Welcome to the fourth story in my "Life" series. As we left off in Chapter Fifty-One in "A Life Full of Surprises", Gibbs and Mimi were about to find out the results of her home pregnancy test. Thank you so much for your votes for the title. There was a three-way tie between "Life Goes On", "Life Unexpected" and "A Life Lived to The Fullest." I wracked my brain to come up with something that embodies these sentiments. Welcome to Chapter One of my new story, "Life As It Was Meant To Be".

DISCLAIMER: I don't own CBS, NCIS or its character. I only own what I create.

"Mimi," Gibbs took her hand and caressed it. "No matter what happens, we'll work it out. If I've learned anything this year is that life is full of surprises, some good and some bad. No matter what, we're going to make this a 'good' surprise." He kissed her temple.

"I hope you're right." Mimi whispered. She had not kept her fears from Gibbs, and he knew she was shaking inside right now, waiting to find out for sure if their lives were about to change forever.

The "ding" of the timer Mimi had set startled them both. They looked at each other. "Ready?" Mimi asked.

Gibbs brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Together, they looked down and saw their future revealed before their eyes.

Chapter One: "Moving Forward"

They stared at the little white stick. Gibbs couldn't believe he had survived explosions and terrorists and battle, yet here he was about to be undone by a little white stick.

"Well, there it is." Mimi murmured quietly. She couldn't keep the waver out of her voice.

Gibbs woke up from his trance, having been mesmerized by the little plus sign glowing bright blue before his eyes.

"Mimi, Honey. I know this is a shock; well it was a shock in January. I was pretty much expecting this, but it is going to take a major change in our mind set here. Look at me." Gibbs gently placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her toward him.

Mimi was looking down at her hands. Gibbs lifted her chin with his finger. He was distressed to see the tears in her eyes. "C'mere." He engulfed her in a big hug. "We will get through this. It will be ok." Gibbs stroked her hair. "I know it's not what we planned, but we're just going to have to take things as they come, whether they're planned or not."

Mimi held onto Gibbs tightly. "I am just so…embarrassed." She confessed. Gibbs pulled back and looked at his wife in surprise.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, genuinely shocked by her statement.

Mimi blew her nose. "When our child is ten, I can see someone asking him or her if they are with their grandmother. Grandmother! My mom went through that when she had me so late in life."

She stood up and started pacing. "When Lily gets married and has children, our child will be an Aunt or Uncle, probably before they are a teenager."

Gibbs stood up and took her hand to get her attention. "Alright, you're getting worked up over silly things. The important thing right now is that you and the baby are healthy and things go well. That's all I want you to think about. Besides…" Gibbs grinned.

"You're already a grandmother, and a damned sexy one at that." He kissed her to stop her from protesting any further. "Mimi, we're going to have a baby. Let's just give in to it, and start making plans, ok?"

Mimi's shoulders slumped. "I know…ok, it's just going to take me a while to really get used to the idea. But, we do not say anything to anyone until I am past my first Trimester."

Gibbs frowned. "Ok, but why?"

Mimi looked concerned. "The greatest risk of miscarriage is during the first three months. I don't want to say anything until we are sure…you know?"

Gibbs held her again, understanding but scared by what she was saying. "Ok, you're the expert here. Is that why Tony and Ziva waited so long before they announced their latest addition?"

Mimi nodded. "Believe me; it's easier to wait than to have to tell everyone that you are not having a baby after all."

Gibbs thought about that for a few moments, and it made him feel horrible. He realized he was already attached to this little creation and the thought of losing it would hurt.

Tony and Ziva's Home

Ziva wandered downstvairs to the smell of pancakes coming from her kitchen. "Tony, are you actually making…pancakes?" She asked, rubbing her belly as she made her way to the kitchen island.

"Good morning, mommy-to-be!" Tony kissed his wife then planted a big kiss on her belly. "How's Daddy's big boy?" Tony looked at Ziva, beaming.

"You are in a very good mood, Tony." Ziva looked at her husband, curious. She looked at her daughter and gave her a big kiss. "What is your Daddy up to, hmmm?"

Karina grinned. "Daddy!" She giggled. She had pieces of pancakes on her face.

"What am I up to? Can't being with my girls be enough reason?" Tony slid some pancakes onto a plate for Ziva.

"It's a weekend, albeit a cold and snowy one; we don't have call, and I have my two favorite ladies with me to keep me company. What more can a man ask?" Tony grinned widely.

Ziva smirked at him and sat down, diving into her pancakes. "So what are your plans for your two favorite ladies?"

"Aw, now that is very simple. You are going to snuggle in your favorite chair or on the sofa in front of a big, roaring fire and read your book or listen to music or do whatever you want, as long as you are snuggled in your favorite chair or on the sofa."

"I see, you are holding me hostage, yes? And what will our daughter be doing? Keeping guard?" Ziva batted her eyelashes at Tony.

"That's funny. Our daughter," Tony looked at Karina with a big smile. "Will be helping Daddy today, won't you Punkin?" Tony sat down with his plate.

"We're going to do laundry and vacuum and clean the bathrooms. Karina will be supervising."

"Oh, my…" Ziva chuckled. "Well, good luck with that. Seriously, Tony. I can do…"

"Nope! Nope, nope, nope." Tony interrupted her.

"Nope!" Karina piped up.

"You tell her, Little Ninja!" Tony looked at his daughter, picking up her little hand to do a baby high-five.

"Mimi said you are to do as little as possible. You are eight months pregnant."

"Yes, Tony I know. I can count." Ziva rolled her eyes.

"Ziva, my scary Israeli Ex-Mossad wife. I never thought I'd say this, but there is someone who frightens me more than you." Tony looked at Ziva with a gleam in his eyes.

Ziva's eyes widened, and then narrowed. "Who?"

"Who else? Mimi! And then Gibbs if I don't do what Mimi says. You should be scared too. Scared out of your wits." He took another bite of his pancakes.

Ziva shook her head. It was going to be a long month.

After breakfast, Tony settled her on the sofa with her blankey and her latest book. "Thank you, Tony." She smiled at her husband.

She watched him out of the corner of her eye as he cleaned up the kitchen. Karina was in the family room with her. She had discovered the joy of pushing things around, so they had gotten her a toy stroller for her baby. She delighted in pushing it back and forth around the room.

Tony was also watching Ziva out of the corner of his eyes and noticed her rubbing her belly and grimacing. Keeping calm, he walked into the family room and sat on the sofa, placing her feet in his lap.

"How are you doing?" He asked conversationally.

Ziva looked at Tony, trying to read his expression. "I am fine, Tony. You son is sticking his feet up into my ribs, it is not pleasant. Perhaps you would like to carry our next child, yes?"

Tony rubbed her feet, smiling in relief. "Can't keep anything past you, can I? Saw your expression. Anything I can do?"

Ziva tried turning on her side, but shifted back. "I think I need to walk a bit. Just around the house." She added when she saw Tony's face. "You can walk with me if you like." She glared at him.

"What do you think you're going to do? Make him drop down by jumping up and down or something?" Tony asked, looking confused.

"That is a very good idea." Ziva said, smiling.

"Oh, no you don't!" Tony jumped up so quick and put his arms around Ziva that Karina screamed.

"Oh, now look what you have done." Ziva glared at Tony in disgust. "Come, Karina. It is ok. Mommy and Daddy are having fun, yes?" She smiled wide and she comforted her daughter. She couldn't pick her up, much to her dismay, so she was bent over her.

Karina reached her arms up, wanting her mommy to hold her. Ziva took her hand and went back to the sofa. "Come on, up with Mommy." Karina obediently complied and climbed up into Ziva's lap, trying to fit in as well as she could.

Ziva snuggled her daughter, who was sucking her thumb. "She seems to be sucking her thumb more, Tony. Do you think she is upset, maybe about the baby?"

"Baby." Karina sniffled.

Tony sat down next to Ziva. "I can't think she really understands enough to know what's coming. Do you think we are bringing stuff home from work and she is picking up on when we are upset or stressed about things?" Tony chewed his lip.

"Though I have to admit that the past month has been far less stressful than it has been in the past." He looked significantly at Ziva.

"Maybe she is not feeling well?" Ziva felt her forehead. "She doesn't feel feverish.

"Maybe us not picking her up together has her confused? I thought she really liked spending half days sometimes with Mimi, and she acts happy when I come to get her. Is she ok when it's just you?" Tony looked at Ziva, concerned.

Ziva stroked her baby's curls. "She was confused at first. She asked about you and looked for you, but I thought she got used to it. Maybe we've spoiled her too much, and now she's not getting enough attention from us." Ziva looked troubled.

"Are you kidding? This kid is spoiled beyond description, and will never want for attention, unlike our own childhoods. I'm not going to worry until we see how she handles the baby being here. If she thinks Mommy is not available right now, she is going to be shocked." Tony laughed.

Ziva glared at him. "It is not funny, Tony. Karina is upset and I do not know why and I do not like it."

"Ok, come here." Tony picked up his daughter. He bent his head and kissed her then talked to her gently. "How's Daddy's girl, huh? Is my Karina sad today? Tell Daddy what's wrong." Tony rubbed her back.

Karina looked at her daddy with her big green eyes and grabbed his face and kissed him. Tony smiled wide. "I love my baby girl. Do you love Mommy and Daddy?"

Karina grinned, her finger in her mouth. "Mommy, Daddy…" She giggled.

Tony looked at Ziva. "Maybe I'm too busy "taking care" of her I'm not cuddling her enough. I have been falling off on the bedtime stories, lately. Maybe it's my fault." Tony looked at his daughter.

Ziva touched his shoulder. "Tony, you cannot blame yourself. Karina is going to need a lot of extra attention once the baby comes."

"Baby." Karina said, kissing Tony. Tony laughed. "Oh, you have no idea, Punkin. Come on; let's go check on the laundry, ok?" He picked up Karina, swinging her around, making her squeal in delight.

Ziva smiled and rubbed her belly.


Tony and Ziva spent a few extra minutes with Karina down in daycare before they headed upstairs. She showed them her "picture" she drew. They oohed and aahed over it, making her grin.

They were finally able to get away, and got upstairs before Gibbs noticed how late they were.

"About time you showed up." Tim remarked.

"Thanks for noticing, McTardy. We're having some issues with Karina." Tony answered.

Tim immediately looked concerned. "What do you mean, is she ok?"

"We are not sure, McGee. She has been, upset I guess you could say. We are not sure if it about our change in schedule or she senses things are about to change, at home." Ziva shrugged, but looked worried.

Tim stood up and walked over to Ziva. "You think Karina can tell something is going to change in your family? I know you've been talking to her about the baby, but she's too young to understand that."

"We're just guessing here, Tim. We're going to talk to Mimi about it."

"Talk to Mimi about what?" Gibbs strode in, coffee in hand.

"We are worried about Karina, Gibbs." Ziva said, looking at him closely. "She has been upset lately, and sucking her thumb more."

"Well, you've been setting up things for the baby, haven't you? You just got a bunch of presents for the baby that Karina has seen and haven't been given to her. Maybe she's upset one of the toys she saw she hasn't been allowed to play with." Gibbs sat at his desk, case closed.

He was speaking of the joint Baby Shower that was given two weeks ago for Ziva and Abby. It was a big to-do, with tons of presents. Karina was thrilled with all the pretty presents, but she did cry when she didn't get one at first.

Mimi actually anticipated this, and made sure Karina and Jamie also had a few presents to open. But there were lots of stuffed animals and fun things that caught her eye.

As predicted, Gibbs presented Tim and Abby with their own hand-crafted cradle, enlarged to hold two babies. He had talked to Tony and Ziva about their plans for their son.

They decided to use the same cradle Karina had for the baby. The crib Gibbs had made was able to be converted into a big girl bed when she was old enough, so he was planning to make a new crib for their son.

Tony and Ziva looked at each other, considering what Gibbs just said. It made a lot of sense. She had been acting up since the shower. Just then, Gibbs' phone rang.

"Gear up, dead Marine." Tony, Tim and Ned grabbed their gear and followed Gibbs out the door. Tony stopped by Ziva's desk and gave her a quick kiss.

"Be careful." She said, touching his hand.

Tony smiled. "Hey, I got Dornie, the wonder Probie with me. No problems!"

Ziva shook her head. She waited for the elevator to close, and then she got up and headed downstairs to check on Abby.

"Hi Abby, hi Lily!" Ziva called out. Abby looked up from her desk.

"Hi, I'm in here." She waved. Ziva waved to Lily and walked back to the office.

"What are you doing, Abby?" Ziva sat down in the other chair.

"Staying off my feet, since Mimi has her little spy in here." Abby cocked her head in Lily's direction.

Ziva's eyes bugged out. "What? You think Lily is spying on you? On us? You are mistaken, Abby. Lily is helping you."

Abby grinned. "I know. I just wanted to see how long I could keep you going. But I am sitting as much as possible; these little monsters are wreaking havoc with my Mojo." Abby looked out into the lab, watching Lily move with confidence as she ran Major MassSpec.

"Thank God for Lily. And for Ellie Black." Abby took a sip of her No-CAF Pow!

Ziva looked confused. "Who is Ellie Black?"

"Mmmm! Dr. Ellie Black! She is totally awesome. She's been helping out, especially with the late hours and on-call. Thank God she is semi-retired or I would be worried about my job."

Ziva shook her head, as if Abby ever had to worry about being replaced. "How's Lily doing?"

"She is so great. She really has a nice touch with my babies. I won't let Timmy touch them, but Lily can take over in that area. They are in good hands."

Lily finished with what she was doing, and walked over to the office. "Hi, Ziva! How are you doing?"

"I am fine. They just got called out, dead Marine. So you will be getting some work shortly."

"Awesome! Well, not awesome that there is a dead Marine. You know what I mean." Lily leaned against the door frame. "Have you talked to my mom lately?"

Abby and Ziva looked at each other. "I spoke to her on Friday." Abby said. Ziva thought about it. "I think I spoke to her, maybe Wednesday, Thursday…why?"

Lily looked over her shoulder. "Did she sound…weird?"

Abby frowned. "Weird? No, Mimi sounded like…Mimi. What are you talking about, Lily?" She looked at Ziva again, who was also looking concerned.

Lily shrugged. "I talked to her on Sunday. She seemed, I don't know, distracted? I told her Sean and I were getting married and she said, 'that's nice, Lily.' I mean, come on!"

"What? Wait! You and Sean are getting married?" Abby almost squealed.

Lily shook her head. "No, I mean we are not engaged. I just said that because I wanted to hear her reaction. She wasn't paying attention to anything I was saying."

Ziva sat back and frowned. "Maybe she was just tired. It has only been a month and a half since everything happened. Maybe she was having a bad day."

Lily looked upset at that. "I didn't even think…oh, my God. I better go see her tonight."

Back again. Just a little catch up, and of'course the "big reveal". The votes were an overwhelming "yes', so you got your wish. And an introduction to a new character, even if it is just a name at this point. Hope you stick around for the ride!