(Hello all so if you are reading my Oran fan fiction I like to multi task so don't bother me about it :P. Hope you enjoy my fax fiction. oh and sorry if its short)
Max p.o.v.
"Maximum get your but down here!" Anna screamed. I threw on my jeans a t-shirt and a hoddie to cover up my cuts and bruises. I ran down stairs.," yes ann." "Where's your brother?" she growled. "Getting ready…" I replied. Anna walked up to me "you better hurry home today." I nodded and ran upstairs. "Ari hurry!" I told him. I slipped a t-shirt over his head, grabbed his hand and our bags and we ran out the door. Ok I bet you have a lot of questions well, I will clue you in on a little bit. Ok so Anna is our adopted mom, our dad Jeb died 4 years ago. Ari and I have been living with her for about 3 ½ years ago. Anna beats us severely I take most of it though. Ari is only 8 years old, I'm 15 and have no friends, Ari doesn't have any either. Ok so now you're clued in a little on with the school day. When I got there I took Ari to the third grade teacher and then ran to my first period. First period is English I came in and sat in the back corner. All through English a boy in black was staring at me. It felt like I was being watched all day. After the last bell I ran to go get Ari. We dreaded going home to Anna. When we stepped in the door Anna slammed the door. She grabbed me be the hair and slammed me into the wall. "You little whore" she screamed at me. "Ari run go hide." I said. Anna just waved him off and grabbed a bat. She beat me for an hour telling me I'm an ugly bitch and a whore a failure. She threw a beer bottle at me. She walked over to the couch and was out cold. "Ari can you come help me? Anna crashed on the couch." Ari flew down the stairs and helped up to my room. I pulled shards of glass out of my leg then Ari put on a bandage. "Max can I sleep in here tonight?" "Yha com here buddy" Ari and I curled up and started singing.
There is a castle on a cloud
I like to go there in my sleep
Aren't any floors for me to sweep
Not in my castle on a cloud
There is a room that's full of toys
There are a hundred boys and girls
Nobody shouts or talks too loud
Not in my castle on a cloud
There is a lady all in white
Holds me and sings a lullaby
She's nice to see and she's soft to touch
She says "Cosette, I love you very much."
I know a place where no one's lost
I know a place where no one cries
Crying at all is not allowed
Not in my castle on a cloud
Ari was asleep. I looked around my room it was really small I had a bed and a guitar. I had a tiny bathroom with a shower and a closet. My room was too small for me.i slowly drifted off to sleep.