"Snow!" Clara exclaimed as the TARDIS door opened wide, allowing her to step through.

"And there's nothing wrong with it this time, I promise." The Doctor said with conviction, holding out his gloved hand for her to take. She did. He swung their arms dramatically, shoving the other hand inside of his jacket pocket as they walked forward.

"Where to?" She asked with the same smirk she always seemed to have on her face.

"Well," he began, looking down to meet her eyes, "I was thinking I could go show you the secret base of the Torchwood institute or we could investigate a Slitheen that's supposedly been running rampant or –"

"Here!" She exclaimed, cutting him off. She pulled at his hand and he stumbled along behind her, trying to figure out where it was she was headed.

A small bell rang above his head as he was hit by artificial heating and the pressure of her hand left his.

"A café?" He asked in disbelief, looking around the small shop. There was nothing out of the ordinary here. There were a few couches pushed in a circle on one side and a few scattered round tables with thin chairs on the other. The entire place seemed to have a theme of red and gold going, save the mix-match furniture, and the marbled counter. A bored looking teenage girl stood behind it wearing a drab brown uniform and a matching baseball cap.

"Is that what this is? It smells fantastic," her eyes were wide in amazement as she took in the shabby place and he couldn't help but let a small smile come across his face. He had missed this. He had missed this so much.

"I could get you something if you like," he suggested, nodding to the menu boards that hung above the girl. Clara's face brightened and she nodded enthusiastically. He smiled at her and took the few steps necessary to reach the counter. "Excuse me," he whispered to the blonde girl who was now playing with her phone. She looked up to him with a raised eyebrow and he cleard his throat nervously. "Yes, uhm, two hot chocolates, please?"

She didn't answer him but instead posed a question of her own, "What size?" Her voice was monotone.

"Size, oh," he looked back to Clara as if hoping she would give him the answer but she only looked at him expectantly, a smile still on her face. He turned back to the girl, "the big one?" he finally said uncertainly. She nodded and headed over to the machine to make the order.

It only took a few seconds so the Doctor wasn't left fiddling with his jacket for long.

"Four pounds," She said as she set the two large steaming cups down in front of him.

"Ah, yes, of course." The Doctor mumbled as he dug through one of his pants pockets. "There you are," he said gesturing to the money he had just placed on the counter.

"Thank you," she responded, eyeing him skeptically.

"Thank /you/!" He replied happily, taking the two cups and sighing inwardly in relief. He had never much liked buying things on Earth, it seemed so unnecessarily complex. He turned back to Clara and extended one of the drinks towards her.

"It's huge," she said as she took it from him and held it up to her face so it was eye level with her.

"You'll be glad once you try it," He told her, bringing his own cup up to his lips to take a sip, "OW! But not yet, don't drink it yet," the end of his tongue felt numb and his throat burned. She laughed with her eyes closed and brought her other hand up to steady her cup so that it wouldn't spill. "No, that hurt don't laugh," the Doctor tried to scold her but the wonderful expression on her face made him laugh as well.

"Maybe it'll cool faster if we go outside," Clara decided, making her way back towards the ringing shop door. The Doctor stared after her with a small smile and quietly wondered why it ever was he had given this up.