[[This is my take on a clip from one of the new Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask Plus trailer. Emmy can be seen dancing with Layton (both dressed up) while Luke watches them, pretty much being a third wheel :3 I'm not 100% sure which part of the game this takes place at— probably near the beginning because Luke gets chased by the Masked Gentleman at some point. But who cares? They're dancing— it's an official Layton/Emmy moment in my eyes. Let's enjoy it!]]

May I have this dance?

Luke had noticed they were advertising costumes for hire at a boutique in the shopping district of Monte d'Or. Predictably, the professor agreed with him when he asked if the three of us could dress up for the festive parade.

The moment I walked over the threshold I was swept up by the shop owner who claimed to know "exactly" what a young woman like me was looking for. She hustled me into a changing room at the back of the store, leaving Luke and the professor to browse the clothes and accessories out on display. Grabbing a dress off a nearby pole, she told me (or rather, forced me) to try it on while she went to choose the boys' costumes.

I hardly ever wore dresses... and pink was definitely not my usual colour. The gown was made of silk, had long sleeves with a flowing skirt and a darker rose coloured sash around the middle that continued at the back of the bodice.

How could it be that I'd solved countless puzzles from the professor, but I couldn't work out for the life of me how to put this darn thing on? I was taking so long that eventually the stylist knocked on the cubicle door, asking if I needed any help.

"No!" I growled; one arm hanging from the wrong sleeve. (I actually had the garment on backwards.)

"Your friends already have their costumes on," she called.

Luke was fed up and raring to go. "Hurry up, Emmy!" I heard him shout "I want to see the parade!"

"Now Luke, a gentleman should always have patience in a lady."

This was humiliating, especially with the professor waiting. Luke would probably have a good laugh about it afterwards. I gritted my teeth, trying to free myself from the pink fabric prison as I hollered to them "Just go on without me... I'll meet you at the marquee in a minute!"

"Are you sure?" The professor checked in a concerned voice.

"Yes! Go now!" I would escape from this dress if it was the last thing I ever did.

Five minutes later and I was still stuck. Before I could attempt to rip the gown to shreds, the shop keeper knocked again.

"Right, I'm coming in. You can either unlock the door or I'll break it down myself."

Sighing, I shouldered the handle open (both my arms were trapped at this point) and the woman entered. She appraised my predicament and started tsking. "What have you done? I will not have you ruin that dress!" She fussed and pulled at the gown, jerking me around like a mannequin. Only when I had the dress on properly— arms now in the correct sleeves and buttons done up at the back— was she finally satisfied.

"There we go." The shop owner released a weary sigh but she was smiling. "Have a look in the mirror."

I turned and gaped at my reflection. The dress fitted me perfectly— although it was a major contrast to my everyday practical style. I would have smiled at my appearance, had it not been for the fact that my hair resembled a bird's nest from where I'd yanked the dress over my head so many times.

I wasn't normally terribly worried about my hair, but I'd had it cut recently... (I was still hoping the professor would notice and comment on it.)

"I can fix that for you if you like," the woman offered. She brushed my hair into a pretty half-up style; securing it into a bun at the back and allowing the rest of the brown waves to fall past my shoulders. "It needs one last touch..." She slipped a white rose behind my ear and winked at me. "Perfect! Now you and your gentleman friend will be matching slightly."

Despite not really understanding what she meant, I thanked her and grinned at my reflection this time. I, the brash feisty Emmy Altava, looked like a princess!


I swore in a very un-princess like fashion as I staggered down the street. On my way out of the boutique I paid the shop keeper and she had handed me a pair of red high heels, insisting they completed my look. I couldn't walk straight in them. I wished to be wearing my sturdy black boots right now. What if I suddenly needed to run, jump and kick an enemy? I would never be able to fight dressed like this!

I wobbled around a corner and followed the sound of circus music until I reached the marquee. The parade had already begun; a throng of tourists had gathered along the golden brick pavement to watch. It was going to take me forever to spot the professor and Luke in this huge crowd...

I was so busy searching for them that I misplaced my footing. Suddenly, I tripped— CURSE YOU, HIGH HEELS!— and went flying. I would have fallen flat on the pavement if a person hadn't caught me from behind, their strong arms encircling my hips.

First I imagined some creep (there were plenty of that sort prowling around Monte d'Or) just looking for an excuse to touch a girl. I aimed a glare at this potentially shady character... when I saw that my saviour was none other than Professor Layton.

He asked "Are you alright, my dear?"

My eyes widened at his new apparel; he wore a formal white tuxedo over a grey under vest with a purple bow tie surrounding the collar. However, what shocked me most was that he had switched his black top hat for a white one with a silver ribbon around its rim.

"Where's your hat?" I blurted out. (I was referring to the one he always wore, of course.)

"Whatever do you mean?" the professor chuckled, touching the brim of his current white headpiece. "It's right here. A true gentleman never removes his hat." Then he studied me in a way which he had never done before (perhaps it was the dress); his eyes trailed over my figure, causing me to shiver a little. "You look beautiful tonight, Emmy," he breathed. His gaze snapped away from me when he realised he may have been staring for too long.

I gave him a coy smile. "And you look quite dashing, Professor. Very Laytonesque."

His hand still on my waist, he guided me over to where he and Luke had been standing in front of a small hedge. They'd had a full view of me walking down the road, but if Luke had witnessed my dramatic slip he didn't mention it.

"There you are, Emmy!" Luke crowed. I had to admit it— he looked adorable. His little grey jacket almost mimicked the style of his mentor's. Luke's hair had been combed back and he held his brown teddy bear at his chest (which he made wave its paw to me).

I smirked at him. "Hello, Mr Teddy Bear, can you tell Second Assistant that Emmy says he's dressed very smartly?"

"Thank you, Emmy— Hey! It's Apprentice Number One!" Before Luke could give me the passionate rant about how he was and always would be the professor's Number One Apprentice, there was a loud pop and sparkling confetti rained down from the sky. "Wooow!" The boy hopped around in excitement, trying to catch the confetti and get a better glimpse of the passing circus performers. "This is great Professor! Did you just see that...?"

But for that moment the professor didn't answer his apprentice. Instead, to my surprise, he gently took my hand and proposed "May I have this dance, Emmy?"

I could barely walk three steps and he expected me to dance? Steadying myself by placing my other hand on his shoulder, I replied rather boldly "Of course, but you'll have to hold on to me tightly, otherwise I might fall again."

I felt his hand leave my waist to rest in the small of my back. Our gazes met and he twirled me around and around.

For that small eternity there was nothing but he and I lost in the music of Monte d'Or.

((Do I suck at writing romantic stuff? I hope not. Review please!))