"Please mister..." The young,homeless girl begged.

"I said NO! People like you should just die already! No one cares about stupid, filthy monsters like you!" The stranger screamed. He pushed her real hard. So hard that she fell into the muddy puddles that the strong rain created making her even messier. Before walking away mercilessly, he kicked her in the stomach and then spit into her face.

"I-I'm sorry..." Her voice squeaked with no real emotions in her eyes. Nothing. Not even a hint of hatred or sadness. She's been treated this way for years and at times, kind people bump into her and give her money or food. But this was only sometimes. She tried to stand up but failed to do so. She hasn't eaten a real meal in days and she's starting to feel the consequences of it. She felt faint and was about to until a middle aged man stopped in front of her. She looked up with her already blurry vision.

"Miss? Are you alright? Miss? Whoa! Wait a min-! Miss!?" She was finally at her limit and collapsed. Though, after a very long time, she felt happy that someone was kind enough to stop by and check if she was okay. She ever so slightly smiled,but it was unnoticeable.

Her eyes opened slowly to a bright light. She looked around and found herself inside of a white room and in a white robe.

"W-where am I? Did I finally die?" She whispered the last question to herself.

*Kachink* The doors slip open only to reveal salmon colored hair.

"Who's there? D-don't tell me that I'm actually going to hell!?" She looked around nervously then stared at the old man that popped out. She suddenly realised who that man in his forty's was.

"Ah! You're the mister that came up to me and tried to help me before I blanked out... Don't tell me that the both of us died?" Her tone sounded like she was accusing man looked surprised at her reaction, but he smiled.

"You're a very strange girl aren't you? Don't tell me that you don't know me?"

"Am I suppose to mister? Also, I should leave if this is the hospital. I can't afford this place." She got up,but as soon as her feet touched the floor she slid down on the side of the bed. She had no strength at all in her.

"Now,now. It's fine. I'll pay everything but in return, you stay here. Anyways, mind telling me your name young lady?"

"My name?" She asked then thought deeply.

"Yes. Your name. Tell me and then I'll tell you mine." He smiled brightly.

"Um... Alright then. My name is...L-Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia." She stuttered at her name that hasn't been said aloud for ten years.

"That's a beautiful name. My name is Igneel. Igneel Dragneel." He sat down on a chair next to her bed that she returned to after falling.

"For some reason,that sounds very familiar. Where have I heard that name fr-" She stopped herself in a sudden thought. She looked at the man and pulled herself up so that she was now sitting up on the bed.

"Oh my goodness! Why you're... You're Igneel Dragneel! You're the king of the Kingdom of all of Fiore! You're a royal, a Dragneel!" She kept gasping at each realization she had.

"Yes. Have you just realized Lucy?" He chuckled at her embarrassment. He looked back at her and was surprised when she had a very sweet smile on her face with a slight blush.

I never would have thought that this girl could pull off such an angelic smile. When I first saw her, she looked like she was lifeless.He thought.

"Where will you go once you're better?" He looked concerned.

"Nowhere. I'm all alone. I live on the streets." She didn't look pained and neither did she look like what she said was of any significance.

"Well, Lucy, would you like to be employed by me?"

"Really!?" Her face lit up,but disappeared. "But, mister... I don't wanna be of any burden to you. Just what you're doing is enough already." Igneel laughed at her comment andpatted her on the head.

"I know I just met you,but you have a good heart that I can't help but keep good. Please, will you work inside of the castle as a work-in maid? Food, shelter, and company is provided. There is also a paycheck paid to each servant monthly." He even dropped to his knees and bowed his head. THE king of Fiore is bowing his head and pleading to a lowly peasant. Now this is what someone would call a great king that puts his people first before his pride.

"Ah-Um! Alright! Alright! I'll do whatever you want,but please put up you're head up. I'm a nobody and you're a king! This isn't right." Igneel sighed but didn't respond. He only thought about her response, 'alright'. He smiled.

"You'll be checked out tomorrow. So I'll have my chauffeur get you since I'll be at a meeting tomorrow." The king stood up and waved goodbye. Lucy waved back as a nurse came in with dinner for her. After finishing the meal, she snuggled into bed and fell asleep deep in a dream.

"Lucy!? Come out! Where are you honey!" A blonde girl screamed.

"Lucy! If you can hear us, yell or something! We need to get out of here now!" A young man with an interesting mustache yelled.

"Mama! Papa! I'm over here! Come over here please! I'm not over there, I'm over here! Nooo! Don't go inside more! Stop it! You're gonna die! Nooooooo!"

"N-noooo! Mama! Papa! Don't go inside!" She yelled as sweat fell down all over. She kept gasping and finally caught her breath. She hadn't had that dream in a long time.

" Mama, Papa, I'm sorry... It was all my fault." She murmured.

Before she knew it, it had turned into morning. Since her nightmare, she stayed up.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in!"


"Are you Miss Heartfilia? I'm Capricorn, I've come to pick you up on the order of my king..." He took off the hat he was wearing and put on top of his chest.

"Ah, yes. I'm her, Lucy Heartfilia. Oh, but please don't be so formal. After all, we will be working together mister." She smiled and got up to change her clothes into her old rags that she wore before. Capricorn felt very sorry for her and then they had left the hospital in a green vehicle. The drive took so long that Lucy had fallen asleep only to awake to Capricorn's voice hours later.

"Lucy, we're here already." He gently shook her until her eyes opened wide. In front of her was the biggest and most infamous building in all of Fiore right in the middle of Magnolia City. She kept quiet though, thinking she might be told to leave after one little mess up. They entered only to hear a glass break and screaming.

"I said that I don't need to eat! Now look at this mess! Clean it up and just leave me alone dammit!" A young man screamed furiously. He looked almost like king Igneel, but younger and cuter in Lucy's eyes.

"I'm sorry prince. Juvia meant no harm. All of the servants including Juvia was just worried about you not eating since you were so busy..." The bluenette picked up the shards of the plate that broke and yelped when it cut her a bit. Lucy was quivering with anger.

"What's your problem you pink headed brat! That's a lady you're talking to! What kind of guy talks to girls like that! Oh, I know! Spoiled brats like you who think they're all that!" Her finger was just a centimeter away from his face. He blushed in embarrassment.

"What the-! My hair is salmon! Besides, I can do what I want and a kid like you can't stop me! What are you... Fourteen?" He snorted and began to walk away when he was taken by the hand and pulled back falling to the floor, shocked.

"I'm seventeen you dummy! You're the fourteen year old here! What? You surprised that a rich kid like you got bullied? Ha! Think again brat!" Lucy huffed looking down at him, literally.

"Why I outta! I'm seventeen too ya know! I'm also a resident of this house, Prince Natsu Dragneel!" He dusted himself off and stared at the surprised Lucy. He saw a weakness and went for it. He walked up to her face to face and since he was taller, he intimidated her more. He smirked and pushed her to the ground and she yelped a bit.

"Who let this hermit in anyway? Get outta here before I kick you ou-"

"Natsu! What are you doing to my special guest!" Igneel stormed down the stairs with an older woman and a girl in her thirteens,both bluenettes.

"Father...Mother, Wendy..." He turned to face Igneel, his mom,and little sister and a loud slap was heard around the building.