(One week later)

Ever since beating Wallace, I have been training along with my pokemon for the final encounter. During the week, I had returned home and told mom all that had transpired to me since I left. Even dad was there, turns out he was keeping his end of the deal, and he even says that he is doing better now that he quit using battle items. For that one day, it seem like we were a family again. Now that the week was up, I travel all the way back to the pokemon league, and true to his words, Drake was there, waiting for us. We get on his Salamance and we fly off. An hour goes by until I finally see the tower up ahead. We land and Drake wishes me luck and leaves. As I enter the building, I see that it was more dangerous than before, the pokemon were much stronger, the place was very unstable, but I was determined to reach the top. It had taken me the whole day until I finally reach the top, and right there, in the very center, was Rayquaza. He notices that I was the same human from before and asks what I wanted. I tell him that I want him to bring back the ones I had lost. Rayquaza starts laughing, saying that many before me had wanted the same thing, and all had failed. He tells me in order for him to bring back the ones who had died, I would need to defeat Rayquaza himself. Without hesitation I accept the challenge. Sending out the team I had with me, Skipper, Lavender, Dash, Alistar, and Raphael all rush forward to attack. It will be a battle that I will never forget.

(Months later, third person point of view)

A woman was sitting at the couch, watching the news, along with a man right next to her. These are the parents of TM. It had been months since TM had left, and he hasn't been seen since. The parents had contacted everyone, but no one knew where he was. Drake himself had come to the house to explain what had happened. He explained that TM went to challenge Rayquaza to bring back what was lost to him. When TM hadn't return, Drake was planning to go inside and check on TM, but when he got there, the Sky Pillar was gone. Try as they might, the authorities had no choice but to announce that TM was most likely deceased. But then something strange had happened recently. All of TM's pokemon, except the ones that he took with him to sky pillar, in the pc storage were suddenly gone. The authorities believed that they were stolen, but after finding no proof that there was no break in, they had to drop the case. The father and mother were distraught, even professor Birch and May were sad. It was starting to get dark, and the father went to turn off the TV, seeing as how there is no likely news about his son, and soon the parents retire to bed. In the middle of the night, the sound of someone knocking on their door had wakened them up. Hoping that it might be their son, they rush downstairs and open the door, only to find that no one was there. They were about to close the door and go back to sleep when the father suddenly notices a note attached to the door. It was a letter.

"Dear Mom and Dad,

Yes this is your son, and I know you two miss me very much. I am sorry to say this, but I won't be returning home for awhile. I wish I can tell you what had happened all these months, but I'm afraid that there are no words to describe what had transpired over the months. As of right now, I am traveling, seeing the world as much as I can. Please don't go looking for me, for I do not want to be found. Remember that one day, when we were all together at the house, as a family. I will always remember and cherish that time. I don't know when I will come back, but I promise that I will one day, and I look forward to when that time comes.

Love, TM"

Once the father had finish reading the letter, he looks in the sky, and for a second, he thought he saw something flying away, only for it to disappear the next second. Knowing that his son is out there, traveling the world, filled him with joy like no other. The parents take the note inside, close the door, and turn off the lights, fully satisfied at what their son has achieved, and retire to bed.

Meanwhile, far up in the sky, a certain eighteen year old, who was on the back of a pokemon, had just watch the parents come outside to find the note on the door. With that, he takes off, to explore all he can, flying away into the night.


If you must know, the moment I beat Wallace, enter the hall of fame, and the credits finish, the game file is erased. It said that it was corrupted and was force to be erased. So I couldn't exactly challenge Rayquaza without knowing what will happen. I could lie and just say I beat him, or I used the master ball and that Nelipot, Locsite, and C-Run were brought back to life, but I wouldn't have liked that.

I still find it hard to believe that I finished the story, and the game. I want to say thanks to all of you who had decided to read this story, at first I was just challenging myself, but after going so far, seeing so many had like the story, I had truly felt a connection. Its kinda sad that this story has to end. I wish I could do more, but I leave tomorrow, and it's time you know exactly why.

I am going to serve as a full time missionary for two years in Denver, Colorado. It's why I won't be able to stay on fanfiction for those two years. And who knows, maybe we will meet each other. Ever since I had joined fanfiction, I have read so many great stories, and met so many great authors. I'll be honest, I am lost at words at how I feel right now. I've experienced a lot since joining, and they were the best.

As I am finishing this final chapter, I look back to all the people I met here, all the stories I have read, and to think, all of this would've never been possible if it wasn't for you. That's right, all of you, even the ones I haven't got to fully know, so what I would like to say is thanks for all the great times we had on fanfiction, for all the stories you guys have made that so many others like, for helping not me, but also other authors in need of it. I say Thank You to all of you!

Now I'm going to finish this chapter with this paragraph. If you ever want to use any characters from this story, or any of my OC, feel free to use them, they will be on my profile. There will also be some new OC that I wanted to use in upcoming stories, but it looks like I won't get the chance. But if you want to you can use them. One of them is Brody's niece. If any of you pm me now, I am sorry to say this but I will not reply, it would be too hard to say goodbye over and over again. So instead I will say it here.