crack in her voice, seeking an answer from Eric. She turned around and faced him, her eyes desperate.

"You are in love, Pamela." Eric answered.

Pam shifted uncomfortably. "This is so fucking inconvenient."

"Love suits you well." He replied. "I have no doubt you are just as capable of ripping out somebody's heart as before. Now you'll just do it a little more…passionately."

Pam smiled, comforted that her sadistic reputation wasn't completely ruined.

"Go on," Eric finished. "She's waiting for you upstairs."


Standing with Jessica, Tara felt Pam's presence in the room before she saw her. She turned to see her maker. Pam looked more beautiful than Tara had ever seen before. Jessica's eyes soon following Tara's.

"Oh, wow," said Jessica, taking in Pam's soft beauty.

"You'll be leaving now," Tara said under her breath to Jessica.

"Okay, I'm going," Jessica answered.

"Like, yesterday," Tara replied, never taking her eyes off of Pam.

Jessica put her hands on the back of Tara's shoulders and gave her a loving pat, wishing her well. She walked away, smiling at Pam in admiration from across the room.

With only the two lovers in the bar, Pam and Tara walked towards each other and met in the center of the room. Tara shook her head in disbelief, biting the side of her lower lip. Pam made a subtle dip in her body, arched her back slightly, laid a hand on her hip, and posed for Tara.

"You like?" Pam asked, though it was more of a statement than a question.

"I love." Tara answered, swooning from the vision.

Tara reached out her hands and held Pam by the waist. Overwhelmed by passion in the bond, she couldn't resist moving forward and kissing Pam. Her tongue slid into her mouth, meeting Pam's. Waves of heat swelled through both of their bodies as their tongues moved against each other. Tara slid her hands up Pam's waist, her thumbs grazing the underside of her breasts. Pam moaned and pulled away, breaking the kiss. Eyes glazed with desire, Pam didn't know if she could wait an entire night to have Tara completely. Pam pressed her forehead to Tara's, taking in her scent.

"You know…as ravishing as I look right now, we don't have to go out." She turned her head to the side, caressing their faces against one another. "We can stay here. I mean, hell, you've already fucked up my lipstick."

Tara recaptured Pam's lips for a moment and pulled away, lingering on her bottom lip.

"You can reapply," she said. "No maker of mine will stay home on Valentine's Day."

Chapter 2 will be up tomorrow!