Sorry for the late upload. I'm really busy with school and fixing some issue that really made me angry.

Apparently someone plagiarized my work and called it their original idea.

Good news is that it's already been taken care of.

P.S. I'm still working on my english so please try and understand if there's something wrong. Feel free to correct me :)

Chapter 9

A week has passed since Sora kissed me on the forehead. Call me weird, but I may or may have not been fantasizing about him kissing me again this time, on the lips. Sometimes I wished that he didn't have to do that because it always makes me look like a complete fool whenever I think about it.

It even plagued my dreams every night!

That night, I washed my face without letting the water touch my forehead, which is hard by the way. In the end, I decided to just wash it but never erased the memory of him planting a gentle kiss on my forehead.

Sora is really weird on so many levels.

One time, I woke up in the morning having him found completely naked in front of my bed demanding some breakfast. Of course, I was completely paralyzed on my bed, scanning his awesome abs while trying not to look all the way down. Yes, I screamed and shouted to get the hell out of the room but a part of me wishes I brought my Polaroid with me so that I could at least capture the moment where his steely eyes look at me like he wants something (which is food, by the way).

And now thinking about what I'd been thinking at that time made me grimace because it somehow reminded me of that old gay dude at Family Guy who's got this weird crush on Peter's son, Chris.

Okay, you must be all wondering why I'm telling this nonsense.

"Kairi, I'm hungry."

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, covering my face with a pillow. It's not that I still want to sleep. It's just Sora's here again in my room naked, trying to wake me up because his stomach is shouting food.

"Put on some clothes and I'll make one." I mumbled under the pillow. I could picture him cocking his head to the side after hearing what I just said. That's when I remembered that he can't even pick clothes for him to wear. So I grudgingly stand, the pillow still attached to my face, and let my free hand feel the surroundings like a blind person would do.

"Kairi, what are you doing?" Sora asked in a blank tone. I'm confused on whether he's asking a question or not because it sounded more like a statement.

"I am making my way towards your room to get you some clothes so that you can stop parading over the house like Adam!" I can compare Sora to Adam because both are exceedingly beautiful, has very nice build and is naked every day. Though, Sora's bareness only lasts after I forced him to dress.

I wouldn't mind being his Eve, but that would mean I have to parade all over the house naked also. So let's just say I'm his Eve with the clothes. Well, if he likes me like Adam likes Eve, that is. It's very hard to assume something that's not gonna happen especially if it's Sora.

I successfully found the door, turned the knob open and make my way outside. But as soon as I uncover my face, I heard a faint gasp behind my back. I recognized it as Namine, but what got me asking is why is she gasping?

And that's when I realized that I forgot to tell Sora to stay put in my room like I always do every morning he wakes me up.

I slowly turn around and seeped in a lot of air as I watch my sister looking at Sora, butt-naked. Her eyes scanned his body, starting from the neck and down to the crotch. Although Namine looks like she was about to faint from the redness of her face, she took a quick glance at me like I'm a goddess of luck.

"Damn." Namine said finally, still not looking away from Sora. "You are one lucky bitch, Kai. I always thought you believed in marriage before sex. But I can't blame your decision from screwing this guy. I mean, Sora's smoking."

My face went hot from embarrassment. "We did not have sex, Namine!"

She narrowed her eyes at me, her lips twitching into a teasing smile. "Right. Which is why Sora didn't just walk outside your room, naked."

"It's the truth!" I turned to Sora, my face instantly went double the red as my eyes landed on his abs instead. "T-Tell them Sora!"

Sora cocked his head to the side, a blank expression was present but his eyes were dangling with confusion. "Am I on fire?"

I face palmed, trying to drain the feeling of embarrassment and annoyance in my system. "It's a metaphor, Sora. Namine said that you're smoking because you're good looking not because you're on fire."

Sora slowly nodded.

"And where do you think you're going?" Namine froze on her steps, looking at me with a mischievous grin. She was on her way towards the stairs, her cell phone wrapped around her grubby fingers.

"I was thinking of calling Ven to buy you a box of condoms since it's embarrassing if I was the one to do it. I mean, surely you can't stop doing it once you've started, right?"

That only made my face triple red. "For the last time, Sora and I did not have sex!"

Namine snapped her fingers. "And yes, ear plugs. Roxas and I might need them because I'm beginning to think that your moans outmatch the ambulance siren." I swear, I could feel a nerve pop out of my forehead. "I mean, like they say, good girls are wild in bed."

I rolled my eyes at my sister, grabbed Sora's wrist and pulled him towards the direction of his room. My heart's been pounding non-stop and I was beginning to sweat beads because of the heat radiating on my face. If only a certain someone would stop appearing in my room bare, then maybe I could stop this growing fantasy in my mind where Sora and I really did have sex.

"Go Kairi! Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell Dad so go have fun!" I heard Namine say before I close Sora's door shut.

I turn around to find Sora, lying in his bed with Sora Jr (yeah, let's call his crotch that). I admit, I think I'm never gonna get used to Sora Jr always appearing the moment I open my eyes in the morning like it was telling me rise and shine, Kairi! in a very cute voice.

I shuddered at the thought.

I quickly made my way to his closet, grabbed a couple of random clothes that would surprisingly still look good on him even though it's weird for most guys, and throw it on his face. He slowly sat upright, blinking twice as he examines the clothes draped all over his body. Good thing that his blue checkered shirt landed on top of Sora Jr so that I could look at him without thinking pervert thoughts. Still, the fantasy never left my mind.

"Put it on me." He said in a monotone voice. I find it hard to think that his monotone voice is rather sexy but I still did. And damn, it really turned me on.

I hesitated at first but gave in since Sora sometimes can't put on a shirt without his elbows getting stuck in the collar. So I shakily grabbed the shirt and lifted it up revealing Sora Jr like he's saying, peekaboo! which is really weird. I didn't look at it and forced my gaze to fix on his abs. Oh my gosh, can they not get any more beautiful?

Oh shit. I'm beginning to think that I'm developing a weird fetish on Sora's abs.

But as soon as I put the shirt on Sora's head, he sneezed, a very loud one, and accidentally pushed me on the bed. I, however, looked like some teenage girl who's stuck in a cliché moment where her dream guy pins her on his bed like they were about to do it.

"Sorry." He mumbled, still in a monotone voice.

It made me giggle. "At least say it with feelings."

And just like that, the door opened wide revealing a wide-eyed Roxas, a smirking Namine and a grinning Ventus, who was carrying a box of condoms. Sora craned his neck and looked at them like he's watching a boring show while I looked like a deer caught in headlights. And because of that, I'm paralyzed that I can't even say a word of protest because my mouth refuses to open.

Ventus pulled a condom out from the box and shrugged. "Want one?"


I will try and upload next week, if I can.