Hey guys! I know I should be working on my other stories but I couldn't get this out of my head. This is a short drabble done for Tumblr user half-sayian-son. :) Hope you guys enjoy! R&R

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Dragon Ball Z or milkshakes.

"Gohan! Stop drinking it all!" Hermione laughed, slapping his hand lightly as the man in front of her slurped up the thick liquid. He thought it would be romantic if they shared a milkshake, like in the movies how couples share their food. She agreed, only because she hadn't had a milkshake in a while.

He pulled his lips away from the straw, an amused grin on his lips. "'Mione, if you want some of it come on and take a swig!" He teased lightly, his smirk growing by the second. She only rolled her eyes lightly at him, trying to hide the cheek splitting smile she always got around him. He raised his brow, as if waiting for her do so.

She gave him a suspicious look for a few moments, but decided he was just being Gohan: utterly dorky, as always. She moved her hand to take the straw, only for it to be swiped from her. She glared up to him, a teasing light in her eyes.


He chuckled as he shrugged, taking a long gulp of the shake. He looked at her as if he didn't know what he did. "What?" He asked innocently, pushing the straw in her direction. "Go ahead." His head was leaned in near the cup, teasing her.

She grinned, her eyes narrowing as she leaned her head down to mirror his. She waited a few moments before making her next move. She quickly moved her lips towards the straw, only to catch air.

"Dammit, Gohan!"

Gohan laughed loudly, scooting out of his side of the booth to sit next to her. She crossed her arms, putting on her pouting face as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "I'm sorry, love. I really am. You're just not quite fast enough for me yet." He winked, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

Hermione's lips turned upward in a smirk as she looked at the milkshake. She sighed heavily, picking up the glass and stirring the straw. "It's alright. I suppose I am a bit slow for you."

Quickly as she could, she dipped her fingers into the milkshake and cupped a small amount of the thick liquid. She smeared it across his lips, chuckling as he looked at her in an expression between shock and amusement. He was silent for a moment, his tongue poking out slightly to try and lick it off.

She slapped his hand lightly, a coy grin on her lips. "You've had enough milkshake. It's my turn." She chuckled, leaning in to kiss his chocolate covered lips. Her hand cradled his head as she nipped his sweet-literally sweet-lips, her tongue darting out. She pulled away after a few moments to a grinning Gohan.

"We should get milkshakes more often."