AN: Hello, welcome to the second chapter of my story. Its go to see you decided to stay! I'm glad. Guess this won't be what you expected. Dark is really out of character here, but fret not, for it was intentional. I wanted to put emphasis on the feelings of the artwork's that are brought to life. I've always thought that there was more to it than that they're "just evil". My personally belief is that they're scared and confused being thrown so suddenly into the human world. I expressed that with Dark, who's been newly resurrected. So, he's working through some things but as the story progresses he'll become himself again. No need to worry.

Chapter 2:A Child

Dark sat in the dining room with his feet up on the wooden chair, hugging his knees. His... No, Diasuke's parents were trying to come up with ideas on how to get their son back. He had told them immediately after they recovered from the shock of seeing him again. Everybody had thought it was over, thought that it was done when he and Krad were sealed, but that apparently wasn't the case. It was morning now. They had called Riku and Satoshi and given them the news just an hour ago. Riku had arrived first. Even after three years she wasn't all to fond of Dark, but instead of making comments or flirting which was the way he usually was, Dark didn't say a word. Now she sat at the other end of the table with her hand propping up her chin. Satoshi had yet to arrive, as he had to travel much further. He had to attend a meeting with his father in the next town over, but he assured them that he would be there regardless of the meeting. Just then there was a knock at the door and Diasuke's father went to answer it. In walked Satoshi, Dark could recognize him by the blur hair and eyes, but everything else had changed. The boy he'd left behind three years ago was just that: a boy. This version of Satoshi was a man. Now 17, he'd grown up quite a bit; he stood taller than Dark now, and his facial features had become more grown-up. Even when he spoke his voice was deeper. Dark thought back to Diasuke, asleep last night. He'd grown up too, but not nearly as much. He still had the same light build and sensitive eyes. From what Dark could see he only got a little taller as well. It had felt like looking back in time, not much had changed so it felt like he'd just returned after a few days, but now reality came and smacked him in the face. Things had changed. Drastically. He glanced at Riku, seeing just how she'd grown as well. She was becoming a fine young woman, now more feminine. She was even wearing make up. A strange feeling washed over him. He didn't quite understand it or know what it was, but it came with the full realization that he was far from being like them. That he would never get older. He would always be the same, no matter what. He was so lost in thought he didn't hear what Diasuke's parents and Satoshi were talking about.

Satoshi looked over at Dark and Diasuke's mother sighed, "He's hasn't been himself since he got here. I wonder what's eating at him."

Satoshi thought a moment then said, "Being stuck with Krad for so long can destroy the mind. He'd be harder on Dark than he was on me since he hates him with a fiery passion. You can imagine the last three years must have been a living hell for him."

She nodded but Diasuke's father shook his head, "I don't think that's it. At least, not all of it. I think it might me that he doesn't understand how to act around humans anymore."

"That can't be right. Before Diasuke he'd been dormant for 40 years and it had no effect on him. Three is much less than that."

"That's just it. He'd been dormant, but he's always been in touch with our world. Its not like he just vanishes. No, its more like he's resting: still aware of what's going on but not really present. When he sealed himself away he lost all ties to our world. He has no idea what's happened in the last few years and has had no contact with humans. Can you imagine dropping off the face of the planet? Then being thrown back in to that world so suddenly? It would be disorienting to say the least."

There was a long silence while everybody took in what Diasuke's father had said. Finally his mother spoke up, "It must be hard for him not knowing anything. Being put here without warning and in this kind of situation, no longer knowing the world. It makes sense that he'd be just like a child."

"...a child..." Satoshi hmmed then pulled up a chair in front of Dark and sat down, facing him. Dark woke from his thoughts and gazed at the man in front of him, still unable to believe that this man and that boy were one in the same. Satoshi put on a small smile. He'd smiled more often the past few years, since his life became normal. He spoke to Dark calmly and kindly, "Now, Dark, I need you to tell me exactly what happened."