Hey RhythmicHeart here,

Sorry for my extended absence.

I thank you dear followers, for continuing to be loyal.

In your honor I've edited some of the words, chapter length, and plot to make it the highest quality I can bring you. I took a few things out and I am changing the title as soon as I think of a name. Unless you guys think the name is ok.

(If you have any suggestions-suggest!)

I apologize for EVERYTHING.

With that being said, Enjoy.

Wait as second... I could use this to my advantage Charlie smirked, plotting.

"I'll help you, provided that you turn yourself in immediately afterwards. Don't follow though and they'll be dire consequences. Do not underestimate me." answered Charlie.

Charlie's attempt to be menacing was somewhat pathetic as Marie struggled to stifle her laughter. Both Marie and Phantom R knew she was serious through.

Phantom R thought for a moment "You have a deal. Phantom's honor" he held out his hand for Charlie to shake on it. Charlie accepted the handshake and then let go imediately.

"I'm on to you Phantom" Charlie glared.

"So... Where do think we should go?" asked Marie, breaking up the quarrelling. She hoped that they wouldn't do this the whole time.

"Not to the constabulary office. My father will hunt you down R. Besides, there's nothing in his files. Believe me." said Charlie.

"Hey Raphael, didn't you find something in Les Invalides once?" asked Marie.

"Les Invalides, I think that's a great idea Marie"

"Woeuf!" Fondue agreed.

Marie and Phantom R explained the situation to Charlie as they went inside the marble dome. Phantom R lead them to Napoleon's casket opening the casket slyly. Charlie and Marie kept lookout.

Underneath Les Invaildes lit torches lined the walls and water dripped down the stone ground. "Careful where you walk" Charlie and Marie went down an extremely narrow path, inches away from a giant body of water. Phantom R went ahead of them, guiding the way with his careful footing. They soon made it to the catacombs where skulls and bones of dead bodies of the past lined the walls.

A sound came from above them. "Enjoy the catacombs".

A faint slam came from behind them followed by a click of the casket.

A sense of fear washed over the group but not for long. From out of nowhere appeared a gang of Chevaliers.

Phantom R raised his hands up ready to battle. The Chevaliers whispered to each other and began to attack. Raphael sent the first one flying, no problem.

Charlie was having problems of her own. She grabbed the lone soccer ball she always carried with her in coat pocket and begun to aim it towards the head of the incoming Chevailers. One after the other each Chevailer went to the ground with a thud.

Fondue stayed with Marie, biting the legs of any Chevaliers that came near her.

Phantom R, Charlie, Fondue caught their breath.

"Enjoy the catacombs? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Charlie called out.

"I believe we're locked in here" Phantom R calmly responded.

"Oh good, you deserve to be locked for your crimes"

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that and try to find a way out. Les Invalides isn't open to the public during holiday season so it's going to be a long while before anyone finds us"

Within the catacombs laid lines of red, black, blue, and green tiles. Each of the tiles formed to make a cross with Napoleon's throne exactly where the points meet. Behind each of the tiles were 3 tunnels, red being the bottom of the cross.

A hushed voice chatted excitedly above our gang as he was exiting the dome.

"Oh Monsieur! You've really outdone yourself this time" cried out a henchman via cellphone.

"I didn't send the boy to Les Invaildes, he sent himself here. Are you ready to unveil the true power of the second treasure, the bracelet of Tiamat?"

Jean François moved the dragons head on the bracelet to his wrist so that the gold teeth of the dragon bit his wrist. The bracelet came to life and sucked the soul of the beholder. Jean François' body sank to the ground as he began to take on his new form as the Babylonian myth. Power surged within his new form as the newly escaped criminal began to grow as a dragon. His blue scaly skin glistened and his eyes glowed red. The dragon got bigger and bigger until it broke the dome of Les Invaildes until it was nothing left but pounds of rubble burying everything in the building including Napoleon's casket.

Jean François was human no more, he was Tiamat-the embodiment of chaos.

He swished his tail and made a move for the city.

"Wouef! Wouef! Wouef! Grrr!" said Fondue. The dog, Marie, Charlie, and Phantom R heard what they thought was an explosion.

"You said it buddy." said Phantom R.

"Just wait till my father gets his hands on you" Charlie shivered.

After not being attacked by Chevailers, she realized how cold it actually was. Charlie walked towards one of the torches and rubbed her fingers together. Marie saw this as an opportunity get warmer as well.

"Raphael, are you not cold?" Marie noticed that he even through he was wearing only a suit he didn't go to the open flame.

"I actually can't feel temperature very well because I haven't had any nerves since I was a child" replied Phantom R, his voice trailing off.

"You can take my hat Marie, maybe it might warm you up"

Phantom R set his hat on her head.

Marie hugged him.

After warming up a bit, Phantom R, Charlie, Marie, and Fondue went down the green path and down the tunnel which it led to. When they reached the end of the tunnel they found a room that was dusty and filled with cobwebs. It was full of helmets, suits of armours, capes, papers, and books.

"We didn't find an exit but I think we found a storage room for the Chevailers Diabolique" examined Marie.

Exhaustion creep onto the weary teens shortly after.

"I don't think I can go much further, I'm so tired"

When they walked back Marie went to Napoleon's throne, sat down and accidentally fell asleep. Phantom R put the blue part of his suit on top of her.

"I have to hand it to you Phantom, you're not half bad as I thought you were" whispered Charlie. She decided it would be a good idea to sleep too and set her coat on the ground and laid on it.

Phantom R crouched down a little ways beside her.

"Bonne nuit"