A/N: Okay, since nobody seems to want to take this challenge up, I will start the first chapter as a bit of a prologue and see how it goes. As always with any first chapter, your reviews will determine if this is a story worth continuing, so do read and review would you kindly? Before I have to find that mind-control plasmid from "Bioshock".
-Personal ECHO recorder…
-Subject: Master Chief Petty Officer John-117
-Playing ECHO recording…
-John: It's been a few years since that incident where I somehow wound up in this dimension. I honestly don't know what is going on, but I do know that I've seen a good deal of things that would make the people back in the UNSC laugh my head off. Oh, I could hear it now—things like 'maybe the legend's finally gotten to his head!' or even 'I knew Spartans weren't such hot shit!'
-John: Who would believe it anyway? *sighs* I wish you were here Cortana, things could've been easier if you are right here with me—in fact, it was so much simpler when it was just Humans vs. the Covenant. I wonder what you would say if you saw me keeping a journal of any kind. In any case, I suppose freelance mercenary work has its perks…to be honest, I don't know how anyone can survive in this dimension; corrupt governments, outlaws running amok, big gun corporations having private armies, as well as disturbing rumors about these 'Sirens' everyone keeps on talking about in whispers. Fortunately, there are plenty of bandits and terrorists that need killing, as well as bounties that need collecting, so that at least makes sense to me.
-John: One rumor in particular caught my ear though…about some kind of place on a planet called 'Pandora' where there is supposed to be an alien treasure just waiting to be discovered. At first, I asked myself "who would buy into this bull?" and then I started having thoughts that it might be my ticket home. Besides, I'm getting bored simply sitting around doing nothing…might as well take up a challenge.
-End of recording…
A/N: This is the prologue…I figured, since everyone in "Borderlands 2" gets a Personal Echo recording, may as well give Johnny-boy one as well. Also, this will be an AU story, and your reviews will determine if our favorite Spartan will be on Marcus' bus with Roland, Mordecai, Brick, and Lilith, or if he will be fighting on the Hyperion Corp. train with the new Vault Hunters (yes I'll include a certain fiery red-headed mechromancer as well). I'm also thinking of adding a romance to the story, so pairings are up for suggestion—but I will make it clear that there will be NO YAOI! So to anyone that catches this story, please, please, PLEASE review so that I will at least know where to take this story.