And so here is the first chapter of Totally Pokèmon. Here's a quick Q&A:

Q: Why did you name the story 'Totally Pokèmon'?

A: I wanted to be different. A lot of these types of stories are named 'Total Pokèmon Island' or a variation of that name. I just wanted to distinguish my story from others.

Q: Why did you choose three hosts?

A: I chose three hosts at another attempt to be different. Despite being three hosts there are two teams.

Q: Who is your favorite character?

A: I don't have a favorite yet. -apologetic grin-

Q: Will there be a sequel?

A: Wait and see~ ;3

Alrighty then. Let's begin!

-blank screen-

Azelf shook his head unapologetically. "I seriously should have taken Educational Technology."

Mesprit shook his head. "You're such an idiot." Azelf frowned. "I am not."

Azelf then fixed himself, before putting on a smile.

"Welcome to the very first episode of Totally Pokèmon," Azelf said excitedly. "A show where thirty contestants will compete for a chance to win a grand prize of one million dollars, as well as a supply of poffins!"

Uxie held up a stack of blue forms. "We've gotten a ton of applications, and the accepted ones are what I'm holding right now," he explained, adjusting his glasses. "These Pokèmon sure have terribl-"

Azelf interrupted him. "Mesprit, I believe the contestants are coming soon."

Mesprit scoffed. "You're telling me because..?"

Azelf frowned. "Let's go down to the dock."

As the legendary trio made their way to the dock, a boat was parked neatly on the side. The door opened, and out came a Litwick.

Azelf smiled. "Welcome to Totally Pokemon! I'm Azelf and I'm the main host!"

The Litwick nodded. "Yeah.. I'm Chandler. You should take your job more seriously," he commented. "Being a host isn't a game."

Mesprit chuckled as Azelf crossed his arms. "J-just go stand over there.. thanks for killing my enthusiasm."

As Chandler made his way to the far side of the dock, Azelf scoffed. "I don't like that one."

A second boat pulled up, carrying a Misdreavous. The Pokèmon got out and raised an eyebrow. "Um. Hey?"

Uxie smiled. "Hello Monica," he greeted. "Welcome to Totally Pokèmon."

Monica nodded. "Am I the only girl?"

Uxie nodded apologetically. "Right now, yes. However, Chandler is a ghost-type. So you two may get along."

As Monica stood next to Chandler, another boat pulled up. It carried three Pokèmon- an Umbreon, Espeon and a Jolteon. The Espeon hopped out eagerly.

Uxie looked down at the papers. "Let's see.. you're Rai, the oldest," he said, looking at the Jolteon. "You're Tsuki, the middle aged triplet," he commented. "And you're Aura, the youngest triplet." He said, glancing at the Espeon.

"Welcome to Totally Pokemon." He said plainly. Aura was a bit put off by his simplicity.

As the triplets went to stand by the others, a Buizel swam onto the dock, shaking itself dry. Monica looked at the Buizel questionably. "You didn't come by boat?"

The Buizel smirked. "Nope! I didn't need to!" She then smiled sincerely. "I'm Marine and I plan on totally winning this game!"

Azelf perked up. "I like your confidence!" Marine smiled. "Thanks!"

Marine then stood between Monica and Chandler, crossing her arms. A bit of water fell onto Chandler's flame. He recoiled quickly, before looking at Marine annoyed. "Please watch out for my flame."

"Sorry." Marine said sincerely.

A loud sound caught their attention. They all looked up, and saw a sleek black plane descending. It hovered in the air for a while, before settling on the dock. Tsuki winced at the sound of the breaking wood.

A Skitty walked out of the plane, a scowl set on her face. She grabbed her luggage with her tail and walked straight past the hosts, her icy demeanor making everyone feel a little bit uncomfortable.

She stood next to Aura, who greeted her. "Hi! I'm Aura!"

The Skitty frowned. "Uh..hi. I'm Brooke."

Rai and Tsuki glared at her nasty tone. Aura didn't seem to notice it.

The plane flew away, and a boat stood next to the dock. The door opened, and out came a Zangoose. He crossed his arms. "Hey."

Mesprit met his gaze. "You're Fang, right?"

Fang clicked his claws. "Yah. What's it ta' you?"

Mesprit smirked. "I hear you have a criminal record."

Fang clenched his fists. "Oh really! You wanna fight you little punk!"

Azelf sighed, before pulling Mesprit away. "Alrighty then! Fang, go stand by the others. Please?"

Fang huffed, before stomping over to the edge of the dock.

"Erm. Anyway, here's our next two contestants.." Azelf said, shaken. A Glaceon and another Umbreon got off.

The Umbreon said, "I'm Shadow. This is Aurora. We'll just go stand by the others."

Mesprit rolled his eyes. "Siblings?"

Uxie nodded. "Yes."

Azelf smiled. "Our next contestant just arrived."

"Hey," a Poochyena said gruffly. "I'm Colton. I'm here to win this game and none of you better stand in my way."

Fang scoffed. Mesprit looked over Colton's application. "Says here you're g-"

Colton bared his fangs. "You sure you wanna finish that sentence?"

Mesprit folded his arms. "Whatever.."

Colton stood beside Fang, who glared at him.

Marine looked at Fang, then at Colton. She sighed.

Loud shouting interrupted them. A boat was rapidly moving across the water, a male voice shouting.


The boat quickly came to a stop, and a Machamp came out, looking angry. The contestants, minus Fang and Rai, backed away.

"Er..hi Haze," Azelf greeted cautiously. "Didn't you come here with your brother?"

Haze sniffed. "Meh. Whatever." He said, standing by the others. Meanwhile, a Monferno got off the boat as well.

"I'm Nuova," he greeted. "Sorry about him." He said, looking at Machamp.

Machamp was busy flexing his muscles and didn't pay any mind to his half brother.

While Monferno took his place beside the others, two ships stopped simultaneously.

The first boat carried a Lilligant, who winked at the male contestants. Colton rolled his eyes, while Fang looked away.

"Hello beautiful," Haze said to the Lilligant. "Who are you?"

The Lilligant rolled her eyes. "Drop dead, loser."

The Lilligant struck a pose. "I'm Lilly."

Tsuki snorted. "How original." She remarked sarcastically. Lilly held up a hand.

The second boat carried a Luxio. He appeared very timid.

"Erm, hey," he said shyly. "I'm Ryo."

Uxie and Azelf nodded. "You can go stand by Poochyena."

Ryo winced. "You sure..?"

Mesprit sighed. "Will you go?"

Ryo bit his lip, before obeying their commands.
Colton rolled his eyes.

The next three contestants to arrive were all female. The first was an elegant Eevee named Elle, who greeted the contestants and hosts with much enthusiasm.

The second was a hardcore Sandshrew named Ace, who marked her arrival with high fives of confidence.

The third female was a very energetic Vulpix named Blair, who happily greeted the contests with enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

The next set of contestants came in a group of three.

The first was a male who struck Uxie as a leader. He was a Golduck named Perceus and usually stayed pretty quiet.

The next was a female named Annabeth. She was a Lucario and seemed very critical, judging the contestants under her breath.

The third was also a female. She was also another eeveelution. A Jolteon named Thaila, she seemed to be pretty average. However, her actions held just a touch of assertiveness.

Six more contestants arrived. A Farfetch'd named Gerald, who seemed fairly average upon first impressions.

The next two were both Cyndaquil, although one was coloured a sleek auburn color instead of the traditional blue. The shiny one was named Lunar, while the traditional coloured one was named Riley.

A Kadabra named Aaron, a female Kirlia named Shaylin, a male Charmander named Flare, a male Emolga named Kaz, a female Mienfoo named Crush and an Aipom named Flint were the last Pokèmon to arrive.

Azelf clapped his hands excitedly as all the contestants were finally in place. "Now that we're all together, we can begin to form teams!"

"Listen up," Mesprit said sternly. "There will be two teams. Team Red and Team Blue."

"That's creative," Gerald said sarcastically. Mesprit scoffed.

"I'll be calling the names of the contestants on the Red Team, while Uxie will call the contestants on the Blue Team. Okay?"

Everyone nodded.

"Alright then, those of you on the Red Team are.. Monica, Kaz, Flint, Gerald, Flare, Fang, Brooke, Chandler, Blair, Annabeth, Haze, Nuova, Rai, Tsuki and Aura."

Uxie spoke up. "The contestants on the Blue Team are.. Crush, Shadow, Aurora, Riley, Lunar, Perceus, Thaila, Ace, Elle, Lilly, Marine, Colton, Ryo, Aaron and Shaylin."

Azelf smiled. "Is everyone happy with their teams?"

"Actually," Ryo began, looking at Colton. "I really don't-"

"Great," interrupted Mesprit, purposefully. "Now that you guys know your teams, you can get to your cabins."

"I deserve better than a cabin to sleep in." Brooke said. Mesprit rolled his eyes.

"Anyways," Mesprit continued. "The cabins aren't co-ed. In other words, boys have one cabin and girls have another. Get unpacked, because tomorrow is your very first challenge!"

"This is the confessional," Uxie explained. "Here you can say anything you'd like, whether it's a serious confession or just something you'd like to get off your chest; it'll remain completely private. I promise I won't look at it! Mesprit and Azelf might, but not me!"

"I hate it here already," Fang said. "But since I'm here, I may as well win, right?"

"That Zangoose is really weird," Flare said. "I'll have to keep a watch on him.."

"These idiots have no idea," Brooke said. "I may seem like a priss, but they have no idea what I can really do!"

"I've seen a few of these guys looking at my sister," Shadow began. "They'd better keep their distance!"

Gerald is rubbing his wings together. "DESTRUCTION!"

"On these typeset of shows, the only way to get far is to form an alliance," Riley began. "Once you get to the merge, you can proceed to get rid of them, and victory will be obtainable."

She paused. "I need two members. One with strength and another that can be used as a test dummy- then I can eliminate them early and recruit more reliable members. The only question is- who?"

That night, Riley met with Haze and Elle.

"What'd you call us for?" Haze asked. Riley faked a sincere smile.

"I've noticed that you guys seem like really strong players, and I think that we should make an alliance to get far!"

Elle smiled brightly, while Haze smirked.

"I'll join!" Said Elle excitedly. Haze nodded in agreement.

Riley smiled. "Great! With our brilliance, we'll undeniably get to the final three!"

As they departed, Riley smirked. 'Bingo.'

"What Riley doesn't know is that I saw her little trick. She thinks she's clever, huh? I'll just use her until we get to the final ten and dispose of her." Haze explained.

Well wasn't this a fun chapter! Riley formed an alliance already! Will they get far? What will the first challenge be? Will Haze carry out his threat?

While you contemplate those questions, I want to give an apology to the characters who weren't accepted. I'm sorry!

Review and tell me how I did ! :3