A/N: I do not own Sym-Bionic Titan!
Also, this story would have never happened if not for the lovely Crystal Persian! The idea was all hers, I simply combined our ideas and typed it all up! So, this is dedicated to you! :D
"Why did we have to walk to school when we have a perfectly fine car to drive?"
Ilana let out a sigh, but told herself not to let Lance's grumpiness get her down on a day like this. "Because the weather is gorgeous today, Lance!" she said, continuing skipping ahead on the sidewalk.
Lance let out a huff and hitched up his backpack on his shoulders before stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. Octus—who was walking next to Lance appearing as 'Newton' with a smile on his face—said, "Actually, it is 72.1 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Thank, Octus," Lance muttered under his breath.
"You're quite welcome!" the robot responded cheerfully.
"Oh, cheer up, Lance!" Ilana said to the boy, spinning around and walking backwards so she could talk to his face. "It's Friday! And I have a feeling something's going to happen today!"
"Oh yeah?" said Lance, raising his eyebrows. "And what's that?"
They turned the corner and she shrugged with a small smile. Not much was going on in their neighborhood this morning. A plump lady was looking in her mailbox, an older gentleman was backing his car out of a driveway, and a younger man with a little girl was walking on the same sidewalk as them, but in the opposite direction.
Ilana watched the little girl smiling hugely up at her dad; bouncing a red kickball in front of her while she walked. She had her dark hair pulled back in pigtails and wore a pink denim skirt along with a bright yellow shirt with a cartoon kitten on the front.
Ilana couldn't help but smile at the girl and her father, reminiscing about her own childhood at the palace. Where her own the father, the King, would sometimes lift her up and let her sit on his shoulders...
The two stopped when the girl's father's phone rang and Lance said, "Hey, Ilana? Do you know what's for lunch?"
"Huh?" She was still watching while the father talked into his phone, telling the little girl, "Don't play so close to the road, Jasmine!"
The girl nodded, but continued to bounce her ball. Ilana, Octus, and Lance were now close enough to them that Ilana could smile Jasmine and advise her lightly, "You need to be careful because of traffic, sweetie!"
Jasmine looked up at Ilana and returned the smile. "Okay!" she said.
Lance couldn't hide his tiny grin. He admired how good Ilana was with kids, and knew someday she would make a fantastic mother. Then he shook his head, blushing slightly. Again, he had to remind himself that he was just her protector.
He pushed her arm slightly as an indication for them to continue on to school as Jasmine and her father now began to cross the street.
"In response to your earlier question," Octus piped up, "today's lunch is meatloaf surprise, green beans, a chocolate-chip cookie, a choice of 2% milk, skim milk, chocolate milk, or orange juice…"
Neither teenager was listening. Ilana kept glancing back, seeing now that Jasmine lost control of her ball and had it bounce out of her path. Lance was focused on a tough-looking guy marching up to another man just a few houses away, starting to shout and shove one other.
Instincts took over both of them. Lance sprinted forward, knowing he had to stop before anyone got hurt. Octus followed—because even he knew Lance shouldn't be outnumbered or he too would possibly get hurt. Ilana decided to speed walk and help the girl, but she hears the screeching tires before Jasmine.
Her head snapped just in time to watch a green sports car whizz from the corner and down opposite end of the street, heading straight towards little, oblivious Jasmine. Her father is still busy on the phone, probably thinking his daughter is still safe by his side.
In any other situation, Ilana would have probably thought it out. But everything was happening so fast. She made the split-second choice.
"LOOK OUT!" she cried, rushing out just when Jasmine looked up with her ball in her arms. The car finally realized there were pedestrians, and tried its best to skid to a stop. Ilana pushed Jasmine out of harm's way, filling her heart with relief for a moment before the car slammed into her.