This is the re posting of an old story. First posted under my original pen name Tbird 1965. Hope you like it.
"Of course you can stay at Number 12, Mione." Harry said, "But you know Snape is staying there?"
He watched as a sly, shy smile came over his best friend's face and groaned. "You're not still on with that, are you Hermione?"
"On with what?" she asked, struggling to keep her voice innocent.
"Your 'Crush' on Snape?" Harry stared pointedly at her. "I mean I realize that Ron broke your heart when he took back up with Lavender…..but SNAPE?" he shook his head.
Hermione sighed, all joking aside. "I know you don't understand, Harry. But there is something there. I can feel it. And it's been there for awhile, since school even. If I don't at least try, I think I'll regret it for the rest of my life." her eyes were pleading. "Please? Just wish me luck."
"Luck" he whispered, giving her a hug. "Snape." he whispered, shaking his head.
"Snape." she repeated, smiling sadly and patting Harry's cheek.
Taking a deep breath, Hermione Granger opened the door to Number 12 Grimmauld Place. She slowly entered, placing her two suitcases in front of her. Glancing around she silently took in the place that was to be her new home.
"Hello" she called out. "Professor?" She walked quietly and glanced into the library, only to find it empty. Same for sitting room and kitchen. Climbing the stairs, she glanced into bedrooms. Clearly he was out. Sighing, she descended the stairs and retrieved her suitcases. Carrying them back upstairs she began to unpack and put away her belongs. She was depositing a handful of undergarments into the bureau drawer when she heard a noise behind her, turning she saw him standing in the doorway.
"Professor Snape." she said, surprised by his sudden appearance.
"Ms. Granger." he drawled in his baritone voice. "I gather you are planning on staying awhile?" he asked, his eyebrow raised as he glanced down at her hands.
Hermione looked down at the lacy bras and panties falling out of her clasped hands. Blushing she turned and tossed them in the drawer. "Yes." she said, turning back to him. "Circumstances have caused me to lose my residence. Harry was kind enough to offer me a place to stay."
"Circumstances." he said, drawing the word out. "I was under the impression that you were sharing a residence with Mr. Weasley."
"I was." she said sharply. "And now I'm not."
"Well." he said, clearing his throat. "I will leave you to your unpacking." His black cape billowed as he turned abruptly and walked away.
"That went well." she exhaled deeply and continued to unpack.
Snape entered his room and closed the door. He unfastened his cape and threw it across the room. Running a shaky hand through his long black hair he collapsed on the edge of his bed. 'Not with Ron anymore.' she had said. 'Living here now.' He took in a ragged breathe. He tried to wipe the vision of the lacy undergarments she had held in her hands from his mind. He tried to wipe the image of her wearing those lacy garments from his mind. "Merlin." he muttered to himself. "Haven't I been punished enough?"
Hermione finished her unpacking. She quickly changed into a pair of loose shorts and a tank top. He had startled her earlier when he appeared in the doorway. She found him just as impressive, frightening, intimidating, intense and sexy as she always had. Taking a deep breathe, she headed down the stairs.
She found him in the library. He was seated in a club chair reading a book. Hermione entered and settled herself on the sofa.
"It's good to see you again Professor." she said.
He glanced up over the book he was staring at and grunted.
"I'm sorry we weren't able to give you more warning," she explained, "but the decision was made rather suddenly." she faltered under his stare. "Regarding me moving in here that is."
He stared at her for what seemed like a very long time. "So. You and Mr. Weasley are no longer an item." he drawled.
Hermione snorted. "No. Professor." she said shaking her head, disdain in her voice. "Actually it was kind of a relief when I caught cheating with Lavender Brown. Things weren't working out anyway."
"Weasley cheated on you with the Brown twat?' Snape exclaimed, a little more forcefully then he intended.
"He did." she shrugged. "That surprises you?" she asked, staring directly at Snape. "After all I'm just a bushy haired, buck toothed know it all."
Snape blanched as his own words were repeated back to him.
"You are certainly none of those things, Ms. Granger." Snape said, inclining his head at her. "Despite what I may have said in the past."
"Why Professor." Hermione smiled. "Was that a compliment?" she teased.
"You said that things weren't working out between you and Mr. Weasley. Why is that?" he asked.
"Oh. Changing the subject." Hermione smiled knowingly. "Okay, I'll play along. Things weren't working out because the longer I was in a relationship with Ron, the longer I realized my feelings lie elsewhere."
"So," Snape purred out the word. "You are in love with someone else?"
"Well." Hermione sat up straighter. "I don't know. We've never discussed it. I don't even know if he shares my feelings. But I need to find out." she said wistfully.
Snape stared at her intensely. "May I offer my opinion, Ms. Granger?" he asked softly.
"You may." she whispered.
"Ronald Weasley is a stupid git and any Wizard who wouldn't want you is a bloody idiot."