Alrighty, last chapter :D
ミ コ ト • Mikoto
Chapter 5: Final Night
"Yes. Like when two lovers find each other, and they fit each other perfectly. They too, have been joined. They just don't know it until they're finally together."
"Hey, what's that thing sticking out of your bag?" Raven took hold of the object, and slid it out of her bag. "Ah, Valentine's Chocolate."
But Raven was faster. He gripped her wrist, and spun her around, to make her face him. "Really, thank you." His smile was like an angel's. Eve swore she felt her heart skip a beat.
Raven chuckled. "Who knew Eve was such a shy girl?" I think I like her even more now.
"I could stare into your mesmerizing eyes for an eternity." His voice was smooth.
Eve looked at him, glumly. "Stop bugging me for starters."
Raven's head dropped, as Eve left him there. She really is difficult…if only her heart was an item. It'd be much easier to steal…
He winked at her. "I told you last night. I still have one more thing to steal."
They then exchanged glances, and in that small moment of eye contact, Eve's heart was fluttering.
"Eve, what treasures do you like, in the whole world?"
"I like…a lot."
"Name your favorite."
"Maybe…'The Heart'."
"…That's interesting. Why?"
"I think you know why."
"Haha, probably."
"Would you steal it for me, Raven?"
"If I asked you to steal it for me, would you?"
Of course…
Raven's eyes snapped open. He looked around, and saw that he had fallen asleep in his office. He checked his watch, and noticed it was late in the afternoon, about to be evening. He laid back into his chair, and closed his eyes, thinking about basically everything.
After what felt like hours, Raven opened his eyes, and stared at a painting on the wall. It was called, 'A Perfect World Of Life'. Yes, it was also stolen. The thief stood up, and walked over to that painting. He put his hands behind his back, as he stared at the artwork intently.
A perfect world has no flaws, yet it is a flaw itself, for not having any flaws. Would you continue to live in a perfect place, or live in a normal one? How do you know, that all of this isn't a dream?
Raven's eyes narrowed, as he kept re-reading over those small sentences. "A perfect world, huh?"
He tried to imagine one. He wouldn't have to steal, he could live a normal life, his girlfriend would be Eve, and everything would be well. But it's too fake. He couldn't imagine himself living in such an artificial dream. If he compared reality to dream, he didn't know why, but he'd rather choose reality. Why would you choose reality over a perfect world? That is the real question.
The infamous phantom thief kept puzzling over it. He tried to think of an answer, but this stuff certainly wasn't easy. Then again, there was no right or wrong answer. In the end, it all depends on the person.
Raven then folded his arms. "!" That's it…my answer is, 'Because you can turn Reality into a Semi-Perfect world, whereas you can't turn Perfect into normal.'
A smirk formed on his lips. "Now, I definitely know what to do."
"…Another warning letter from Phantom Crow?" groaned the Detective.
"But he sent one just the other day."
"Well, we received one just now."
How unusual. Phantom Thief Crow normally doesn't send more warning letters after a treasure has been stolen.
"Bring it here!"
The Detective was surprised at what was written. "Has Phantom Crow gone nuts…?"
Tonight, at an unknown time.
I shall not take; instead,
I will give back what is not rightfully mine.
–Phantom Thief Crow
"This doesn't sound like him at all…however…there's a black feather in here." The Detective turned the feather around in his hand. Definitely a Raven's Feather. "I've always wondered…if he's Phantom Thief CROW, why does he use RAVEN feathers?"
"Reporting! Security Departments have received a mysterious warning letter from the infamous Phantom Thief Crow! But is it real? Or a fake?!" explained a reporter.
Eve turned her attention to the TV, while eating her dinner. "Warning letter…?"
Ophelia smiled, as she placed a water jug onto the table. "Miss Eve, did you manage to give that special someone your chocolate, today?"
Eve nodded, but her eyes didn't move away from the TV. "I did, and he's not exactly a special someone to me."
Oberon also joined into the conversation, "But Miss Eve, Valentine's Day is a day where you express your love for a male with chocolate."
The little 'queen' shook her hand, while staring at the TV. "I don't really care about Valentine's Day, even if it is today."
"We will now show a picture of the warning letter." said the reporter.
Before Eve knew what she was doing, she immediately dashed over to the screen, wide-eyed.
The two servants sweat-dropped. "Miss Eve…I don't think it's healthy to watch TV so closely."
"Please be quiet for a moment!" Eve glared at the digital screen. The two servants immediately shut up.
On the screen was a picture of the black letter, with glowing silver font. The reporter read it out.
"Tonight, at an unknown time.
I shall not take; instead,
I will give back what is not rightfully mine.
–Phantom Thief Crow"
Eve gasped. What is he thinking?! He can't just take the treasures, and put them back like it never happened!
"Something wrong, Miss Eve?" Ophelia asked.
Oberon whispered, "Maybe she has a secret crush on the infamous thief."
Eve got flustered rather fast. "I do not!" She switched off the TV, and stomped up the stairs. "I'm not hungry anymore."
"Oh dear…did I say something bad?" mumbled Oberon.
"A girl and her heart…" sighed Ophelia.
"Who would ever like a guy like that?!" Eve threw a pillow at the wall. "There's nothing great about him!"
I don't understand why I'm so annoyed at this anyways…! She threw another pillow. "He's just another annoying imbecile in my ey-oh no!" She quickly tried to catch the pillow she just threw, mainly because it was about to go out the open balcony doors, and fly pass the railing.
Eve ran after it, but stopped when it was out of her sight. She sighed, as she leaned on the railing. "Oh well, it's only a pillow…"
Suddenly, she saw a gloved hand grab the railing. She froze. A hand?!
Raven was about to land on Eve's balcony, but then he heard her angry voice. "Who would ever like a guy like that?! There's nothing great about him!"
He frowned. Who?
"He's just another annoying imbecile in my ey-oh no!" Oh, me. Well, for your information, Eve, there are girls out there who do like me. He then heard hurried footsteps coming closer. And then something soft hit him in the face, as he fell off the balcony.
Eve sighed, "Oh well, it's only a pillow…"
Raven grabbed onto the railing, as he tried to get back up.
Eve froze. A hand?!
The swift thief then flipped himself over the balcony, and appeared behind Eve. "Having a pillow fight with yourself?" he handed her the pillow that hit him.
She frowned. "You're trespassing over my territory again." She snatched the pillow back.
"Haha, you could say that. However, doesn't it remind you of Romeo and Juliet?" he chuckled.
Eve glanced at him, and noticed he was dressed in his phantom thief attire. "How so?"
"Well, let's say you're Juliet, and I'm Romeo. I'm the one who scales the walls for you, and…"
"I think I've heard enough, Romeo." She muttered. "Anyways, what's with the sudden warning letter?"
"What about it?" He sat on the railing.
"Is it true, or false?"
"Which do you think?" he smirked.
She sighed. "I think…it's false."
"Doesn't seem like you."
"Ah. Well, take another look at the TV."
The two walked into her room, and switched on the smaller sized TV which was in her room.
"It's like it suddenly just poofed there!" exclaimed an officer.
"I couldn't believe it! After a whole year, 'Lucifer's Right Wing' was really there!"
"He may have returned the treasures, but he only returned the old ones. 'The Heart' is still missing!" pointed out the Detective.
Raven switched off the TV.
Eve blinked. "You still haven't returned 'The Heart' yet?"
"Of course not."
"You haven't extracted the Shard yet?"
"I have."
"Then why do you still have it?"
"Eve, be my valentine." He looked at her seriously.
"Well, that was rather…direct." She mumbled.
"I'm serious, Eve. I love you."
Eve's face immediately flushed red. "How can you say that so…so casually?!"
He laughed. "Because it's true."
Her face reddened more, if that was even possible. "I'll say this to you-forget about me ever liking someone like you! I don't date thieves!" She was so embarrassed; she didn't know what she was saying anymore.
"What if I quit?"
"What?" she looked at him.
"Nothing else to steal, and no other missions to do. So, why don't I just quit?" He took off his dark eye mask, and looked into her amber orbs.
"But, you said it was fun…"
"It was. But I think it's time for me to lead a normal life."
"W-Wait! You said you don't have anything left to steal-but what about my...the most beautiful girl in the world's heart?!"
"I don't want to steal it anymore."
"Eh?" she glanced at the thief before her eyes.
He shrugged. "Stealing your first kiss was enough for me."
"So, I don't want to steal your heart anymore." He smirked.
"W-What's with that look on your face?"
"I wonder…"
"…What are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking of a semi-perfect world, that I could create."
"A semi-perfect world?" Eve raised her eyebrows. She wasn't sure where this conversation was leading to.
"Yep. I've nearly created it. I've already quit, which means I don't have to steal anymore, and I can catch up on my sleep." He explained.
"Good for you?" she cocked her head to the side.
"But there's one last thing that makes it incomplete."
"What is it?"
Raven gently caressed her, "You, Eve."
Eve blushed again, and tried to push him away. "Y-You're too close…!"
But Raven was stronger, instead of being pushed away, he came closer. He gave her a heart-warming smile, and whispered, "I don't want to steal your heart. I want you to give it to me."
He then softly kissed her on the lips, and Eve hadn't noticed that she also kissed back, as light as a feather though.
The silver-haired girl pulled away. "Fine."
"Hm?" he looked at her curiously.
Eve looked away, while blushing. "I-I'll give you it to you…"
"Huh? What was that? You were speaking so quietly, that I couldn't hear you." Raven leaned in closer.
She slapped him. "You heard me, you liar!"
"Hahahaha!" he laughed, and looked at his future girlfriend. He took something out of his pocket, it was 'The Heart'. Raven then put is around Eve's neck, and smiled. "You really are the most beautiful girl in the world..."
Eve felt her face heat up once again. "N-No...I don't think I deserve it..."
"Of course you do. Oh, and I've decided my second best pick-up line will now become my first."
For the first time in ages, Eve smiled. "I think I remember what it was, since you did try it out on me last night."
Then the two said it in unison, "Let's commit the perfect crime; I'll steal your heart, you'll steal mine."
Omg, I'm a little late, since it's not Valentine's Day anymore...well, I hope you guys don't mind ^-^;;
Well, that's the end, folks :) Hope you all enjoyed it~
ミ コ ト • Mikoto
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