It was a fine Saturday afternoon and 16 year old Kim Crawford was sitting at the dining room table watching her 3 year old daughter dance around the room singing 'I Knew You Were Trouble' by Taylor Swift, Kim smiled to herself at the sight her beautiful 3 year old named Bree Kimberly Brewer, Kim had been just 13 when she became pregnant with Bree, her and her Best friend Jack Brewer went to the school dance together and ended up drinking a lot of the punch which had been spiked with a lot of alcoholic which ended with them being super drunk and then she was pregnant after that night Kim and Jack finally started dating and still were, Kim was snapped out of thought by Bree " Mommy where's daddy?" Bree asked sweetly

"Daddy's at work but will be home any minute now "


"Yep and when he get back I'm sure we will all go to the Dojo"

"YAY! I love the Dojo!" Bree said Jumping up and down

"Why don't you go get your stuff so you're ready to go when daddy gets home?"

"Okay momma!" Bree yelled as she ran out of the room and down the hallway to her room

Kim lived with her mom and Jack in a 4 bedroom house Kim had lived here her whole life and glad it was a nice house in a nice neighborhood Kim's dad died 5 years ago and it crushed her, but that was when Jack Brewer moved to town Kim started crushing on him as soon as their eyes met but they then became Best Friends and it was so hard for them to tell each other how they felt but when that night happened that finally told each other how they felt.

"Kim I'm Back !" Jack said as he walked into the dining room trying to find Kim

"Hey babe how was work?"

"It was.. work" Jack laughed

"Kiss now" Kim lended in to kiss Jack and Jack quickly kiss her happily

"So how was your day?" Jack asked her after they pulled away

"It was good Bree was Bree like always" Kim said as she smiled remembering what Bree did today she had almost broken her arm after falling off the bed, after her Kim had told her not to jump on the bed, Bree had come out bawling and holding her arm, luckily she could still moved it, it was just hurting a lot and after sitting still for a while with ice on it, it felt a lot better and so she tried to jump on the bed again, so Kim had to find something else for her to do.

"Just good?"

"Yep" Kim said smiling again


"Daddddddddyyyyy!" Bree came running out of her room and down the hall into her father's arms

"Hey Ninja

Bree giggled "Daddy can we go to the dojo now?"

"Sure just let me just get changed and we will go okay?"

Jack worked at the Movie Theater he liked the job and his boss was very nice, he also taught the younger kids Karate at the Dojo on Wednesdays, Kim didn't have a job her mom had a great job where she could be at home with Bree while working but on Mondays she had to be at the Office so Kim would stay at home with Bree on Mondays her school was great and knew what happened so would help Kim and Jack out a lot with School and had someone on Punch duty at all times now

"Okay I'm in better clothes now let's get going" Jack said as he picked Bree up and walked with Kim out of the house to the car


Kim and Jack walked hand in hand into the Dojo, Bree walked happily next to Kim which was a first as she usually liked to run off, so Kim or Jack usually had to hold her but she was being good right now, so the couple knew she was plotting to do something to drive her parents insane soon enough, They just had to wait

"Hey Guys and Liwwle Bree!" Jerry cooed at Bree

"Don't Call Me That!" Bree snapped at Jerry, Jerry always liked to talk to Bree in a baby voice but as Bree was getting older and more like Kim she hated it and would alway snap at him which alway earned her a scold from her parents

"Bree.." Jack warned

"Sorry but don't call me that"

"Jerry please stop you know Bree hates it" Kim said
"Alright I guess I could stop but Bree, could I give you a nickname?"

"I guess but what first?"

"What about Bree-Bree?"

"Yea I guess that's alright" Bree said still not that happy but it was better than beening talked to like a baby, Bree turned to her Kim "Mommy can we go get changed?"

"Sure sweetie let's go then" Kim said as she walked towards the girls locker room
Kim and Bree walked out of the Girl's locker room to find Rudy waiting

"Hey Uncle Rudy can we do some Karate now?" Bree asked hopping about waiting for his answer

"Yep I was waiting for you" He said smiling and holding his hand out for her

After an awesome sparring between Kim and Jack, Eddie and Milton had a go while Kim and Jack took a quick break

"Hey Kim and Jack look at Bree!" Rudy yelled out to them

Bree was doing some arm exercises and was yelling Hi Ya every time she punched with her arms, Jack smiled at his daughter she was like Kim in every way the look the blond hair the sassiness, tomboy attitude with her cute girly style, Everybody said just how much Bree was like Kim.


"So do you guys wanna go to Falafel Phil with us?" Jack asked

"Sure I'm in the mood for food" Jerry said patting his tummy

"Your weird Uncle Jerry" Bree said giggling at Jerry patting his tummy

The gang walked over to Falafel Phil's with Jack carrying Bree as she was walking for a second before trying to run off but bumped into Milton and hurt her sore arm resulting in her crying again, so right now she was sobbing into Jack chest

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Phil" Jack said

"What's wrong with little miss Bree?"

"She tried to make a run for it and took me down and hurt her arm and now she's doing that" Milton said pointing to Bree

"She took you down?" Phil asked

"I wasn't watching"

"umm.. okay"

"I'm gonna order" Hands Bree to Kim "you find us a table, Come on guys"

Kim shifted Bree on her hip and went to look for a table big enough to seat 5-6 people

"Oh what a cute little girl" A older lady said to Kim after Kim had found a table, Bree still had tears in her eyes but had stopped sobbing

"Oh thanks" Kim smiled sweetly at the old lady

"Is she your little sister?" The lady smiled at Kim and Bree

"umm.. no she's my daughter"

"Oh really you just look so young and she looks young too but to old to be your daughter" The lady said surprised

"yea it wasn't meant to happen but I love her anyway" Kim smiled as did the old lady

"well i best be going have a nice evening" the lady said before walking off

Just as the lady left Falafel Phil's the guys all came back with food, Jack sat next to Kim and Bree crawled into his lap and cuddled into his chest again

"You won't try to run off again will you now Bree" Eddie said

"Hey leave her alone she hurt herself be nice and not rude/funny" Kim snapped

"Woah sorry" Eddie said looking down at his food

"Sorry Eddie I'm just a bit tired"

"That's alright"

Kim smiled at him and then decided to eat her Falafels, she took one bite before jumping up and running to the bathroom

"Kim?!" Jack yelled after her but could jump up and follow her because of Bree in his lap

Kim returned 10 minutes later

"I would like to go home please Jack"

"Okay sure we can" he said as he moved Bree from his lap and stood up then picked Bree up, They said goodbye to the guys and walked back to the car


"Okay Bree's watching a Movie now tell me why you ran off to puke after eating, no taking bite from that Falafel ball?"

"You know how my mom's going off on that 4 week cruise?"


"Well it's now 10 weeks.."

"And what does that have to do with puking? You know we'll be fine" Jack said as he crossed his arms

"Okay fine I'll tell you but you're not gonna like it very much"


Okay I'm gonna stop it there now I would like to say I Do Not own Kickin' It or any Characters apart from Bree and any other Characters I make along the way.

Also I made a YouTube Version of this Story on my YouTube Page and now I've decided to make a FanFiction one because I can write so much more :)
So please do review I'd love to hear what you think and see if you can guess what Kim is gonna tell Jack and one last thing I'm not sure how much I can update so I will try for 1 a week even 2 a week and 3 if your Super lucky and the more you review the more I write :)
And another last thing I Hope You Enjoyed The Read :D