Title: The New Girl

Author: Desi (Meeeee!)

Rating: T (M+ in all chapters after 3)

Summary: Semi-AU. Leslie Shay is a bartender at a strip club by night and training to become a paramedic during the day. There she befriends firefighter and patron Kelly Severide. Shay is a known womanizer. That is, until she lays eyes on Gabriela Dawson, aka Honey, the very shy, but very sexy new girl. M+ in all chapters after 3.

Disclaimer: Dick Wolf owns anyone familiar to you. Fucking creative genius.

A/N: Review, review, review. I needs it like airrrrr. (:

Chapter 1: The New Girl

Nocturnal Gentleman's Club, Friday, 11:54PM, Chicago

Home to a sensual experience and women that never took off more than their bikini tops -which wasn't saying much- Nocturnal was definitely a classy establishment. If one was looking for a good time, this was definitely where they wanted to come.

Cockily grinning and pushing the end of her blonde ponytail over her shoulder, Leslie Shay folded her arms under her breasts and watched the current girl on the center stage. Lust danced in her eyes as Nico danced seductively to a semi-slow song. Nico glanced over at Shay and winked, never missing a beat. Shay gave a slight chuckle before her naughty thoughts were interrupted.

"Hey, Shay, can I get another one?" A gruff patron called from the end of the bar, holding up his empty Heineken glass.

"Sure can, handsome." Shay responded. With expert fingers, she quickly popped the top off of the green bottle and sat it on the bar in front of him.

"Slow night?" A voice said.

"It'll pick up around twelve-thirty," replied a distracted Shay. Her gaze lingered, once again, on Nico's dancing. "What'll you have?"

"Shot of Jack." Kelly Severide said, smiling at her. He slipped a few crumpled bills on the bar. "Make it a double."

"You got it."

Severide looked Shay up and down while she poured his drink. Even in her simple black tank top and black skinny jeans, she was still gorgeous.

When she slid his drink in front of him, he put his hand atop hers while she reached for the cash he'd laid down.

"Sure you don't want to rethink my offer?"

Flashback (six months ago)

The fourteen people who were waiting for their drinks were waving cash in the air and yelling drink orders at Shay. She was keeping her head above water despite the other bartender calling out "sick" that night.

With loud uptempo music blasting and dark red lights flashing in time to the rhythm, there were thousands of dollars of bills all over on the black linoleum floor. The current situation? A bachelor party for a firefighter. Rowdy, drunken men just begging to get into trouble littered the place.

Just when Shay thought she was done with all of her orders, two men walked up to the bar. One was muscular and tall with dark hair and the adorable hint of dimples on his face. The other was short, thin and looked to be the groom. Shay only guessed that because of the scared look on his face. Something told her, his future wife would kill him if she found out he'd acted inappropriately.

"What can I get you?"

"How about your phone number?" the muscular one asked.

Shay snorted. "I just do drinks. And women."

"The offer still stands."

"Please get it a chair. It'll be waiting for quite a while." Shay smirked, placing her hands on the bar.

"Are you always this quick on your feet?"

"Mostly. Now," Shay began again, "what can I get you to drink?"

"Two White Russians."

"Coming up."

End of flashback

"I don't and won't ever bat for your team, Severide." Shay said, winking at him before taking his money. She bumped fists with him before he took his shot, tapped the bar and headed back towards the stage.

"Yo, Shay! I'm here. Do you need me?" Kimmie, another bartender asked, slipping her handbag under the bar.

"Yeah, can you see what the girls in the back are drinking?"

"Sure thing."

"Shay?" A slender, but curvy waitress started. She had gotten the nickname "Monroe" from the staff due to the fact that she was the splitting image of Marilyn Monroe; from her bleach blonde hair to her natural beauty mark just above her lip.

"What's up, girl?"

"I need two Hypnotiq on the rocks, an Irish trashcan and a vodka tonic for table three."

Shay immediately got to work, completing the order in a record forty-seven seconds. She placed the drinks onto a black, circular tray and slid them towards Monroe.

Kimmie came back behind the bar with a smirk on her face. She propped herself up on one elbow against the bar top and looked at Shay.

"Who's talking about me tonight?" Shay assumed.

Kimmie said nothing. She simply slid an order slip towards Shay, who glanced at it. It took her three complete seconds before Leslie did a double take at the paper.

"Who the hell is 'Honey'?" Shay asked, confused.

"The new girl."

"New girl, huh? What does she look like?"

"You'll see her in about four minutes. She's on rotation next, but she's nervous as hell, so she needs her drink."

"I'll, uh, fix them and take them back." Shay told her.

"Oh no no no. You don't need another one in your stable."

"They're not horses, Kimmie."

"No, they're just your bitches, you little pimp."

"I am not a pimp."

"Pimp." Monroe insulted, playfully, as she put the empty tray on the bar before walking away again. Kimmie and Shay laughed.

"Whatever, man." Shay finished up the drink order, placed them on a tray and passed them off to Kimmie.

Two minutes later, seductive music started to play. Shay recognized the song as 'Anytime, Anyplace' from an older Janet Jackson album. It was definitely a tune that could put anyone in the mood.

"Welcome to the stage the newest addition to our family, Honey!" Their house DJ, Kylie, announced.

Shay's head shot up from the cash box just as the dark center stage was suddenly lit with an orange spotlight. Honey gave a small smirk to the crowd as she worked her legs and hips slowly to the sensual beat. She turned, using the silver, floor to ceiling pole for leverage, and slid slowly into a split.

"Oh god." Shay muttered.

Kimmie handed Shay a napkin.

"To wipe the drool." She explained.

"Shut up." Shay replied, crumbling the napkin in her hand.

Honey had somehow twisted her body and was now on her back, making her ass clap with her legs in the air.

Shay glanced at the audience. Every single man had stopped what they were doing and was now focused on Honey's show. Catcalls, whistles and hundreds of dollar bills were being thrown onstage.

Honey was now on all fours, crawling to the pole and pulling herself up, up, up... until she was about three feet in the air, holding on with just her thigh muscles as she slowly ran her hands down her torso. She gripped onto the pole, tightly, and flipped herself upside down, spreading her legs once again as she slid towards the floor.

Just as the song ended and before the spotlight went out, Honey winked at the men and gave yet another seductive smirk.

Kimmie snapped her fingers in front of Shay's face. "How much alcohol did you put into her drink?"

"Huh? What?"

"How much alcohol was in her drink?"

"A lot." Shay snorted.

"I can tell. She was so nervous that she was shaking backstage."

"How long has she been dancing?"

"This was her first time ever. She did the damn thing."

"Yeah. She did." Shay observed.

Something inside of Shay pulled at her for the rest of the night. The busier they got, the less her chances were of getting backstage to talk to Honey.


Shay wiped down the bar and made sure her bottles were spaced neatly apart on their glass shelves, before grabbing her messenger bag and swinging it over her head to rest on her shoulders. She headed backstage where the last of the girls were slipping into their sweatpants or jeans, locking their lockers and grabbing their gym bags. Standing in front of a vanity mirror, taking off her liquid eyeliner before slipping into her dark grey cardigan, was Honey.

Shay's heart may or may not have skipped a beat when she saw her. Her hands might have gotten a little clammy. And she was only partially certain that she had to clear her throat to get rid of the frog.

"That was some show." Shay started with.

"You must be Shay. I've heard a lot about you." Honey replied. It was clear in her tone that she was all set to reject Shay's advances.

"Believe every word." Shay joked.

"So you are a vulture that circles when it smells fresh meat?"

Always the quick-witted one, Shay smirked and responded, "Trying to get my feathers all ruffled, I see."

"Good one." Honey stuck her hand out. "Gabriela Dawson."

Shay took her hand out of her jeans pocket and shook it. "Leslie Shay."

"So, Leslie Shay, know a diner around here with good grub at two a.m.?"


Up Next: Diner talk, paramedic training, and a talk with Severide.