Jess: Well hello readers! Welcome to this story full of good fluff and humor. If you give this fic a chance I guarantee it will make you laugh or you will get your money back!

Liz: What money? What are you talking about? And why do you sound like a cheap commercial?

Jess: Forget it… This story is rated T for swearing. There is a LOT of swearing in later chapters, if you are not comfortable with swearing…

Liz: you have to suck it up!

Jess: You can just tell me to get them off…

Liz: WHAT?! NOO! Let there be swears! CURSE YOU F*CKING B*TCH!

Jess: …We will discuss that later…

Liz: Heads up. This is Yaoi, which means boyxboy, mainly Puzzleshipping. Don't like it then get out of here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Anzu bashing. There will be angst and drama in later chapters. Someone will get hurt REALLY bad… like REALLY, REALLY BAD! TORTURING INVOLVED! Also Yugi will be…

Jess: *smacks Liz on her head.* don't spoil it! There will also be Tendershipping and if you ask me to I will add Puppyshipping, if you don't I will leave that out because to be honest I am too lazy to do it. I need motivation! Oh I also brought Yami here to do the disclaimer!


Yami: I don't want to…

Jess: You know that I have total power over this story which means complete control over what happens to you and Yugi right?

Yami: … Jess does not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any videogame mentioned in this fic.

Liz: Good boy *ruffles Yami's hair*

Yami: This better be good…

Jess: Let's start already!

Yugi was running out of his grandfather's game shop-house.

"Bye ji-chan!" he shouted as he left the shop.

He was late for school…Again

'Damn it!' He reached his classroom and sighted in relief as he realized the teacher was also late.

"Late again Yug," A blond boy with honey eyes said with a Brooklyn accent.

"Hey Joey," Yugi answered as he sits in his chair.

"Yugi! You finally made it to school!" a white haired boy with brown eyes said with a British accent

"Hello Ryou."

Yugi suddenly felt dizzy and slammed his head on the desk.

"Are you alright?" asked Ryou worried

"Yeah… just tired…"

"At what time did you sleep last night?"

Yugi didn't answer.

"You didn't sleep did you?"

Yugi lifted his head a little bit, shook it and slammed it back down

"Damn Yug! Ya gotta sleep sometime ya know?"

"I know Joey but I was playing online with some guy from Brazil and I couldn't leave until I beat him!" Yugi yelled

"Again playing videogames huh?"

Yugi got his head up and nodded. Ryou sighted "Yugi, you need to balance your time playing and doing stuff"

"You sound like Ji-chan…"

"I am serious Yugi! Let me ask you, did you finish your homework?"


"Did you have dinner last night?"


"At least tell me you had a shower!"

"Hey! I am clean!"

"Did you?"


Ryou sighted again "You are a serious gamer aren't you?"

Yugi nodded "I love videogames more than anything in this boring life"

Suddenly a girl with brown hair that barely reached her shoulders and blue eyes yelled as she entered the classroom "HEY GUYS"

"Damn Anzu! Ya don't need to scream!"

"Sorry but I am excited! Look what I got yesterday!" She said as she reached to her bag and pulled out a black poster.

Joey stood up with wide eyes "A 'Dark Magicians' poster!"

A brunet boy appeared out of nowhere "Did somebody said 'Dark Magicians'?!"

"Bloody hell Honda you scared me!"

"Sorry Ryou… you said a 'Dark Magicians' poster?"

"Yep! This is my new poster!" Anzu announced proudly. Some other girls (and guys) approached to see it. It had a black background with fire around the lead singer Atem, a gorgeous crimson-eyed teenager. He was showing off his handsomeness with a black sleeveless shirt, a silver chain around his neck and black leather pants.

"Let me see Anzu!" Some girl yelled.

"Where did you get it?" Other girl asked.

"I will give you 100 bucks for it!" some guy yelled.

"Sorry, not selling it"

Sad, the jealous classmates left.

"He is so handsome…" Anzu said dreamily

"He is the best!" Exclaimed Joey

"Best example of perfection" Said Honda

"Yeah he is fine…" Ryou said bored

Three pairs of eyes looked incredulously at the young British boy.

"What do ya mean fine? He is better than fine! He is excellent!"

"Yeah… I have nothing against them or their music but I don't exactly like them…"

Three jaws were wide open.

"What did you said?! Dark Magicians are awesome! How can you not like them?!"

"Yeah! Look at this model of beautifulness!" Honda said while showing Ryou the poster. He simply shoved it away.

"Sorry guys but I am not going to change my mind"

"I know! Its cause he is British!" Joey yelled pointing at Ryou

"That's a little racist don't you think?" Ryou said annoyed

"Whatever' go eat some chips/fish or something!" Ryou smacked his forehead and sighted "come on Yug! Tell this British how awesome the Dark Magicians are!"

Yugi sighted "you know Joey… I have to agree with Ryou in this one, I am not that into music, and I rather play my videogames thank you" Yugi put his head down to his desk "By the way Joey, its fish and chips"

Joey placed a finger in his chin and looked at Yugi suspiciously "Ya know Yug, its interestin' how you say you don't like Atem and you look a lot like him! I mean ya hair looks a lot like Atem's, ya know, star shaped with blond bangs and all, where did ya go to make it that way?" Joey asked his sleepy friend

"Nowhere Joey, I already told you a thousand times that I don't know why my hair looks like this, It's natural I guess…" Yugi looked up to see his friend staring at him, his face saying "are you kidding me?"

"Yeah so ya sayin' that your hair magically goes up?"

"…ok maybe I use a little… a lot of gel to keep it up but only because it looks ridiculous when I wear it down… anyways I don't look a lot like Atem! He has more golden bangs that stick up his hair"

"Well yeah but other than that you are like a little but cuter version of Atem!" Joey exclaimed

"Little Atem…" Anzu whispered

Yugi crossed his arms "He also got crimson eyes and I got amethyst remember?"

Joey snorted "Little details…"

"Anyway you two guys are weird! How can you not like Dark Magicians?" Honda asked.

"We are gamers, not musicians" answered Ryou.

"Gamers…" sighted Honda and they left the gamers alone.

Yugi slammed his fist against his desk "Yeah, yeah we gamers are freaks with no social life and we fail at school, we eat only Wii remotes and drink our sweat from too much playing… I hate when people judge us and think we are like this!" Yugi said really angry.

"Don't listen to them," Ryou said placing a hand on Yugi's shoulder "they are just so in love with their precious band that they don't think of anything else, besides they don't even understand videogames like us, they wouldn't be able to play 5 seconds on an online game without dying"

Yugi smiled "You are right! They don't understand videogames! Thanks, I feel better" He slammed his head in the desk again "But still tired, you don't have any coffee do you?"

Ryou shook his head "Even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you, you get too hyper…"

A man with long white hair that covered almost half of his face with a red suit entered the classroom "Good morning class, sorry I am late, get your books and read from page 20-1000 and answer these 60 questions"

All class yelled "WHAT?!"

"You heard me! Now get to work!"

Everybody groaned and got their books

'This is going to be a long day' Yugi thought

Yugi arrived to the game shop after school

"Hey ji-chan I am back!" he yelled and headed upstairs

"Yugi! Promise me you will finish your homework before playing videogames"

"Sorry Ji-chan, can't promise what I can't do," he escaped before his grandfather lectured him again.

Sugoroku just sighted and hoped his grandson would stop playing so much.

Yugi reached his room and before doing anything else he turned his computer on. He throws away his bag with books and assignments that he will never work on and goes to his favorite online gaming web site.

(A/N I just made that up) A website where you can play duel monsters with anyone around the world. Yugi logged on.

Username: KingOfGames150

Password: IhateAnzu (A/N lovely password right?)


New page popped out

"Welcome KingOfGames150"

'Let's see my messages'

*You have 0 requests for duels*

*0 private messages*

*You have been invited to the online Duel tournament that starts right now*

'Another tournament? Bring it on!' Yugi cracked his knuckles, it was show time

In another part of the world, someone else was also logging on to his username in the web site

Username: PharaohOfEgypt170

Password: BakuraSucksIRule


"Welcome PharaohOfEgypt170"

'Let's see if there is someone worthy enough to duel me'

*you have 0 requests for battles*

*1 private message* 'Private message?'


KingofThieves818: YOU SUCK!

Crimson eyes rolled

'Bakura you are so immature' He deleted the message

*You have been invited to the online Duel tournament that started 2 minutes ago*

'Mmm interesting'


In these online tournaments there is a list with all users invited. It included their username, level, number of games won and if they were on a duel or waiting (A/N You'll see)

'Let's look for someone new… what's this?'

Username: KingOfGames150

Level: 47

Duels won: 11

Duels lost: 0

Status: Dueling

Send Duel Challenge Watch Duel Send Friend Request Report Username

'Zero duels lost? Well we will have to do something about that'

Click "Your challenge has been send"

'Let's see how well you play'


The username KingofGames150 Had not lost any life point and was one hit to win

There is a chat box at the right of the screen where the Duelers and the people watching the duel could…well… chat.

Bestduelerevar645: You got him King!

Dargmagiciangirl12: Kill him! Kill him now!

KingOfGames150: Any last words before losing against the king of games?

BadLoserKaiba: No, I can't lose! I never lost anything!

KingOfGames150: There is always a first time!

With that KingOfGames150 attacked and won the battle

BadLoserKaiba: No! Rematch!

KingOfGames150: Another one? Sorry, I just got a new-more interesting challenge so maybe next time

A message popped out in the screen

KingOfGames150 has accepted your challenge

Duel Now Run like a chicken


'It's time to Du-du-du-du-du-du-du-duel… why do I always do that?!'

Yugi was having trouble. This new dueler that challenged him was really good! But he wasn't going to give up.

'Damn he is good!'

****10 minutes later

'I lost…'

KingOFGames150: Wow you are really good! How about a rematch?

PharaohOfEgypt170: Bring it on! I will beat you this time! (A/N HA! You thought Yugi was the one who lost didn't you?)

KingOfGames150: Sure about that? They don't call me King of games for nothing!

PharaohOfEgypt170: Well "King" This Pharaoh is going to destroy you kingdom!

Yugi laughed. There was something interesting with this guy. He suddenly felt curious. He changed the duel to private so only he and the other dueler could chat

KingOfGames150: So Pharaoh… you have a name?

PharaohOfEgypt170: you can call me Yami… how about you?

KingOfGames150: You can call me Majesty

PharaohOfEgypt170: very funny… no seriously

KingofGames150: ok… just call me super special awesome King… fine! I am Yugi

PharaohOfEgypt170: hahaha nice to meet you Yugi… well let me tell you that I am about to beat you

KingOfGames150: I don't think so Yami!

After playing for hours Sugoroku called Yugi for dinner

KingOfGames150: Sorry I have to go

PharaohOfEgypt170: No! I want to play more :(

Yugi felt sad, he also wanted to play more. Suddenly, an idea came to his mind.

KingOfGames150: You can send me a friend request and we can play tomorrow if you want

PharaohOgEgypt170: Perfect! Just give me 5 seconds.

Exactly 5 seconds later a message popped in Yugi's screen.

*You have received a friend request from:*


Accept Decline Ignore


*You are now friends with:*


Yugi returned to the chat box

KingOfGames150: Done! I shall beat you tomorrow afternoon Pharaoh Yami.

PharaohOfEgypt170: I will be waiting anxiously King Yugi.

Jess: So… what do you think? Good? Bad? Horrible? You like it? You hate it? Did you get confused with the website part? I really want to know so please REVIEW! I would love to have at least 5 reviews...

Liz: 5?! Are you crazy?!

Jess: Just a little bit…

NEXT CHAPTER: Rehearsals and dragons. Atem and the other band members are introduced and there will be dragons!

Yami: ...Dragons?

Jess: Yes… Dragons

Yami: …Why?

Jess: I like dragons.

Liz: me too.

Jess: Who doesn't like dragons?

Liz: Nobody, everyone likes dragons.

Jess: Dragons are cool and your argument is invalid

Liz: If there is anyone still reading this nonsense, you have to review and at the end of your review write 'DRAGONS ARE EPIC!'

Yami: Why?!

Liz: Just to know if somebody is actually reading this… beside dragons ARE epic!

Yami: *sights and shakes his head* Crazy girl…

Jess: Until next time! I will probably update in 2 weeks… but if I get enough reviews I will update sooner.

Liz: Review! Review! Review! DRAGONS ARE EPIC! Review! Review! Review! Review!