AU- This was a contest entry for a group on DeviantArt. It is an AU perspective of the masquerade scene in vampire Knight a few chapters back. Sadly I wasn't able to do everything I wanted to with this fic as I ran out of time, however, if people like it I may add more….I'm not really sure if I like it or not. I wanted to add Zero's perspective as well, so I'll see how it goes =). It won't be a long story if I do continue it as I still have 'Until I See You Again', 'Outlaw' and 'Ghost of You' to work on, but I could crank out a few chapters.

Anyway! A brief overview. In this Alternate Universe, Juuri & Haruka Kuran are still alive, Isaya Shoto gave his life so that Yuuki could have her life as a human, but now we are back at chapter 87 at the masquerade….

This 'chapter' is set far in the future, chapter two will be in chapter 87 :P.


A woman sits by a fireplace. She is staring wistfully out of a nearby window, her crimson eyes sparkling with nostalgia at the silently falling snow that can be seen outside. A little girl of about eight or nine sits on her lap, staring curiously at the photograph clutched in the woman's hand. The woman tucks a few strands of her long mahogany hair behind her ears as she turns back to watch the little girl. Noticing the look on her face, she finally speaks.

"The man in this photograph was very special to me…" Her voice is soft, as she stares fondly at the silver haired man in the photograph.

"You loved him?" The little girl asks, amusement present in her voice as she supresses a giggle. Her large eyes peer up at the woman.

"Yes." Is the woman's only response. Though short, it is soft, and filled with adoration as she tilts her head remembering the man.

"Will you tell me about him….please…about this picture?" The little girl pleads. The girl in the photograph clearly resembles the woman sat by the fire, perhaps a few years younger at the time the photograph was taken…at least visibly….

"It's a very sad story…." The woman replies, her chocolatey eyes the only indication of her true age. Her smile is somewhat melancholy, yet remains an indication of her fondness for the young man in the picture.

"It can't be…you're smiling grandma!" The little girl points out, poking the woman playfully on her arm.

"It's the kind of story that's both happy and sad…I can't really explain it." The woman continues with a small laugh as she realizes how confusing this must be for the little girl.

"Pleeeease tell me." The child begs, hugging her grandmother's waist tightly. A tender smile adorns the woman's lips, and she runs a hand through the child's light brown locks of hair.

"I suppose….it would be nice to remember that time…..okay." She concedes, staring warmly at the photograph. The young man and woman in the photograph are dressed for a masquerade….prompting memories of that night, long, long ago….