It's only the prologue, but I hope you enjoy it!
Disclaimer: I donot own Hetalia
The large hall was filled with noisy, suited presidents and leaders from across the world, all gathered to discuss their collective problem.
Their Country Personifications
"They have always been irresponsible, and they always will be!"
"They've caused numerous problems throughout history, and soon enough, if they don't stop WW3 will be upon us!"
"But we can't kill them, not matter how much we want to! That's how they've lived this long through so many wars!"
"Maybe we can teach them a lesson?"
"How? When their personified nation is in bad shape, they feel it too. For example, if the country is in the economical dumpster, they'll catch a cold."
"You're point?"
"Each country has had a rough patch at some point in history, whether they were under another countries rule, like with Russia, and had to live through nearly unbearable conditions through terrible treatment, or fought through life changing wars, like with the Axis countries. They always feel the brunt force of the pain their country goes through. Hell, they themselves can fight in wars, most of the time using their military experience to help plan strategies, and then fight on the front lines because of their immortality. But they are forever tied to their country, whether they like it or not."
"I still don't see the point you're making."
"After they've lived through being on the front line of wars like the world wars, the cold war, the 100 years war, etc., they must have a super human tolerability to pain both physically and mentally."
Grunts of understanding echoed in the high room.
"Allow me to get this straight, so far what we've decided is that we can't kill them, so we should teach them a lesson, which will not be easy since they are used to pain and surprises."
Most of the room's inhabitants nodded, but one started thinking about that last part.
"I wouldn't be too sure of that. You can certainly be experienced when dealing with pain and surprises by being prepared, but that doesn't make the shock disappear, either from the pain or surprise. And they can still feel pain; they are just good at masking it or taking care of it, either by healing the wound or destroying the cause. Besides, not all of them are experienced when dealing with these types of things, nor can all of them be prepared."
Everyone began to truly ponder about what the man had said and started to think of anything they could do that would fit the description.
That's when the Italian president thought of a great idea.
"Why don't just send them all to vacation in Sicily?"
"Are you insane?" 'Actually the answer to that could be debated,' most thought.
"Why would we want to give them a vacation?"
The well-pampered man grinned.
"It'll hardly be a vacation. Any ride there is a one way ticket, as the vehicle is either soon blown up or the people traveling are dead within a week. Sicily is not the best place to visit as our Mafia is the Mafia.
The people sitting, some standing, at the table were shocked and slightly disturbed that the freaking Italian president thought of something so cruel, but it was a good idea and all agreed.
Hope you liked it and review please! The next chapter will come soon, probably...I'll try is all I can say right now...
P.S. I just realized reviewing to a prologue is kinda weird, so review for chapter 1, okay?